♨ Fourteen Apples and Cinnamon - Action ♨

Aug 28, 2010 02:06

[It all happened so fast. She had only wanted to help him. Instead now she lies on the dirt road in a puddle of her own blood. Winry can't move, she can't even turn herself over. The red liquid stains her clothes and hair, spreading like an infection. The best the girl can do is turn her head so the steadily growing puddle doesn't choke her. Pain ( Read more... )

c! haruki, c! sokka, c! itachi, c! hermione

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THE NEXT DAY markofthewise August 29 2010, 01:23:00 UTC
[The next day Sokka will be coming over after finding a wounded Sigmund, learning of Edward's death, and getting a message from Haruki. If Winry (or anyone else) fails to open the door, Sokka will just let himself in to go find her.]


crytearsofjoy August 29 2010, 01:42:14 UTC
[Winry will be propped up with a handful of pillows, and reading a book when he finds her. She has already talked to Sigmund.

Winry can't focus. She's read the first half of this sentence a million times by now. She's not even thinking about anything - or at least trying not to. She looks sadly at the book, as if it were a beaten puppy.]


markofthewise August 29 2010, 01:48:27 UTC
[Once he spots her, he walks over. Not wanting to accidentally shock her, her speaks up before he gets too close.]



crytearsofjoy August 29 2010, 01:57:27 UTC
[She looks up from her book.] Sokka? I didn't hear you come in.


markofthewise August 29 2010, 02:16:35 UTC
Sorry, no one answered the door. [He comes in closer to look her over.]

How are you feeling?


wings_thatwait August 29 2010, 02:28:39 UTC
Fine. [That's a lie, but she knows she's better off than some.]


markofthewise August 29 2010, 02:30:54 UTC
Are you really? Haruki told me what happened. [He takes a seat opposite of her.]


crytearsofjoy August 29 2010, 02:47:27 UTC
[She drops the book on her lap, and stares at it.] I'll heal.


markofthewise August 29 2010, 02:52:40 UTC
[He nods sullenly at that.]

He'll be okay. In a week, he'll be his old self.


crytearsofjoy August 29 2010, 02:57:29 UTC
But what about Sigmund? I know why Edward had to - and it's still hard to accept that - It's not right! None of it!

[She sits up, protesting. However when the energy leaves her she winces. No, that wasn't a good idea.]


markofthewise August 29 2010, 03:01:01 UTC
... I know that. [He lets out a sigh, already feeling guilty about all of this as it is.] I don't know about Sigmund. He wasn't in very good shape when I saw him. I think he'll be fine, but... [Yeah, he's not really helping, is he?]


crytearsofjoy August 29 2010, 03:06:46 UTC
[She hangs her head.]

It's all down hill with this place, isn't it?


markofthewise August 29 2010, 03:10:04 UTC
... it doesn't always have to be. [But he figures mentioning "Hey, I have a girlfriend now!" isn't the right kind of mood setter.]


crytearsofjoy August 29 2010, 03:30:26 UTC
[The girl attempts to hug her knees to her chest, but is only able to pull them up so far before her body tells her that's a bad idea too. Darn it.]

I suppose you're right. [Really Winry? Is that all? Has Luceti finally sucked all the optimism out of you?]


markofthewise August 29 2010, 03:34:31 UTC
[It better not have. Seeing she needs something to hug, he moves next to her and gently puts and arm around her shoulder.]

I know it's been a really bad month... but things are going to be fine. You've still got me. And even Haruki.


wings_thatwait August 29 2010, 04:13:39 UTC
[She leans into that, not knowing what to say. Usually with bad things she's had time to recover, but since the earthquake it's just been a string of chaos. It's overwhelming, and she doesn't know if she can handle it. If something else were to happen...]


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