my hand feels like ten thousand degrees of pain. my work schedule looks like 7AM-3PM from here until eternity. hence, i spent my saturday night browsing craigslist best of with jordan and jimmy while they made a dent in the 11 grams of hash tanner brought back from egypt in a canister of tea. and buying shit online.
take a picture of yourself right now. don't change your clothes. don't fix your hair just take a picture. post that picture with no editing. Include these instructions.
second degree burn at work, six pack of vicodin at the emergency room. i am: overfed, undersexed, impatient, teetering on the cusp of a quarter century at life (wednesday), pacing the house and fairly content. shit dudes, my hand hurts so fucking bad from the incident with the boiling water. thank god for workers comp.
tonight we went to chapman elementary at dusk to watch double digit thousands of the tiny birds torpedo down the school's chimney, where they sleep. it looks like this: