∞ 03 24 ∞

Dec 14, 2008 20:55

[it surely comes as no surprise when the doors to Level 20 seal up and Level 21 starts to fail. the surprise is that Level 15 starts to fail with it, the lights in the shops going out one by one, the computers shutting down.

the captain decides to make an appearance this time, the snow and static rendering him nearly indistinguishable as he lounges in his captain's chair, the intercom doing little more than communicating his chuckles throughout the ship.]

I've almost got you.

It's been such a lovely voyage, hasn't it? Such fond memories. I'll always remember all the good times we had together.

You will too, won't you? While you still can.

Memories are wonderful, aren't they?

    Well then. The captain has stepped up his efforts to murder everyone. Within the next twenty-four hours all residents of Level 20 had better flee to safer ground; this means anyone with a suite or staying with someone who does is now out of a home. Within the next forty-eight hours Level 15 will lose all life support as well. If passengers are in need of supplies, they had best stock up now. Once Level 15 shuts down the only source of supplies will be the cabin in the Enviro-dome. Details for the cabin can be found in the last plot post. Something new has been added to the cabin as well: a particular kind of tree sitting in the corner of the den. It does somewhat suit the atmosphere of the place, doesn't it?

    By Tuesday, a total of four levels - Levels 22, 21, 20, and 15 - will be off-limits to all players. Everyone should have returned to their adult forms by now and those that did not destroy or dispose of their original suits will be able to navigate the failing levels before they are sealed. Additionally, the security bots have finally settled on an appropriate crime: everyone is now being charged with theft. Theft of what? Why, everything they've "bought" since they arrived on the ship! Did the passengers really think they could get something for nothing? The security bots will continue to use nonlethal means to capture passengers who do not resist and lethal means to terminate passengers who do. Captured passengers can break out or be rescued from the brig, but be ready to deal with security if these attempts are made.

    Players are allowed to combat and flee from security as they resist. The only "safe zone" now is the Enviro-dome, should they choose to go there. If not, characters will have to hide from security wherever they can or face a combat situation should they choose to move through the halls.

    If they do choose to continue to move about the ship, they will find that a door in the Main Bay has opened up. Through it and down a stairwell are Levels 3 and 4. The crew quarters don't look that friendly. In fact, they look as though a war was fought there. There are blast markings on the walls and debris and discarded bits and pieces of weaponry of all types scattered about, all mangled beyond repair. The bloodstains are quite old and there are curious patches that look as though a body may have lain there once. A bloody, gruesome battle was fought here, but by whom and how long ago is anyone's guess.

    Scrawled across a wall on Level 3 in dark paint is the following:

    If you have any questions regarding the current plot, feel free to ask them here.

! endgame 12/09/08 !, captain ganymede

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