There are simply not enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be done (so naturally, I'm on livejournal). I told Zac last week that over the weekend I needed him to MAKE me do homework. I needed to get as much done as possible so I could spend this week packing. And he did what I needed him to do. I've been packing every night
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I should really be cleaning right no, but..meh. I just got home from work. I'm going to gather some laundry up and take it to my mom's to do since my washer broke
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The weathermen were calling for three to six inches to hit us yesterday. We ended up getting 11-12 here in Columbia. A few of the POs at work yesterday offered to stay until 5:00 to keep the office open, and everyone else was allowed to leave if they wanted to. I left at 10:30, after I got all my work done for the day. I made it almost all the
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Internet stalking will commence!....once I do this music meme.
Step 1: Put your iTunes or equivalent on random. Step 2: Post the first two lines from the first 30 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing
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