House Hearts Wilson

Jan 09, 2010 23:08

Spoilers here... and maybe there... OK? Oh yeah, the crazy "House & Wilson're thinking about getting married" rumor... Bat shit crazy "fans," they would be hilarious if season 6 weren't already so nauseating. I think Shore is just pushing things way too far:

- Huddy & Luddy, of course (alien inhabiting Cuddy's gorgeous bod and all that)
- but also having Chase kill a patient on purpose... against his character as we know it... and for what? just to make him seriously screwed up too?
- getting rid of Cameron... why exactly? beats me
- making Wilson so detached, weird, uncaring at times, e.g., when House
- breaking up Fourteen... why exactly? beats me

Conclusion: life is shit, attempts to prove otherwise are pathetic. Is that really Shore's motto? See how I laugh at those stupid people who love my show, they're such schmucks for believing anything positive will ever last! Drama with a bit of wit, you say? We don't need no stinking wit, only sarcasm, fatalism and hyper-drama, gotta compete with those yummie reality shows!

Btw, for a good "treatment" of the said rumor, see lauriestein , that is if her relevant LJ post isn't off limits for you (I'm not sure about her access policy, which I'm sure suits her needs well... and mine too as I can read her posts  :-)  )

fourteen, huddy, cameron, cuddy, spoiler, hilson, shore, house, luddy, wilson, chase

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