fanfiction || the chain of destiny || buffy/faith || part fourteen

Feb 06, 2011 06:37

Title: The Chain of Destiny
Author: Sapphire Smoke cuzimastripper
Beta(s): supershineygirl & Frass
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Buffy/Faith
Word Length Thus Far: 112,644 words
Timeline: *** AU *** Welcome to me screwing with canon for my own pleasure. Buffy and Faith aren't slayers (yet), Buffy grew up in Sunnydale all her life and is the picture of popularity. Faith moved to Sunnydale eight months ago with her mother and is befriended by only Willow and Xander. I take liberties with canon events and facts and twist them to mold to my needs, you'll learn to either love or hate me for it, I'm sure.
Summary: All her life, Faith struggled with being a nobody. Then suddenly she's hit with the revelation that she's a potential Slayer, and that she and another girl that she's always despised are just pawns in the game of destiny, fate, and maybe even the end of the world...
A/N: Hold onto your hats, boys and girls. This will be one LONG ride...

Master of the Remote

‘Studying’ was more like a group hang out than anything else. Willow was trying to advocate some serious learning time, but it kind of gave way to movies and snacks as the books were eventually tossed to the side, forgotten about.

Faith’s on her stomach on the bed with Buffy and Willow on either side of her while Kennedy and Xander relax on the floor, flipping through Faith’s comic book collection and joking about her geekiness. Faith retaliates by throwing chips at them, some of which get stuck in Kennedy’s hair. “The fuck!” Kennedy exclaims, combing her fingers through her hair to get them out while the other’s laugh.

Buffy swipes the remote out of Faith’s hand suddenly, to which Faith responds with a, “Hey!”

“This movie sucks, Faith. The last thing I want to see in my free time is blood and gore, I get enough of that every night.” Buffy tells her, flipping through the channels. Faith makes a swipe for it but it’s held out of her reach.

“Saw is a fuckin’ classic, Buffy,” she protests, making another swipe for the remote.


“A classic?” Buffy repeats, mocking her term. She scoffs, as if the concept is ridiculous. “A classic is Gone With The Wind, not this garbage.” She holds out the remote tauntingly as Faith makes another swipe. “No, Faith. We’re not watching this.”

“Saw’s a good movie, Buffy,” Kennedy protests as she gets the last chip out of her hair before she throws it at a sniggering Xander. It smacks him on the forehead. He rubs it with a look of annoyance as he picks himself up off of the floor, heading across the room.

“I agree with Buffy,” Willow pipes up, making a disgruntled face as she thinks about what was just on the television. “T-That was gruesome, Faith. ”

“Don’t be a pussy, Red,” Faith responds distracted as a determined look crosses her face right before she practically tackles Buffy for the remote. Her body connects with Buffy fast and hard and the momentum sends them flying off the bed, onto the floor. Faith’s a little sore from the fall but as her friends laugh at their wrestling, she tries to get leverage by getting on top of Buffy, but in what seems like a blink of an eye Buffy has her pinned to the floor, her hand holding both of Faith’s above her head while her other hand holds the remote over her face, taunting her with a smirk on her face.

“Slayer,” she reminds her smugly. Faith looks up at her, peeved. But then she smirks and rolls her hips into her, knowing it’s going to throw her off her game.

“Didn’t know you were into a little kink, B. I’m not usually someone’s bitch, but I could make the exception.” She smirks at her as Buffy turns about four shades of red and practically flies off of her, obviously not wanting to give the wrong impression. That gives Faith the opportunity she needs to grab the remote from her.

She scrambles to her feet as Buffy’s jaw drops, “Hey! Faith, no!” She’s on her feet quickly, but Faith’s quicker and she runs into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her and locking it.

“Good job, genius,” Buffy tells her through the door as she bangs on it once. “You can’t change the channel from in there!”

But Faith isn’t listening, because suddenly there’s a shout behind her and she whips around, seeing Xander standing over the toilet with his dick hanging out as he tries to pee. The interruption startles him as he misses the toilet completely. “FAITH!” he exclaims, embarrassed as he tries to cover himself.

“Ahh!” Faith shouts, pretty sure she’s scarred for life now that she’s seen her friend’s cock. There are just some things that needed to be kept a mystery. “Fuck! Jesus Xander, when the hell did you get in here?!”

She can hear laughing from outside the door.

“I needed to pee!” Xander exclaims, stating the obvious as he zips up his pants, his face as bright as a tomato.

“Fuckin’ Christ. You’re cleaning up where you missed, y’know! I ain’t doin’ it!” Faith tells him, feeling incredibly disturbed as she practically flies out of the bathroom. She’s pretty sure Xander accidentally peed on her wall when she startled him. The second she’s out of the bathroom the remote is swiped from her hand, but she doesn’t care.

She never needed to see Xander’s dick. Ever. Sure she tried to fuck him the other day when she was all… retarded; but her? Lesbian. Penises tended to scar her already damaged young mind.

Kennedy was on the floor practically rolling with laugher, as was Buffy. Willow looked halfway between embarrassed for the both of them and amused and Faith grabbed a rag in a huff, throwing it to Xander in the bathroom. “Clean,” she instructs. Xander mumbles an embarrassed reply.

“That was the funniest shit I’ve seen all day,” Kennedy tells her as she laughs, far too amused by this situation for Faith’s liking. Faith flips her off.

“Yeah, nevermind the fact I’m probably scarred for life,” she replies flatly.

“You?” comes Xander’s voice from inside the bathroom, an octave or two higher than usual. It only makes Kennedy laugh harder. Faith points at Buffy accusingly.

“This is your fault.”

Buffy laughs as she sits on the bed. “I didn’t tell you to run in the bathroom! You did that all on your own.” She holds up the remote, taunting her with it. “And I won anyway, so it wasn’t even worth it.” Buffy gives her a smug look, but it’s only for a moment before Faith decides the psychological damage both she and Xander received shouldn’t be for nothing. She lunges at her.

“Faith!” Willow exclaims as she’s almost hit by her propelling body, jumping off the bed just in time so as to not get caught in the crossfire.

Buffy laughs. “Come and get some, weakling,” she taunts, dodging just in time so Faith merely flies onto the bed, but not on top of her. Buffy tries to pin her but her arm gets in the way and Faith bites it, not about to fight fair. She has the strength disadvantage, after all. “Ow!” Buffy protests, taking her arm away in shock that Faith actually bit her.

“I’ll show you weak, Princess,” Faith promises as she tackles her like a line backer, head under Buffy’s arm as her arms wrap around her torso, pushing her backwards.

As they wrestle on the bed, Xander comes out of the bathroom looking at the scene before him with disbelief, amusement, and some residual embarrassment from before.

“Ten bucks on Buffy,” Kennedy says casually, proposing the offer to Xander.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Ken,” Faith croaks out just as Buffy grasps her arm, pinning it behind her back as she uses her body weight to get Faith off of her.

“Sorry, but she’s the Slayer,” Kennedy replies, amused.

“Nah, I got my money on Faith,” Xander replies, taking the bet. “She’s deceptively sneaky.”

“Guys! Y-You’re going to break something!” Willow exclaims, but a little too late as Faith’s leg hits the lamp on the bedside table and it smashes to the ground.

“Thanks Xand,” Faith replies, out of breath and losing quite quickly as Buffy pushes her backwards. “I’ll tell everyone your cock is huge.” Fair trade right? Xander turns beat red though just as Buffy successfully gets Faith on her back, but she reaches up and starts running her fingers along Buffy’s sides, hoping she was ticklish. It was the only thing she could actually do in this position.


Buffy starts giggling, trying to swat her away. “Stop! That’s not fair!” Faith picks herself up off the bed once Buffy’s off of her, trying to get her to stop by franticly slapping away her hands.

“See? Sneaky,” Xander affirms. Willow has her hands over her eyes; afraid they were going to break something else.

“All’s fair, babe,” Faith replies, a smug look of her own now as she mercilessly tickles Buffy into submission. Buffy was trying to get her off of her, but her strength must have been hindered by how much she was laughing because she was failing miserably.

“Come on, Buffy! You’re going to lose me ten bucks!” Kennedy complains.

“She’s… not… fighting… fair!” Buffy gasps out through laughs. She does finally push Faith’s hands off of her, but only for a second before Faith comes right back around, grasping Buffy’s wrists as she uses her whole body to pin her to the bed.

“Okay, okay! Truce!” Buffy exclaims, allowing Faith to pin her there just because that means her hands aren’t tickling her so hard that she’s nearly about to pee herself. Her breathing is ragged and she looks up at Faith, who just smirks down at her.

“No truce,” Faith tells her, smug. “I win.”

“Fine, fine, you win,” Buffy says through gasps of much needed air. Kennedy reluctantly slaps a ten into Xander’s outstretched hand and Willow finally opens her eyes, glad the roughhousing was over. “But you didn’t fight fair.”

“Hey, you’re like ten times stronger than me,” Faith protests. “I had to even the playing field somehow.”

“Fine, whatever. Just get off of me,” Buffy requests, but Faith doesn’t move. Buffy raises an eyebrow at her expectantly, but Faith isn’t done with her winnings.

“Nope. Not until you tell me I’m the master of the remote.”

Buffy rolls her eyes. “You’re the master of the remote, Faith.”

“And that you’re my bitch,” Faith adds, smirking. Buffy looks at her, offended.

“Faith, that’s ridiculous. I’m not going to say that,” she protests, a slight pink hue adorning her cheeks as Faith watches her brain think a little bit too much about that statement. That was worth it in and of itself just because she knows Buffy’s thinking kinky, perverted little thoughts, but she still wants her to say it.

“Hey, I willingly accepted my bitch status when you pinned me on the floor, but the tables have turned. Think I’d be the dom if we ever got down like that, Twinkie.”

Willow coughs uncomfortably, but Kennedy and Xander are watching this interaction with far too much interest.

Buffy rolls her eyes, dismissing her. “You’re perverted,” she tells her as she pushes Faith off from on top of her.

“Ah, ah, ah,” Faith taunts. When Buffy pushes her hands off of her (ridiculously easily, by the way) she places her hands on her torso threateningly. “Say it or I start tickling again.” Buffy freezes, rethinking her options. She could easily get Faith off of her, but she clearly didn’t want to be the victim of another tickle attack. Faith smirks and Buffy narrows her eyes.

“I’m not going to-” But as Faith’s finger start tickling her sides she shouts rather quickly, “Okay, okay! Just stop! Oh my god.” Faith smirks, incredibly entertained by this situation. She liked having Buffy at her mercy like this; it was sexy. She teasingly bites her lower lip and raises her eyebrows expectantly.

Buffy flushes and mumbles, “I’m not saying it in front of everyone.”

“Ah come on, that’s half the fun,” Faith replies, amused. But Buffy shakes her head defiantly, already embarrassed that she was going to have to say something like that.

“Nope, not while they’re here.”

Faith rolls her eyes, but turns to the three people behind her. “You heard the lady; go pile in the bathroom for a second.”

“Whaaat?” Kennedy asks, clearly disappointed by this outcome. Willow readily goes into the bathroom, not wanting to bear witness to this any longer. She looked embarrassed herself. Xander and Kennedy hang back for a moment though.

“Guys,” Faith says, motioning her head towards the bathroom door.

“But it isn’t any fun for us if we’re in there,” Xander complains lightly. He grins when Buffy shoots him a death look.

Faith chuckles. “I know, sorry. But ya heard the girl, and I want my reward.”

Xander and Kennedy give equal looks of grumpiness to her, but reluctantly trudge off into the bathroom, disappointed. Faith turns to Buffy with a look of pure smugness and victory as she moves her hands away from Buffy’s torso, instead sliding them up her arms to pin her wrists to the bed again while she hovers over her.

Sometimes she has no concept of personal space, but from the way Buffy’s breathing becomes noticeably shallower when her breasts slid against hers, makes Faith find she doesn’t care much. A small smirk tugs on her lips as she prods, “Say it.” Her voice is an octave or two lower than normal and Buffy swallows.

“You’re intolerable, you know,” she tells her in a soft voice. Her tone isn’t angry or even annoyed, it only seems distracted. Faith isn’t sure if her low voice is so the others can’t hear them in the bathroom, or that Buffy can’t find it in her to speak at a normal octave with how close they are to each other.

“But I have my fun,” Faith responds softly with a smirk. She tosses her hair over her shoulder and looks down at her with a wicked gleam in her eye. Buffy looks halfway between turned on and wary from their position and while Faith knows she should stop, she’s having far too much fun. Besides, it’s been ages since she got any kind of action, so flirting would have to suffice.

Faith leans down, pressing her lips to Buffy’s ear. “Say it,” she whispers huskily, feeling a shiver run through Buffy’s body. She can hear that her breathing has picked up substantially. Faith congratulates herself mentally for practically rendering Buffy incompetent.

“What?” she asks, distracted, like she couldn’t remember for the life of her what brought them to this position. Faith smirks.

“Tell me you’re my bitch,” she reminds her, purposely making every word a breathy whisper to make Buffy shiver again. Her lips are against her and she has to control her natural urge to take her skin in her mouth and mark her neck.

It’s quiet for a moment and with every breath Buffy takes, Faith can feel it like she was breathing into her.

“I’m your bitch,” Buffy breathes finally, her voice a throaty whisper. Faith smiles against her skin before she leans up a little, face dangerously close to Buffy’s as she raises a flirty eyebrow.

“Yeah?” she prods softly.

Buffy’s eyes flicker to Faith’s lips that are only a breath away from hers and she confirms, “Yeah…” They lock eyes for a moment that seems to last forever before Faith finds she can’t take it anymore.

Her lips connect with Buffy’s.

Faith may have been the one who initiated it, but Buffy reciprocated eagerly. She lifted her head up a little, her mouth connecting more fully with Faith’s as she slips her tongue against hers. Faith lets go of Buffy’s wrist to slide her hand up her torso, dragging her palm over the smooth surface of the blonde’s stomach. Buffy lets out the tiniest of whimpers as she tangles her hands in Faith’s hair, sitting up a little more so she could get closer to her.

“This is a bad idea,” Buffy breathes when they break momentarily for a breath of air, however her hands are caressing Faith’s neck and down to her shoulders as Faith’s hand wanders up her shirt, over her back.

“Probably,” she responds throatily before she presses her lips to Buffy’s again, kissing her a little more passionately as Buffy grasps at her clothing, like she wasn’t sure if she wanted to pull it off or keep it on to save their sanities.

They practically fly apart however when there’s an impatient knock on the bathroom door. They forgot they had company. “Uh, guys? You finished yet?” Xander asks carefully from the other side of it.

Buffy’s eyes go wide as she stares at Faith like she isn’t sure if she should run or not. They’re silent and frozen for a moment; deer in headlights.

“Guys?” Xander asks again.

“They’re probably fucking,” they hear Kennedy mention casually. Buffy turns a bright red as she fixes her hair hastily.

“Never happened?” she asks Faith in a desperate whisper. While kissing Buffy again was fucking fantastic, at the moment Faith was inclined to agree. They were supposed to be friends, not getting into this whole mess again. That could complicate things far more than she was willing to deal with it.

She has to remember that she stopped Buffy from trying to pursue this relationship for a reason: she doesn’t do relationships. But sometimes Faith looks at her and all she wants to do is tear her clothes off.

It’s so frustrating.

“Never happened,” Faith agrees as she gets off the bed, walking towards the door. She takes a breath, composing herself so she could act like nothing happened before she bangs on the door in response to Xander’s knocking. “You can come out. We just wanted to see how long you’d stay in there before ya said anything.” She smirks as the door opens and Xander narrows her eyes at her.

“Not funny.”

“So funny,” Faith corrects, amused. She nudges Kennedy’s shoulder a little as she walks out of the bathroom, smirking at her as she says, “And if we were fuckin’, you’d be able to tell. I have yet to make a bitch not scream my name.”

Kennedy smirks at Faith and raises a flirty eyebrow. “Promise?” she asks in a low whisper. Unfortunately, with Buffy’s Slayer hearing, she heard it and threw the dirtiest look at Kennedy.

“Back off of her, Kennedy,” Buffy warns, not looking amused. Faith raises her eyebrows, not expecting such a blunt statement.

Kennedy didn’t even seem remotely fazed as she turned to her. “Why would you care? She’s not yours.” It wasn’t challenging, just curious.

“Because the last thing any of us need to do is sleep with each other when should be focusing on the Master; that’s why!” Buffy exclaims, with way more aggravation than the situation called for. “Big bad; world in peril, anyone remember? Or did that just happen to slip your minds?”

“Relax, Twinkie. Flirtin’ never hurt anyone,” Faith tells her, grabbing the remote off the floor now that it was officially hers. “We’re all over the Master sitch.” She pauses though; assessing how much truth that statement actually had then revised, “Sorta.”

“Oh, right. Yeah, sure, you both will be all over it after I die and one of you guys maybe takes my place,” Buffy snaps, looking furious. “Thanks.”

“Whoa, B. Chill with the hostility,” Faith says, raising her hands in surrender. “We ain’t gonna let you die. Promise, Princess.”

“Yeah, Buffy. W-We’ll think of something,” Willow chimes in, giving her a small, hopeful smile.

Buffy stares at Faith for a moment in silence, obviously still upset. Faith doesn’t really see why, seeing as she explained that the flirtation between her and Kennedy was just that; flirtation (even though she doesn’t want it to be just that, but Buffy doesn’t need to know that little piece of information either).

But then again, maybe Faith’s just being a complete idiot and hasn’t cared enough to notice that Buffy really is worried about the Master. She always kind of brushed it off like it’s her job and everything will be just fine; kicking ass and taking names, y’know, the usual Slayer routine. But the Master is big; seriously big. Buffy has to be crazy not to be at least a little scared, and Faith has to be as world-class dick not to notice until just now.

“I have to go,” Buffy says finally, running her fingers through her hair. She looks overwhelmed and she picks up her coat from the chair, sliding it on.

“B…” Faith starts, but Buffy waves her hands at her.

“No, it’s fine. I’m sorry I yelled, I’m just… stressed out. But I need to go on patrol; vampires don’t stake themselves,” Buffy answers without looking at anyone. Her hand grasps the door handle but before Faith can stop her, it’s Xander who comes over and puts a hand on her shoulder. Buffy turns to look at him.

“We’re all here for you, Buff,” he tells her seriously. They all need her to understand that. Faith realizes that most of the weight comes down on Buffy’s shoulders, but she isn’t alone; she’s got four people standing here, willing to fight for her.

“I know,” Buffy says softly. Her eyes reach everyone’s in the room before she gives them a small smile. “Thanks. I just… I do need to patrol. Trust me, if vampires really could stake themselves, I wouldn’t be leaving.”

They all nod at Buffy, understanding. All except Faith, who’s silent. Buffy looks at her and suddenly Faith asks, a little unsure of herself. “Do you… want company? Y’know what they say; two bitches with a stake are better than one.”

Buffy looks amused. “Who says that, exactly?” Faith shrugs.

“I dunno; the Council? Whatever. Still offerin’.”

Buffy looks at her for a while, as if assessing the situation. Finally she cocks her head and raises an eyebrow asking, “Do you promise not to die?”

Faith smirks, “Cross my heart and-“ she reassesses that saying and rephrases it, “don’t hope to die.” Buffy rolls her eyes playfully, but looks amused.

“Can I come?” Kennedy asks, excited.

“You’re not ready,” Buffy tells her seriously. Off of Kennedy’s offended look she explains, “Faith at least has been out in the field before; you haven’t. Sorry, it’s not personal. But I already have to keep an extra eye on Faith; I can’t afford the liability of you too.”

Kennedy has this full on brat attitude come over her as she crosses her arms in front of her chest, looking peeved. “Whatever.” Cue eye roll.

Ah, so there’s that spoiled rich girl attitude. Faith was wondering when that’d pop up.

“Ask Wesley to take you out sometime,” Buffy tries.

“That twat would scream like a pansy the second a vampire came near us,” Kennedy replies flatly. Buffy and Faith share a look; they can believe it. Wesley is such a punk ass little bitch.

“Sorry,” Buffy apologizes. Faith shoots her an apologetic look as well, but is too excited to be able to go out slaying to really bother with comforting Kennedy’s bruised ego. That’s probably her friend Tara’s job anyway.

“Please don’t get eaten,” Willow says, looking at Faith like this has ‘bad idea’ written all over it. Faith just smirks, her cockiness radiating off of her like a nuclear weapon.

“Please, the vamps will be beggin’ me not to eat them.”

Buffy raises an eyebrow looking at her oddly. “Um, ew?”

Faith shrugs. “Okay, that probably needed rephrasing, but whatever. Point is: I’m ready to kick some ass.” She smiles at Buffy who smiles back at her, although a little warily. She’s not sure how this will turn out either, but Faith figures Buffy just really needs the company right now and that’s why she’s letting her tag along.

“Well,” Faith says, opening the door for Buffy and holding her hand out to her. “Shall we?” she grins at her mock chivalry. Buffy gives her an amused look but takes her hand, allowing Faith to lead her out the door. “Hey,” Faith says, turning to her friends left in her motel room. “Crash if ya want, or ya can head out; either way. I’ll be back later.” She grins at Willow, who’s still shaking her head like this is the worst idea ever.

But she has Buffy with her; the Slayer. How could things go wrong?

Running Away

“Why can’t I have the ax?”

“Because knowing your aim, I’d fear for my safety,” Buffy tells her flatly as she rifles through her bag. When she picks out a stake, she tosses it to Faith who catches it easily. Faith gives her a disgruntled look as she leans against the abandoned building that Buffy just crawled out of.

“Don’t lose that stake,” Buffy tells her seriously as she watches Faith play with it in her hands. “It’s my favorite.”

Faith raises an eyebrow. “Ya have a favorite stake? What; you name it too?” As she cracks a smirk and twirls it in her fingers, she guesses, “Stabby McDuster or some shit?”

Buffy looks halfway between being a little embarrassed and annoyed. “Mr. Pointy, actually,” she corrects. Faith busts out laughing.

“Penis envy if I ever heard it.”

“What? No! Ew,” Buffy protests, looking disgruntled at being made fun of. She scrunches up her face as she zips up her duffle bag. With one last look at Faith she tells her, “You’re gross,” before she climbs back in the abandoned building through the window, putting the bag back where she found it. Faith leans over, looking at her through the small space.

“Why the fuck ya keep that shit there?” she asks.

“Because,” Buffy begins before she starts climbing back out of the window. Faith holds out her hand to help her up and Buffy takes it. “My Mom likes to randomly search my bedroom for ‘dirty laundry’,” she air quotes, looking like she believed her Mom was snooping more than doing chores, “and I don’t exactly have many hiding spots for weapons.” She shrugs, looking back at the building as she stands to full height. “Besides, there’s a million hiding spots in there and it’s right between two cemeteries. It’s convenient.”

“What if the bums find it?” Faith points out. “Pawn some sweet shit like that and they could get drunk for… well, a fuckin’ while.”

“Faith, this is Sunnydale,” Buffy tells her flatly, “Poster town for all things undead and hungry; homeless people don’t last two days on the street.”


Buffy swings the ax over her shoulder and looks at Faith pointedly. “Shall we?” she offers, mocking Faith’s chivalry from earlier.

“B, if you’re gonna do it, ya gotta do it right. There’s a hand gesture involved,” Faith tells her, smirking at her in amusement.

“Right, sorry,” Buffy says, then revises with an overdramatic gesture of her holding her hand out; leading the way for Faith, “Shall we?” She grins when Faith chuckles.

“You’re such a gentleman, B,” Faith jokes as she walks past Buffy’s outstretched hand, heading towards the cemetery. Buffy’s behind her, but Faith swears she can hear Buffy rolling her eyes at her.

“Gentlewoman,” Buffy corrects, catching up so she’s walking side-by-side with Faith.

“So you sayin’ that when ya finally do get into a girly-lovin’ relationship, you’d be the guy?” Faith teases.

Buffy’s jaw drops. “What? No! What does that have to do with anything?”

“Well the guy’s usually the chivalrous one, B. You’re the one wantin’ to be called a gentlewoman.” Buffy scrunches up her face in annoyance and punches Faith in the arm. Probably not hard by her standards, but hard enough to make Faith nearly push her into the cemetery gates in retaliation. “Ow! Fuck, B. Ya gotta quit with that shit. Superwoman ain’t meant to be bashing on civilians, if she was the comic book world would be turned upside down.” She rubs her arm.

“Please, you’re hardly a civilian, and I’m hardly Superwoman,” Buffy scoffs as they enter cemetery grounds. “And I wouldn’t be the guy, just for the record. I’m a cheerleader.”

“You used to be a cheerleader,” Faith points out, much to Buffy’s annoyance. She either quit the squad or got kicked off once she became a Slayer, Faith didn’t know the details. She just knew she wasn’t hopping around with pompoms anymore. “Besides, ain’t you ever seen that movie ‘But I’m a Cheerleader’?”

“Um, no,” Buffy states flatly, clearly not even knowing what it is.

“You’re missin’ out,” Faith tells her as they weave through the gravestones. “There’s this one bitch that masturbates while she gives herself like, aversion therapy or some shit with an electric shocker. Kinky.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” Buffy replies, sounding completely unenthused by the prospect. She’s obviously way too fucking vanilla, which Faith can’t even begin to comprehend. But then suddenly Buffy turns to her and asks, “And what about you, huh?”

“What about me?” Faith asks, confused. Was she asking about her masturbation habits? Cause if so, Faith’s totally down with this change in conversation.

“You’re obviously the guy, right?” Buffy asks, like she’s not all that sure about her theory.

Damn, not what she was thinking then.

Faith laughs though, “To be the guy in a relationship, I’d actually have to be in a relationship. Ain’t ever been on a date or taken a bitch on one, so no. Not really.”

Buffy narrows her eyes at her. “Can you stop with that, please?”

“With what?”

“With calling women ‘bitches’. You’re worse than a misogynistic male,” Buffy tells her, not looking amused in the slightest.

Faith folds her arms across her chest, defensive. “Probably just the hood in me,” she mocks, knowing that’s what Buffy thought of her.

“Faith, you’re not ‘hood.’ When you start wearing a gold tooth and more bangle bracelets than can even fit up your arm, saying stuff like ‘Who dat …insert inappropriate N word here’ and talking about your ‘baby daddy’, then you can call yourself hood,” Buffy tells her, in an overdramatic display of her mimicking what she believes ‘hood’ to be, most notably with her body language. Faith nearly falls over laughing.

To see the whitest girl ever try to imitate ghetto behavior was probably the funniest shit she’s seen in her whole life. She probably gets all her info on it from Jerry Springer.

“Shut up!” Buffy exclaims when she realizes Faith can barely even breathe from laughing so hard at her. She’s bent over a tombstone, unable to even speak. “Faith!”

Faith just keeps laughing, but pulls herself together enough to request, “Throw some gang signs at me, B. Come on. Funniest fuckin’ shit…” and then she dissolves into more laughter.

Buffy doesn’t look amused. “I have a gang sign for you,” she tells her, before she flips her off. Faith continues to laugh at her.

She stops though once they hear footsteps coming towards them. They both straighten up, instantly alert. Faith takes the stake out of her jacket and grips it tightly, eyes searching the darkness. Two figures step out from behind a mausoleum, smiling as they take notice of two lonely girls wandering around in a cemetery.

“Aw, look honey; they’re adorable,” the girl vampire coos, hanging on the male vampire’s arm as they stalk towards Buffy and Faith. “The blonde one looks like a Barbie. I wanna play with her…”

Faith tries not to snort as Buffy exclaims, offended, “Hey! I’m way cuter than Barbie, right Faith?”

“I dunno, B. Kinda hard to compare. I mean, Barbie wouldn’t be caught dead in that outfit of yours, that’s for sure,” Faith quips, which makes Buffy look down at her jeans and hooded sweatshirt with annoyance.

“You’re supposed to tell me I’m prettier than her,” Buffy tells her, seemingly more worried that Faith didn’t validate her hotness than she is about the two vampires coming towards them.

“Wouldn’t want to inflate your ego,” Faith says with a grin. Her heart is pounding in her chest from being around two things that could kill her, but she felt way more comfortable because Buffy was with her.

“Mel…” the male vampire starts, noticing something is off as the two girls are flooded with moonlight as they start to walk towards them. He stops, grabbing into what could only be assumed as his lover’s arm as he realizes they’re armed. “Slayer!” It’s said with fear.

“Which one?” the female, Mel, asks, seemingly not phased by their mortal enemy being in front of her. “The Barbie or the slut?” She turns her head, as if assessing them.

HEY. How the fuck would this bitch know about her sex life? Not like it’s written on her forehead. Faith really hates when people just assume. It may be true, but give her the benefit of the fucking doubt first, damn.

“Who cares, let’s just go!” The male urges, pulling on her arm, encouraging her to retreat.

“I hate it when they run,” Buffy says, sighing a little as she watches them book it in the opposite direction. “It takes the fun out of it.” But then she’s off, hot on their heels, with Faith following closely behind her.

It’s almost amusing to watch Buffy tackle the female to the ground like a friggin’ linebacker, if not for the rage it induces in her boyfriend, who comes at them both, fangs bared and snarling like some kind of deranged, rabid tiger on speed. Faith tries to intercept him so Buffy doesn’t have two on her, but after her first hit connects with his face he kicks her in the stomach, sending her sprawling.

Fuck, she hates that everyone but her seems to be obnoxiously strong.

As Faith picks herself up off the ground, ignoring the pain in her ribs, she snarls and launches at him. “Fucker, this was my favorite shirt!” she yells as she hits him. It’s now got his ugly boot print all over it; it’s gonna be a bitch to wash in her sink. He grabs her arm after she tries to punch him again, however, and his grip nearly breaks her wrist. So she head butts him instead, hoping to fuck she doesn’t end up with an ugly bruise tomorrow. “Shit, you got a hard head,” she swears as the vampire stumbles back, momentarily stunned.

Meanwhile, Buffy was finishing up on her vampire. With one fatal swing of her ax, the girl’s head severs from her body and she disappears in a pile of dust. “Mel!” the male screams, angry and distraught. But his anger blinds him as he dismisses Faith completely to try to kill Buffy, and Faith easily sticks her foot out to trip him. He falls to the ground in a heap. Faith wastes no time getting on top of him, using her whole body weight to pin him.

“Aw, are you gonna miss her dead flavored pussy?” she taunts. The vampire snarls and tries to get her off of him, but he’s pinned on his stomach and it doesn’t give him much leverage to throw her off.

“Faith, don’t play around,” Buffy chides, looking at her disapprovingly. “Just stake him.”

“You take all the fun outta life, B,” Faith tells her with a sigh before she rams the stake into his back. He disappears into a pile of dust and she lands on the ground.

“I’m not taking the fun out of life, Faith. But the minute you choose to taunt him could end up being the minute another vampire chooses to try to kill you.” Buffy holds her hand out to Faith and she takes it, allowing her to help her to her feet.

“Whatever, there was only two of them and you dusted the other,” Faith retorts.

“That doesn’t mean that there couldn’t have been another one waiting in the shadows for a perfect opportunity, which is what you would have been giving said hypothetical vampire.”

Faith rolls her eyes as she leans against a tombstone, rubbing her sore limbs. Buffy takes notice of it and asks, “Are you hurt?”

“Nah, just bruised. I’ll deal,” Faith responds. She touches her forehead and winces at the tenderness. “Did that fucker bruise my face?” she asks.

Buffy walks over to her, needing to get closer to inspect the area in the dim moonlight. She squints and reaches up, touching the area, which makes Faith smack her hands away when pain shoots through her head. “Jesus, you didn’t have to poke it.”

“I didn’t poke it, and you’ll be fine. It doesn’t look like it’s bruising. It may later though, I don’t know.”

“Some help you are,” Faith tells her flatly.

“Well I don’t know; I don’t bruise easily anymore,” Buffy replies, giving her a pointed look. Yeah, yeah, whatever. She’s Ms. Bad Ass Slayer. Faith gets it.

“Please, I bet I could make you bruise,” Faith retorts and gives her a dirty little smirk that Buffy would have looked annoyed by, if not for the slight blush that now adorned her cheeks. “Bet you’d like it too.”

“Just… shut up,” Buffy replies turning to walk away from her, embarrassed. She starts swinging the ax around to distract herself, and Faith has to dodge out of the way as she catches up to her.

Staying to Buffy’s side that isn’t swinging the ax, she grins as she pushes, “Oh come on, B. Don’t deny it.”

Faith knows she probably shouldn’t be pushing the issue, but what could she say? She fucking loved making Buffy blush. Even if they were gonna be ‘just friends’, that doesn’t mean she can’t tease her. Otherwise, what point would there be to their friendship?

“No, I wouldn’t like it,” Buffy shoots at her, glaring. Faith just smirks.

“So why’d you blush?”

“I didn’t-arg! Faith! Just shut up, will you? We’re trying to slay,” Buffy retorts, flustered. She won’t even look at her and puts extra effort into looking for vampires, who don’t seem to be anywhere in sight.

“Pretty sure the vamps will come to us, B. We’re two hot chicks roaming a cemetery; we got ‘meal’ written all over us. So, not like ya gotta put too much effort into it,” Faith tells her with a sly grin as she watches Buffy grow more frustrated by the second with the conversation.

“Do you enjoy this?” she asks angrily. “Torturing me?” Buffy finally stops walking and turns to look at her, one hand on her hip.

Faith shrugs casually, “So what if I do?” She gives her a shit eating grin, but it isn’t well received.

“So you’re an asshole,” Buffy tells her, not hint of a jest in her voice. “Do you think this is easy for me? Do you? To fall for the one girl who is a commitment-phobe? It’s not funny, Faith. All you’re doing is confusing me and it’s not fair.”

“Hey, you’re the one who told me you didn’t want to go to Homecoming with me, after you already asked me to go. Ya wanna talk about confusing, Princess? Let’s start there,” Faith snaps, getting defensive.

For fuck’s sake, she’s not the only one throwing mixed signals around here.

“Well it wasn’t going to be a date! So why would I want to go with you otherwise?” Buffy exclaims. She points at her accusingly, “You like me, I know you do. I’m not stupid, Faith. I see the way you look at me; I’d have to be blind not to notice.”

“What you’re seein’ is lust, Twinkie. Not ‘feelings’,” Faith mocks, air quoting the word like it’s completely laughable. Buffy’s eyes flash. “Yeah, I wanna fuck you. I’d take you right here in the cemetery if I could, but I’m trying to be the good little girl that doesn’t fuck around with you cause you’re my friend. I ain’t lookin’ to hurt you, B, so quit actin’ like I’m the bad guy. Just cause I like to make lewd comments at you, don’t mean I’m tryin’ to screw with your head; it’s just how I am.”

“It’s just ‘how you are?’” Buffy mocks heavily, getting angrier. “That’s such crap! If that were true, you’d be making them to Willow, to Xander, and God forbid to Giles…”

“Well I don’t wanna fuck any of them!” Faith defends, but Buffy’s on a roll.

“And you want to talk about not screwing with me? What the hell do you call making out with me in your bed earlier?! You seemed not to give a crap about screwing with me then!”

“You wanted me to kiss you!” Faith argues, getting angry. Why the fuck was Buffy acting like she was the worst person on the freaking planet just for giving her what she wants?

“I didn’t say that!”

“You didn’t have to! I think looking at me like you wanted to rip off my clothes was enough of a fuckin’ indicator!”

“Fuck you, Faith!” Buffy yells, getting emotional. Her voice hitches, but she refuses to cry; at least, not in front of Faith. “You have no idea how hard this is for me! I run the risk of getting killed every single night, so excuse me for maybe wanting a little bit of happiness in my life before I go!”

“I’m not your happiness, Princess,” Faith tells her with harsh honesty.

“Don’t you think I know that?!” Buffy shrieks. “You are the most lewd, crude, infuriatingly stubborn, impulsive slut I have ever known!” Faith opens her mouth, offended, but can’t get a word out because Buffy goes on, “And yet every time I close my eyes at night, I see your stupid face, with your stupid little arrogant smirk. I can’t get you out of my head and I hate it! I didn’t ask for this, Faith! I can’t stand you half the time, but apparently that doesn’t matter because even when I want to beat your face in, I still want to kiss you so hard that your head spins and you forget where you are, because that’s how you make me feel!”

Faith freezes and she stares at Buffy, wide-eyed. That was kind of heavy. Sexy in a way, but still really fucking heavy. The instinct to run flows through her entire being, but she can’t move from the spot she’s rooted too. Faith didn’t know what to say, what to do. She knew Buffy liked her, that much was obvious; she used to practically follow her around like a puppy, after all. But something about the way Buffy said that made her scared for reasons she couldn’t explain.

“Say something,” Buffy begs softly, looking incredibly vulnerable and completely terrified at the same time.

Faith stares at her for a moment, having no idea what someone’s even supposed to say to something like that. What was worse was that Faith closes her eyes at night and sees Buffy before she drifts off to sleep. But in her mind Buffy is usually doing a strip tease, so she never really thought much of it before. And the way Buffy described how she feels when they kiss… it’s how she feels too, but she accounted it to hormones and an impatient libido. So why does what Buffy is saying sound completely different to how Faith feels? It’s just sex, isn’t it? Faith just wants to have sex with her, right?

Fuck, this would be when knowing what the hell she’s actually feeling would come in handy. She usually just attributes most emotions to sex; it’s simpler. And for good reason too. She couldn’t actually like Buffy, could she? Cause that’s fucking ridiculous. Faith doesn’t do crushes.

“Vampire,” is all Faith can manage as a response as she sees one start to dig its way out of a grave in the distance. Buffy looks confused until she points, making Buffy look behind her.

“Great,” she mutters, sounding horribly upset before she takes off, running towards it. The vampire looks up, confused as to what the hell is going on, but doesn’t even get a second to ask a question before Buffy swings her ax, beheading it without a second thought or a witty quip. She turns to look at Faith in the distance, but doesn’t move. Faith thinks she waiting for her to come to her, but that’d just cause Buffy more mixed signals and she was pretty clear on not wanting those anymore.

How can she respond to all of that if she doesn’t even know how she feels? It’s too complicated, so Faith relies on her fallback plan: running away.

“I have to go,” Faith tells her before she turns, walking away without even giving Buffy a chance to respond.

“Faith!” she hears Buffy call out to her. When Faith hears her start to run, she does too. She doesn’t want to deal with this right now; she can’t.

Faith runs all the way back to her motel, even though she’s pretty sure Buffy stopped following her after she exited the graveyard. She leans against her door, closing her eyes. Her fucking head hurt. She didn’t want to have to deal with this right now. She was just fooling around; egging her on. All she wanted was to make her blush; it was fun. Why the fuck did she have to take it so personally and then turn everything around to make it all… serious?

Faith doesn’t even understand why Buffy likes her so much. If it was just about sex, she’d get it; she’s a hot fucking bitch, obviously. But other than that? She ain’t got nothing to offer her, not really. She’s a broke kid from the wrong side of the tracks who lives in a fucking motel room, helping her coked out mom get her fix just so she can get up and go to work in the morning. It ain’t like she’s anything special. She’s about as opposite of special that someone could get.

Fuck this. She didn’t want to think about it. She didn’t want to think about anything. Thinking only caused headaches and more confusion. Faith just wanted to drink until she passed out; it sounded like an excellent plan under the circumstances.

When she opened her door, her lights were out. Everyone had gone home. Faith didn’t even bother turning them on as she stripped off all her clothes, tossing them to the ground carelessly. As she sat on her bed, she grabbed the liquor bottle on her bedside table, popping it open and taking a swig.

Fuck today.

Faith replaced the bottle on the table before she lifted the covers, trying to get in bed. However, when she did that, she heard a groan and felt a body roll over. “What the fuck?!” Faith exclaims, practically jumping out of bed and switching on the light. Kennedy rolls over, shielding her eyes from the light.

“Christ, turn it off, will you?”

“What the fuck are you doing in my bed?” Faith asks, staring at her like her presence there was completely alien. Kennedy opened her eyes, smirking as the site of a nude Faith greets her vision.

“You said we could stay,” she clarifies, eyes trailing over every inch of Faith’s body. “I did. Guess I fell asleep waiting for you.” She cocks an eyebrow as Faith continues to stare at her. “So are you going to get back in bed and fuck me, or should I go? Cause I don’t mind if you want me to leave, but it seems like such a wasted opportunity since you’re already naked.”

Well, when she put it that way. Faith already had a shit day dealing with feelings and the instant cure for that would be some great, mindless sex. At least, it’d be a better cure than drinking herself into a coma. Certainly more enjoyable.

“Get naked,” is all Faith says before she switches the light back out. She doesn’t even have to think twice about it; when an opportunity is in front of her, of course she’s gonna take it.

They fell into each other shortly afterwards, Faith using sex to take out all her aggression about the mind trip Buffy’s giving her. Kennedy was more than willing to follow her lead; allowing her to be as rough and as dominant as she wanted. In fact, she more than once vocally encouraged it. Kennedy scratched her back so hard as Faith fucked her mercilessly, that she was sure her back would be tore up in the morning. But it didn’t matter. None of it really mattered.

Kennedy had three fingers buried inside of Faith’s pussy when she finally came, slamming her hand against the headboard as she basked in one, short moment where she didn’t have to think. But then when she came down from her high she remembered Buffy, and she demanded that Kennedy to make her cum again. She didn’t want to think about her, she didn’t want to think about anything.

Kennedy obliged, like the good little bitch she was.

Maybe it was wrong, how she used all these women. Maybe she shouldn’t be a massive slut with no regard to how she made other people feel. Maybe she should try to have something that means something, for once in her life.

But this was easier, simpler. And the last thing Faith wanted was something complicating her life up even more than it already was. Her life was a fucking disaster, there was no point pulling someone else in so they could drown with her.

Faith was just better off alone. Period.


tv: buffy the vampire slayer, character: faith, genre: femslash, character: buffy summers

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