♨ Fourteen Apples and Cinnamon - Action ♨

Aug 28, 2010 02:06

[It all happened so fast. She had only wanted to help him. Instead now she lies on the dirt road in a puddle of her own blood. Winry can't move, she can't even turn herself over. The red liquid stains her clothes and hair, spreading like an infection. The best the girl can do is turn her head so the steadily growing puddle doesn't choke her. Pain ( Read more... )

c! haruki, c! sokka, c! itachi, c! hermione

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Comments 144

yourhatred August 28 2010, 06:16:09 UTC
[The smell of blood is apparent before he actually sees her, his eyesight as poor as it is.

He approaches her cautiously, bending down to feel for a pulse, unmindful of the blood. There is no one else around that he can sense, not at the moment.

Leaning close, he speaks in a low whisper.] Can you hear me?


wings_thatwait August 28 2010, 06:28:47 UTC
[Winry wants to respond, but it's difficult. The pain is overwhelming. She has never experienced anything so severe before. The voice is also unfamiliar, but... It could be help. With all her might she tries to speak, and when she does her voice is strained:]



yourhatred August 28 2010, 07:31:30 UTC
Then say nothing else until I ask it of you. [The tomoe in his eyes spin as he quickly examines her chakra flow to ascertain her injuries. No broken bones. She's bleeding from a deep wound across her front, most likely caused by a blade. She'll need to be moved onto her back, the wound cleaned.

There's a clinic, he knows, but getting her there would take time she doesn't have. He at least needs to get her off the ground and to someplace where he might be able to find water and something to serve as bandages.

For now, he removes his shirt and hers. Sorry, Winry. Your life is more important than your modesty. He ties his around her tightly, keeping pressure on the wound.

Then he lifts her gently into his arms.] This workshop here - I'm going to take you inside. Just remain limp.


crytearsofjoy August 28 2010, 07:42:40 UTC
[With the wound as severe as it is, she pays no mind. And following his request to remain limp is easy enough - until he starts moving her. Every time she is shifted the girl gasps in pain, and becomes a little rigid as a result. To someone with battle experience she might come off as a big baby, but this is the worse she has ever had to deal with.

Once cradled in Itachi's arm the wincing stops for the most part. She wants to thank the Good Samaritan, but that would take strength she doesn't have at the moment.]


1/? god_is_a_dude August 28 2010, 06:33:12 UTC
[Mindful of Katara's advice to move around his yesterday-frozen muscles... Haruki has been pushing himself. Just a little. To be fair he spent most of the day cowering recovering in the Brigade room from the ordeal... so now, somewhat later in the day, he took to making at a light jog around the areas of town relatively close to the plaza. A jog that... is interrupted when he sees someone on the ground in the distance. What- well, someone's there so he hurried his butt on over to see who-]


2/? god_is_a_dude August 28 2010, 06:35:01 UTC
[...And then he sees who and initially he's transfixed with horror beyond anything he saw the other day. He immediately gets flashbacks to Usagi being- no. No- she can't be dead- that- That blood that's- That's impossible... It's impossible for Winry of all people to have died like-]

...You're shitting me-


3/3 god_is_a_dude August 28 2010, 06:37:24 UTC
[...But then, well, part of him hardens. He thinks back to that incident with Kamui and to Kotori and to Rena and realizes- no. That amount of blood doesn't have to be fatal. It doesn't. He takes the final half-dozen steps over to her at a brisk pace, willing Nala with all of his might to listen to him now of all times. Once close... the smell of blood honestly makes him want to vomit, but grim determination forces him to try to not get light-headed. He gently pokes the middle of her back-]

Oi. Oi- You're- [...Not dead, right? Okay so he's not perfectly okay]


crytearsofjoy August 28 2010, 06:44:35 UTC
[The girl doesn't say anything. Instead her hand moves, but it's not all that much. She wants to get up. She wants to get herself to the clinic. However because of her injury she's incapable. But that voice. It was Haruki. He'd help her, right...?]


loyalotter August 28 2010, 16:30:04 UTC
[Hermione's just wandering around at this point, but she sees the prone body first and then the blood. Her heart nearly stops. Oh god... She hates seeing this sort of thing and, blood be damned, she kneels down next to Winry and points her wand at the girl.]

Vulnera Sanentur. [She murmurs it three times, and it sounds very song-like, dragging her wand across the air over Winry's body. It takes a second round of three murmurs of the spell before the blood starts to actually do what it's supposed to. Winry should stop bleeding now and the wounds should be healing.]

Where are you get hurt? [Please don't let her be dead. Please...]


wings_thatwait August 28 2010, 17:06:12 UTC
F-front. [With her wound starting to close, Winry attempts - and fails - to roll over. Don't fret, Hermione. This girl is to stubborn to die just yet.]


loyalotter August 28 2010, 17:18:34 UTC
[A little magical help later, Hermione manages to roll Winry over. And then she hesitates before she Accios the dittany container out of her handbag.]

I'm going to put some dittany on the wound to help it heal faster so it won't scar. [Which means reaching under Winry's shirt if there's no gash through it, or just applying dittany around any tears in the fabric.]


crytearsofjoy August 28 2010, 17:22:57 UTC
[The shirt was basically ruined, as the sword had sliced her from her shoulders to her waist. The blond flinches at the application of medicine, but doesn't complain otherwise.]

Thank you.


THE NEXT DAY markofthewise August 29 2010, 01:23:00 UTC
[The next day Sokka will be coming over after finding a wounded Sigmund, learning of Edward's death, and getting a message from Haruki. If Winry (or anyone else) fails to open the door, Sokka will just let himself in to go find her.]


crytearsofjoy August 29 2010, 01:42:14 UTC
[Winry will be propped up with a handful of pillows, and reading a book when he finds her. She has already talked to Sigmund.

Winry can't focus. She's read the first half of this sentence a million times by now. She's not even thinking about anything - or at least trying not to. She looks sadly at the book, as if it were a beaten puppy.]


markofthewise August 29 2010, 01:48:27 UTC
[Once he spots her, he walks over. Not wanting to accidentally shock her, her speaks up before he gets too close.]



crytearsofjoy August 29 2010, 01:57:27 UTC
[She looks up from her book.] Sokka? I didn't hear you come in.


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