Here are the photos I took during the last week. A bit of a mixed bunch and, to be honest, nothing terribly exciting - ( but they are under this cut... )
Thank you. At least the wind has eased this morning, and it's not raining. But it is still cold - today's temperature is about 12C - really not June weather!
Please don´t tell me there´s bad weather brewing up again, which surely will hit us here come next week! I am so envious of the greenery on the island! Are those "trees" yuccas?
Not too much rain, but driven by 60mph winds yesterday...
The 'palm trees' are cordylines. I think technically they are cordyline australis. They grow well here because we never get very cold, due to the Gulf Stream. You find a lot of them in Cornwall as well.
Comments 23
Such a beautiful island!
I think I can live without the fish flies!
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The 'palm trees' are cordylines. I think technically they are cordyline australis. They grow well here because we never get very cold, due to the Gulf Stream. You find a lot of them in Cornwall as well.
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