Volume 005, Issue 248

Sep 14, 2010 05:42

This issue covers September 13 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

brisbanite made War Love Fate video Supernatural/Smallville: Chloe/Dean

ljossalf posted Torchwood/Fight Club poster

Current Challenges
xover_exchange has 2010 Crossover Exchange Sign Ups


Multifandom (4 or more, listed only once)
shinodabear wrote "Five Times Merlin Heard Arthur Had Returned and One Time He Spread the Rumour" PG, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Harry Potter, American Gods

Battlestar Galactica
virtualpersonal and brimstonegold wrote "The Winning Scenario, Chapter 4" NC-17, SPN/Battlestar Galactica: Dean/Sam

Big Bang Theory
droid-girl wrote "Land of Ice and Snow" PG, BTVS/A:TS/The Big Bang Theory: Sheldon/Penny

Buffy 'verse
Mierke wrote "Just a Ghost, Chapter 2" T, Firefly/Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy/Kaylee
droid-girl wrote "Land of Ice and Snow" PG, BTVS/A:TS/The Big Bang Theory: Sheldon/Penny

Criminal Minds
nike_ravus wrote "Danny ZukoTimestamp, Part 5" NC-17, X-men/Criminal Minds: Emma Frost/Emily Prentiss

Doctor Who
dark_aegis wrote "London Calling" All Ages, Doctor Who/Sherlock Holmes

Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog
rosie1234 wrote "Mix of Sweet and Evil" PG, One Tree Hill/Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog: Peyton/Dr. Horrible

Mierke wrote "Just a Ghost, Chapter 2" T, Firefly/Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy/Kaylee
BDM wrote "Firefly Mk2: Prelude, Chapters 1 and 2" T, Firefly/Halo
Thistlerose wrote "And Neither Have I Wings to Fly" T+, Firefly/Star Trek XII
Mercury Bard wrote "You Look so Good in Blue" GA, Firefly/House of Flying Daggers: River/ Xiao Mei
Jenna Thorn wrote "Campfire Tales" Teen+, Firefly/Star Wars

jaune_chat wrote "Free-Falling" PG-13, Heroes/Fringe

Games (General)
BDM wrote "Firefly Mk2: Prelude, Chapters 1 and 2" T, Firefly/Halo

Good Omens
saltagain wrote "Devilish Good Looks, Chapter 1" M, Good Omens/Star Trek 2009: Kirk/Gaila, Crowley/Aziraphale

ofthesounds wrote "A New Toy, Part 4" R, Supernatural/Heroes
jaune_chat wrote "Free-Falling" PG-13, Heroes/Fringe
deepbluemermaid wrote "Age(s) of the Geek, Part 4" PG-13, Leverage/Heroes/White Collar

idontlikegravy wrote "Saving Burning Bridges" NR, Highlander/NCIS/NCIS: LA

deepbluemermaid wrote "Age(s) of the Geek, Part 4" PG-13, Leverage/Heroes/White Collar

Lord of the Rings
weepingnaiad wrote "Walk Visible Under The Sun, Part 2" NC-17, Star Trek XI/Lord of the Rings: Éomer/Kirk

hopenight wrote "Fragile Things" PG-13, Merlin/White Collar: Neal/Emrys(Merlin)

Movies (General)
Mercury Bard wrote "You Look so Good in Blue" GA, Firefly/House of Flying Daggers: River/ Xiao Mei

NCIS 'verse
greenbirds wrote "Both Feel In Their Own Small Way" Teen, Stargate SG-1/NCIS/NCIS: LA
caz251 wrote "Of Fantasies Interrupted and Fulfilled" PG-15, NCIS/Torchwood: Jack/Ianto, Gibbs/Tony
idontlikegravy wrote "Saving Burning Bridges" NR, Highlander/NCIS/NCIS: LA

One Tree Hill
rosie1234 wrote "Mix of Sweet and Evil" PG, One Tree Hill/Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog: Peyton/Dr. Horrible

Sherlock Holmes
dark_aegis wrote "London Calling" All Ages, Doctor Who/Sherlock Holmes

Sons of Anarchy
chemm80 wrote "Turn The Page" NC-17, Supernatural/Sons of Anarchy: Dean/Jax

Star Trek
weepingnaiad wrote "Walk Visible Under The Sun, Part 2" NC-17, Star Trek XI/Lord of the Rings: Éomer/Kirk
saltagain wrote "Devilish Good Looks, Chapter 1" M, Good Omens/Star Trek 2009: Kirk/Gaila, Crowley/Aziraphale
Thistlerose wrote "And Neither Have I Wings to Fly" T+, Firefly/Star Trek XII

Star Wars
Jenna Thorn wrote "Campfire Tales" Teen+, Firefly/Star Wars

Stargate SG-1
greenbirds wrote "Both Feel In Their Own Small Way" Teen, Stargate SG-1/NCIS/NCIS: LA

ofthesounds wrote "A New Toy, Part 4" R, Supernatural/Heroes
virtualpersonal and brimstonegold wrote "The Winning Scenario, Chapter 4" NC-17, SPN/Battlestar Galactica: Dean/Sam
chemm80 wrote "Turn The Page" NC-17, Supernatural/Sons of Anarchy: Dean/Jax

caz251 wrote "Of Fantasies Interrupted and Fulfilled" PG-15, NCIS/Torchwood: Jack/Ianto, Gibbs/Tony

White Collar
hopenight wrote "Fragile Things" PG-13, Merlin/White Collar: Neal/Emrys(Merlin)
deepbluemermaid wrote "Age(s) of the Geek, Part 4" PG-13, Leverage/Heroes/White Collar

nike_ravus wrote "Danny ZukoTimestamp, Part 5" NC-17, X-men/Criminal Minds: Emma Frost/Emily Prentiss

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

sons of anarchy, buffy, torchwood, game (gen), battlestar galactica, doctor who, big bang theory, good omens, highlander, fight club, dr. horrible’s sing along blog, lord of the rings, fringe, firefly, merlin, movie (gen), supernatural, criminal minds, x-men, stargate: sg-1, ncis: la, star trek: reboot, sherlock holmes, star wars, white collar, harry potter, smallville, one tree hill, leverage, heroes, american gods, ncis

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