House Hearts Wilson

Jan 09, 2010 23:08

Spoilers here... and maybe there... OK? ( Read more... )

fourteen, huddy, cameron, cuddy, spoiler, hilson, shore, house, luddy, wilson, chase

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Comments 5

meelsie_love78 January 10 2010, 05:43:33 UTC
Conclusion: life is shit, attempts to prove otherwise are pathetic. Is that really Shore's motto? See how I laugh at those stupid people who love my show, they're such schmucks for believing anything positive will ever last! Drama with a bit of wit, you say? We don't need no stinking wit, only sarcasm, fatalism and hyper-drama, gotta compete with those yummie reality shows!
THANK YOU SO MUCH, this is exactly how I'm feeling about House at the moment!!! My favourite characters are so fricking miserable, I can't stand it! No-one on this show is anywhere close to being happy, and I can't help thinking that Shore et al might just be using the 'misery = good drama' excuse.

I'm a sensitive person, and I need some happiness in my life! If the characters that I love are miserable and worse still are making themselves miserable, it makes me miserable too and then my shrink gets mad at me (jk jk - well, actually it's kinda true) Grrrr...

Ahem. Rant over. So sorry to invade your LJ with my fury, but I agree with you SO MUCH!


cuddylicious January 10 2010, 07:03:34 UTC
No problem! you're not invading anything. Glad to hear I'm not alone.


meelsie_love78 January 10 2010, 07:09:21 UTC
Oh, I have a funny feeling you are definitely not alone :D


damelola January 10 2010, 05:43:46 UTC
Don't worry - it's a public entry :)


cuddylicious January 10 2010, 07:03:58 UTC


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