I have gotten very far behind on my book reviews! So, in the interest of catching up, I'm giving up on a bunch of them. I'm going to post a list of everything I've read since then, and follow up with a few reviews to highlight the ones I liked best.
About half an hour after I got home from work today, it was 91.2 degrees outside in the shade and 81.6 degrees inside. Not exactly my preference. I live in this area for a reason, people!
There's a large bush/small tree outside the window with a branch that's just a bit too long. It keeps scraping across the window and scaring the daylights out of me!
I just noticed that it was actually quite sunny out and thought I might go out to the pool for awhile. Right before I was going to go, though, I heard great big rolling booms that I would have said were thunder except a) it hardly ever thunders here and b) it's sunny. So I stuck my head outside to see what was up and discovered a great big mass of
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So I have this awesome friend linzbinz, and she grew up near where I live now. Problem is, for awhile I lived in the UK and she lived here. Then, when I moved here, she moved to the UK
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