Time, I need it.

Sep 18, 2013 19:18

There are simply not enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be done (so naturally, I'm on livejournal). I told Zac last week that over the weekend I needed him to MAKE me do homework. I needed to get as much done as possible so I could spend this week packing. And he did what I needed him to do. I've been packing every night this week, and spending any downtime at work working on homework just so I don't fall behind. I have to admit, this semester is kicking my ass more than any other semester -- more than the semester I was dealing with the miscarriage and more than the semester I was having surgery together. I'm trying really hard, but four classes on top of two jobs (*ahem* one now ;)) and moving and trying to spend a decent amount of time with Zac has been rough.

I put in my notice at Michael's last week. I was getting pissed off that stupid store manager wasn't scheduling me for hardly any hours, and when she was, it was a shitty 5am Thursday morning shift. One Sunday I was there for adset along with my friend Alicia, who does ad set every other weekend. We're the only two who WANT to do it, and we're the only two who actually know HOW to do it. Because the weekend before, there had been FIVE people in the store and I'd essentially had to do ad set all alone, I didn't finish. Also partially because I was scheduled for only 3 hours instead of 4. Well, the next week when Alicia and I were both there, the store manager had the other guy who counts money (because that's Alicia's main job...she took over my job when I left the first time) to count the money for two hours so that Alicia could focus only on ad set and we could get done. She had Bill come in for TWO HOURS when she could have just given me my ONE HOUR back. So I was grumpy about that. And then during that week I was looking at the schedule. I knew we had a big ad coming up (lowest prices of the season), and I also knew that Alicia was off that weekend, because it was her weekend off. The schedule said I was off too, but I was on for Thursday morning. So I texted her to ask her about it...didn't we have a big one coming up and wasn't she off? She talked to the store manager and apparently there were FOUR people scheduled to work the ad, and I (one of the two main ad set people) was not part of it. I wrote my notice up that day and was going to drop it off on my lunch break, but traffic was crazy, so I sat on it for a few more hours. I went to Hobby Lobby after work (where Jim--the old store manager that I adored) now works. I talked to him for a good half an hour. I was in much better spirits about everything, and I still wanted to quit Michael's so I drove over there. The store manager and assistant manager were both off for the night, so I wrote her a note telling her I was sorry I couldn't do Thursdays anymore since I'm moving to Fulton (I haven't actually done a Thursday shift since my surgery in June), but I would continue to work Sunday, but that my last day would be on September 25th. It just wasn't worth it to get up at 3:00 in the morning to get to work by 5:00 am on Thursdays and work until 6:30 at night, nor was it probable to spend the gas to drive all the way to Columbia on Sundays to work a measly three hours. The next night I was getting online to check the schedule to see if maybe she'd put me on for that Sunday and I was completely locked out. Yeah, that took a while.

The first time I quit Michael's, I felt so heavy about it. I was so upset I actually cried a lot, and I dreamt about it a lot and lost sleep because I missed it so much. This time I feel lighter, freer, and happier. So I made a good decision. =)

Zac and I are going to be staying at his parents' house until he can get a job again (technically he still has the one, they're just not working him). Once he does, he's going to pay off his credit cards, and then we'll move somewhere. He's talking about staying in Fulton, even if he gets a job in Jefferson City, which I guess I'd be okay with. It isn't too big of a deal, as long as we're both making decent money. But while I'm staying there, I'm going to be able to save an ass ton of money, myself. His parents were telling me I didn't have to pay them any sort of rent money or anything, and I absolutely refused that. I cannot live with someone and not give them money if I have money to actually give them. I told them that I would give them at least $100 a paycheck. A lot of it is going to be saved, but some of it is going to go towards buying things I need that I can never afford (an actual winter coat, some shoes without holes in them, clothes that aren't 5 sizes too big, etc.). I'm not going to go crazy, but if I don't do these things while I can, I never will. But basically I bring home about $1400 a month and all I'll have is $210 for my car payment, $80 for insurance, $65 for phone, $45 for the storage unit I'm having to rent to put my crap in, and the $200 I'll be giving them every month, plus food and gas. So basically, I'm going to be able to breathe and it's going to be awesome. =D

I'm excited for this winter in a way I haven't been in a long time. First of all, it's my first Christmas shopping season not working at Michael's, and that is exciting. Second of all, I took off four days around Christmas and New Years, and because of the way the holidays and the weekend fell, I'm actually getting 8 days off total. And I'll be spending Christmas with Zac's family, since I'll probably still be living there and my family doesn't do anything. And he's talking about actually going to Thanksgiving with me, which is HUGE, because he's so paralyzingly shy and avoids things like this completely. I'm so proud of him. =) I'm also excited because snow days. I'll be living half an hour (or more) from work, on a country road that gets snowed in a lot, so I will have good excuses to call into work, snuggle up, and drink some hot chocolate (oh, and do homework....and read Tay's book...and nap a lot...and be super lazy because it will be awesome to do that). So yeah, winter, I'm ready. (I'll probably change my tune in a couple month's time. haha

So, there's all that. Oh! And I also bought a new laptop, which I'm still trying to get used to. Zac found me a really nice one, and then found it for $100 cheaper on another site, which is sweet! It's doing a lot better than my old one was. I had to have something because I still have two semesters left, and I can't be without a computer when I'm taking online classes, you know?

And on a not so great note. A couple of weeks ago, I got a call while I was at work saying my dad was in the hospital, that he'd passed out at work and they were trying to figure out what had happened. After a whole day of tests (without insurance, mind you), they determined he'd had a seizure. He's not supposed to be driving for 6 months, but he's stubborn, so he has been. He seems to be doing alright, and I think they gave him some medication for seizures. I doubt he takes it, but what a scary ordeal.

But anyway, I need to get off here and go do some more packing, I suppose. I've only got this week, this weekend, and next week to get it all done, and somehow manage to fit work and homework into the mix. Meep.

EDIT: Bah, so busy and scatter-brained that I just realized I posted about most of this last week. Too lazy to edit and find what's new. Don't have to read it if you don't wanna. xD

moving, michaels, mom, life, zac r, dad, jim, school, work

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