Wicked Ways part 5 (Perry/Taeyang)

Feb 21, 2009 22:15

Title: Wicked Ways (part 5)
Beta: Tama and Momo. <3
Pairing: Taeyang/Perry (+ some implied pairings that are mostly irrelevant)
Rating: NC-17 for sex, marijuana and copious cursing.
Warnings: Taeyang's 20ish, Perry's in his late thirties. If the age difference (or teh gay) grosses you out, don't read it.
Previous parts: 1, 2, 3, interlude, 4.
Frightening Fact: I've been at this fic for, like, two years.
A/N: I think I'm actually going somewhere with it this time. Bear with me.
Min Suk is YG's brother and does whatever needs doing in YG Entertainment. Anything else you're confused about, just ask and I'll do my best to elucidate. ^^

Six singles in six months. The concept had seemed pretty ridiculous when YG had announced it, and Perry wasn't surprised they were missing deadlines left and right. It was award show season on top of everything else, and the toll the tight schedule had taken on the kids was obvious - Perry had come to keep Taekwon company during a rehearsal for their first concert, but he was currently dead to the world, sleeping against his shoulder under a small blanket their manager had handed him. Seung Ri and TOP had also nodded off, and Perry was pretty sure G-Dragon would be comatose if he hadn't been busy worrying about pumping practice.

Dae Sung, though, was talking enthusiastically to his trainer and making faces at the guy responsible for the making-of footage. He probably just never fucking slept.

Their manager knocked on the door to the dressing room and poked his head in. "Time for practice."

G-Dragon hopped off his chair and smacked Seung Ri and TOP awake on his way to the door. He'd left Taekwon to Perry, apparently, so he shook him a bit and pushed him upright. "Hey. Practice time."

Taekwon blinked down at him blearily. His eyes were looking in different directions. "Mmmkay..."

Perry smiled and leaned forward for a light kiss. "Fighting, babe."

At least that woke him up - he pulled away and stood up quickly, clearing his throat and glancing around. Perry wasn't sure what the problem was until he noticed the dead silence and the camera pointed their way. Fucking making-ofs.

He was trying to think of a magical statement that would diffuse the situation when Seung Ri spoke up, saying something in Korean that made everyone laugh uncomfortably before filing out of the room. Something about American customs. Probably better than whatever Perry would have said, anyway. Maybe he wouldn't be in too much trouble.

He sat back to wait and, predictably enough, Min Suk walked into the room about ten minutes later and gave him an exasperated look. "You're a PR nightmare, you know that?"

"Cute. Is that from your business English phrasebook?" Perry asked with a little grin.

Min Suk managed to keep looking stern for about three seconds, then huffed out a laugh and ran a hand through his hair. "Shut up. I can't believe you kissed him in front of a camera."

"It was a YG camera, yeah? Just don't put that shot on the DVD or whatever."

Min Suk rolled his eyes. "You're lucky the cameraman is a nice guy. Can you try not to start weird rumors, maybe?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be careful. Is your bro gonna know about this?"

"I won't tell him if you promise I won't ever have to deal with your sex life again."

"What, you don't wanna watch?"

The look Min Suk gave him almost made him wish that cameraman was still around.


Taekwon threw himself into Perry's Ferrari and his relieved sigh was loud enough for Perry to hear from outside the car. He smiled and shut the door. "Anyone else? This baby's faster than your van."

G-Dragon raised his hand. "Me~ I'm staying with Perry and and YB tonight," he said over his shoulder to their manager before getting into the back seat.

TOP gave the Ferrari a very long look, glanced at Perry, frowned and finally climbed into the van without a word. Still too scared, apparently. Perry snorted to himself and waved goodbye to Dae Sung and Seung Ri before getting into his car. "Everything okay, GD? Why d'you wanna stay over?"

"I'm fine. Just wanted to hang out with you," G-Dragon replied, shooting him a grin in the rear-view mirror. There was obviously something going through his head, but Perry had learned from experience that G-Dragon would tell him only when he was damn good and ready.

He didn't have to wait too long, as it turned out - as soon as Taekwon had stepped into his room to change, G-Dragon rifled through his bag and extracted a joint (of all the fucking things to carry around while rehearsing for a concert with 2489 people). "Look, my friend gave me that. Can we try?"

"It's illegal, y'know."

G-Dragon let out a loud "HA!" and Perry knew he'd already lost that battle. "I guess someone forgot to tell you and Jinu and Masta Wu and YG and--"

"I know, I know. Didja ask YG if you could try it?"

"Yeah. He always says he'll do it with me when I'm older. ... You better not say that too."

Waiting until G-Dragon was older seemed pretty useless at this point, but then again Perry had grown up in Oakland with seven older siblings, which meant that his first brush with weed had occurred when he'd still been using sippy cups. His perspective was probably a bit skewed. G-Dragon was an adult, though. More or less. "I'm gonna toke up with you when you're done with the award shows and the concert, a'ight? Gimme that joint."

G-Dragon clucked his tongue but handed the joint over anyway. "Fine. Can I try coke too?"

Taekwon wandered in wearing only sweatpants and blinked their way. "We have Coke?" He changed directions, heading into the kitchen.

Perry did his best not to laugh at either of them as he put the joint on the coffee table. "Maybe when you're older. That shit ain't good for you, anyway."

"There wasn't any," Taekwon muttered as he came back, scratching at his cornrows. He perched himself on Perry's knee and leaned back against him. "... Is that marijuana?"

"Yeah. P says we can smoke after the concert."

"Oh. It's really really illegal in Korea." He rubbed at his scalp and shook his head irritatedly, smacking Perry in the head with a couple of beads.

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry," Perry replied, reaching up to start undoing Taekwon's cornrows, careful not to pull on them too much. "No one's ever caught me."

G-Dragon stared. "Are you undoing his braids?"


"Wow. Ji Eun is going to kick your ass so hard."

Perry shrugged in perfect sync with Taekwon. "I think I can take her on." He leaned forward and made a neat little pile of silver beads next to the joint. "You didn't get in trouble with Min Suk, didja?" he asked Taekwon.

"No... He just said to be careful."

"Whatcha gonna do if someone catches you?" G-Dragon mumbled, chewing on his thumbnail. "Like fans or something."

Perry had been trying to avoid thinking about that too much. He'd heard about gay kids in Korea who got harassed so much they killed themselves, and he could barely imagine how bad it'd be for a famous artist. "I dunno. Guess we'd have to deny it or something."

G-Dragon nodded thoughtfully and chewed some more. "... I'm gonna tell the press I'm gay if they ever find out about you."

Perry smiled. Typical G-Drag - getting the press off their backs by out-gaying them. The entire PR team would shit themselves, but it was a nice gesture. "Thanks, kid." He put down another handful of beads and ruffled Taekwon's hair. "Better?"

Taekwon sighed happily in reply and slid down to nuzzle his neck. "Are you going to bed?"

Perry wasn't the slightest bit tired, but that tone of voice made the choice pretty easy. It'd been over a week since they'd had enough time together to mess around. "Fuck yeah," he replied quietly, then remembered G-Dragon and looked at him, trying to paste something resembling sheepishness onto his face.

G-Dragon snorted. "Go for it. Can I watch some DVDs?"

"Yeah, just don't mess up the--"

"Alphabetical order. I know."



He blinked and looked up at the girl. It was the first time one of the creepy fans waiting outside the building had bugged him on his way to Big Bang's apartment. Usually they seemed too young (or dumb) to even recognize him. "... Yeah?"

She held out a silver gift bag. "Um... can you give Dae Sung, please?"

Perry chuckled as he took the bag. "Yes. Nice English."

She grinned and bowed to him. "Thank you! Happy New Year~"

"Yeah, you too." He hurried into the building and up the stairs, not wanting to push his luck - there were a couple of other fans with bags in their hands (probably the ones who hadn't managed to get tickets to the concert). It was a miracle that Big Bang's Cytown wasn't already plastered with pictures of him sneaking in and out of there at weird hours.

He knocked on the door, not really expecting anyone to open it, and found himself blinking up at Jinu a few seconds later. "... Happy New Year. 'The hell you doin' here?"

"Cooking dinner," Jinu replied as he stepped aside to let him in. And it did smell damn good in there. Looked like he'd beaten Perry to the punch. "Young Bae ain't back yet."

"I know, I was gonna cook too." He raised the plastic bag he was carrying and Jinu rolled his eyes at it. Perry wasn't sure how to react to that until he glanced down and realized that the Spam can was visible under the layer of thin plastic. "Shut up, man, that shit's nutritious."

"It's not even meat." He eyed Perry, then turned on his heels and headed back to the kitchen. "I guess you can help with the side dishes or something."

Perry snorted and followed him. Maybe he could find a way to sneak the entire can into whatever Jinu had cooked, just to piss him off. He dropped his bags onto the table and checked the rice cooker. It was full - good. "D'you come here to cook often? Thought the kids and... what's-his-face, their manager were doin' it."

Jinu glanced up from sprinkling some kind of herb on the meat he was cooking. "Yeah, I drop by once in a while."

Perry nudged him aside to put a pan on the element he wasn't using, then drizzled some oil into it. "So which one are you fucking?"

"Oh, ha ha ha. I'm fucking Junie, dumba-- What the hell are you doing to my rice?"

Perry grinned. "Making it better."

There was more grouching, especially when Perry added the diced up Spam to the rice and when he stole a bite of Jinu's salad ("ruined the presentation" or something), but by the time the kids got home, they'd managed to make a pretty nice dinner.

They were a lot noisier than Perry had expected them to be at this hour - probably hadn't crashed down from the concert high yet. They babbled in way-too-fast Korean near the door for a while (undoubtedly making sure that every flat surface was covered in hats and jackets), until Taekwon exclaimed something Perry didn't manage to catch.

Jinu apparently had, because he snickered as he set the table. "Christ. When's the wedding, man?"

"... What'd he say?"

"'Smells like Perry rice.'"

Perry opened his mouth to reply and then couldn't because Taekwon was kissing him. He smiled into it and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Hey. How was it?"

"Really fun. YG said we did well. ... Oh, hi Jinu."

"Oh, hi Young Bae."

The other kids barged their way into the room and sat down after a round of greetings, congratulations and thank-yous. Perry decided to let Jinu handle the serving after the look he shot him when he reached for the salad bowl, and just pulled up a chair to sit next to Taekwon. "You comin' to my place afterwards? Your Christmas gift is over there."

Taekwon looked at him confusedly. "Christmas is last week."

"Was last week," Dae Sung muttered mostly to himself before popping a piece of meat into his mouth.

"Yeah, you gave us shoes," G-Dragon added. "But I'm going with you so we can smoke. Do I get another gift too, or is that just a boyfriend thing?"

Smoking at two in the morning. Right after the concert. Perry should've seen that coming. At least he was on YG Standard Time these days - went to bed at dawn and woke up in the afternoon. "Boyfriend thing, sorry. Didn't get to see him on Christmas."

"Hey, I didn't see you on Christmas either."

"You're not his boyfriend," Taekwon replied for him, and the unmistakable smugness in his voice made Perry smile.


Perry had decided to roll up his own joints - the weed he had was probably much better shit than whatever G-Dragon's mysterious friend could buy, and that joint he'd given him was the tiniest one he'd ever seen, anyway. The result, of course, was that G-Dragon was high as a fucking kite and had been talking Perry's ear off for the past hour or so. He was hilarious to watch, though, flailing hands and squinty red eyes and all.

"... because I didn't have any money on me for the shirt so I said-- Hey, do you have any Pringles?"

Taekwon snorted loudly and buried his face against Perry's neck, shoulders shaking. He hadn't wanted to smoke at first, but he'd eventually relented after G-Dragon had gotten him to read the Wikipedia page on marijuana (with the help of the brand spankin' new electronic Korean-English-Japanese dictionary Perry had just given him). He'd coughed like crazy and given up after a few puffs, but apparently that was all it took.

"Yeah. In the pantry."


Perry elbowed Taekwon lightly. "How d'you feel, Taek?"

Taekwon gave him a dopey smile. "Good."

"You really shouldn't call him Taek, y'know," G-Dragon started as he plopped back down, gesturing with the can of Pringles. "'Cause it's, like, Tae-kwon, not Taek-won. And also it's Taeyang now."

"What... That was the same fuckin' thing, first of all, and..." And he didn't know why he was even attempting to argue with G-Dragon. "Yo, you mind if I call you Taek?"

Taekwon put his chin on his shoulder, the same expression still on his face. "No."

G-Dragon tsked and crammed some chips into his mouth. "Wha'eve'."

Taekwon eyed the can of Pringles for a moment, then reached for it, which turned into a game of tug-of-war and quickly degenerated into a giggling, wrestling ball of limbs on the floor. Perry grinned and kept his feet out of the way. It didn't take long before Taekwon managed to grab the can (by more or less sitting on G-Dragon), and he crawled back onto the couch, coughing and laughing breathlessly.

"Hey, that was kinda hot," Perry said jokingly. Okay, half-jokingly.

G-Dragon smiled up at him, apparently content to stay spread-eagled on the floor. "You like me too, huh? I knew it."

"'Course I do." And it looked like Taekwon had something to say about that, so he added, "Ain't in love with you, though."

Taekwon watched him thoughtfully as he crunched down on a handful of chips. "... Why you love me?" he asked, squinting.

That question would've been hard enough to answer when Perry wasn't baked. He could think of a million little things - the way Taekwon held onto him when they got to sleep together, his singing voice, how he put up with his quirks without complaining much, his complete trust in Perry, the way he really listened to whatever he had to say, his fucking perfect body... but none of those sounded like good reasons on their own. "I just... do," he finally said.

That had sounded lame even to his own ears, but Taekwon only mmed in reply and grabbed more chips from the can.


Taekwon looked down cross-eyed at his slice of cold pizza. "'S really good."

They were having another little cultural exchange moment - Taekwon had asked Perry to wake him up thirty minutes early so they could spend some time together, and, while discussing breakfast options, it had come up that he'd somehow managed to reach nineteen years old without ever having cold pizza for breakfast. That was just fucking wrong, and there happened to be bulgogi pizza leftovers in Big Bang's fridge, so he'd talked Taekwon into trying it. "Told ya."

"You're not eating?"

"Nah, I'm gonna go to bed after you leave."

He took another bite. "... Did you ever have another boyfriend in YG Family?"

Perry blinked. That sure had come out of nowhere. "Yeah, I was with Sean for a while."

Taekwon froze mid-bite, staring at him with his mouth open. "... Sean? From Jinusean?"

Perry almost wanted to answer "no, the other one" to see just how confused he'd get. "Yeah, Sean from Jinusean."

Taekwon put down his slice, whipped out his electronic dictionary and started typing quickly.

"Adulterer," a cheerful female voice enunciated clearly a few seconds later. Taekwon looked up at him again and Perry couldn't hold back a laugh.

"Nah. Back in high school."

More typing. "Bisexual," the dictionary lady said, and Taekwon's lips moved slightly as he repeated the word to himself.

"Yeah, somethin' like that." That was the nicest - and shortest - answer Perry could manage. He wasn't about to open that can of worms with someone who looked up to Sean that much. "What's making you ask all of a sudden?"

"I dunno," Taekwon replied too fast, continuing to fiddle with the dictionary rather than looking at him. "I'm curious. Is Se7en gay too?"

"I think he's bi or somethin'. Bisexual," he added for clarification, then frowned as something occurred to him. It seemed pretty idiotic, but it'd explain the strange line of questioning. "Wait, you think I sleep with all the kids YG sends my way? That it?"

Taekwon finally put away the dictionary and inspected his pizza instead. "No..."

Perry snorted - he'd hit the nail on the head, obviously. He stepped closer until Taekwon couldn't keep avoiding his eyes. "Hey. You're the only guy I've ever dated in YG Family, okay? You seriously think G-Drag would last more than three minutes?" Taekwon cracked a smile, so he continued. "And I sure as hell never let anyone move in before. I love you 'cause you're you, not 'cause you're a gay trainee."

Taekwon nodded in understanding. "... Sorry."

TOP trudged into the kitchen, blinked at them, spun around and was only stopped by a quick "it's okay" from Taekwon. He turned again and more or less collapsed onto a chair, yawning.

"Want me to make coffee?" Perry asked (not that asking was really necessary). He felt almost bad for speaking to him in English when he saw the obvious inner struggle the question caused. After a few seconds, TOP settled for muttering something that tried really hard to be polite but didn't quite make sense in either language.

"Yes, please," Taekwon said slowly, shooting Perry a little grin.

"... Yesplease."

Perry chuckled and started rooting around for coffee grounds, idly replaying the conversation he'd just had in his mind. Taekwon had seemed satisfied enough by what he'd said, but the gears were almost audibly still turning in his head. It always took a while to have any kind of deep conversation - Taekwon would smile and nod and come back three days later with a clumsy translation of whatever he'd really wanted Perry to know, or either of their points would get lost in impromptu grammar lessons and they'd have to start over whenever their schedule allowed it. They weren't doing too bad, though, all things considered. Perry knew he'd hear about it eventually if something was still bothering him.


Perry was fully expecting not to see Taekwon on Valentine's Day. He'd been told to come up with some English translations of Big Bang's songs for an eventual Japanese debut, which could only mean that their schedule would be cranked up from "insane" to "physically impossible" in the next few months (as if performing constantly and appearing on all those dumb-ass variety shows wasn't enough). He would've loved to take Taekwon on the cheesiest date he could think of, but unless he told YG to fuck off and took Taekwon to Guam or something, that wasn't going to happen. The chocolates he'd bought would have to do - he was just hoping he'd get to see Taekwon this week.

So it came as a complete surprise when Taekwon burst into his apartment, disheveled and panting, his hair in a messy bun, and practically ran over to kiss him on the cheek. "Hi, just gonna take a shower before my Japanese lesson."

"Can you stay for lunch? I'll make sandwiches or something," Perry asked. Taekwon was halfway to the bathroom already.

"They're waiting for me downstairs, so I can't stay. Can I have a sandwich anyway?"

"Yeah, sure. What d'you want in--"

The bathroom door closed before Perry could finish the question. He smiled to himself, put his laptop aside and walked over to the kitchen. He'd just make a few different ones - if Taekwon was hungry, the other kids most likely were, too. And someone had to remind G-Dragon to eat something that wasn't Pringles once in a while.

He was just finishing packing the sandwiches when Taekwon emerged from the bathroom and made a beeline for him. Perry handed him the bag. "Give the other ones to Big Bang, a'ight?"

Taekwon blinked - he'd been about to say something - then glanced into the bag and nodded. "Thanks." He turned toward the door, turned to face him again and took a deep breath. "... It's Valentine's Day, right?"

"Yeah." He moved closer and pulled Taekwon down to kiss him softly. "Happy Valentine's Day, by the way."

Taekwon gave him a faint smile and reached into a pocket of his jeans. His hand was shaking. "I bought... something. In Japan."

Perry had lived in Korea long enough not to be too surprised when he opened the small box Taekwon gave him. Couple rings. Nice ones, too - silver, geometrically cut and not covered in tacky girly shit. He was pretty sure he was grinning like an idiot.

"It's okay if you don't want it. They looked cool so--"

"I want it," Perry replied firmly in Korean, because it seemed way too important to risk any misunderstandings. It had probably taken Taekwon ages to talk himself into buying them. "Which one's mine?"

"... The one with my initials inside," Taekwon mumbled, clearly embarrassed.

Perry tilted the box so he could see the engravings. He couldn't remember ever telling Taekwon his middle name. Or his ring size, for that matter. The kid had been paying attention.

And it was Taekwon's turn to grin like an idiot as he watched Perry put the ring on. "So you really want it?"

"Yeah, of course. I love it."

Taekwon's cellphone started ringing before he could say anything else. He checked it and made a face. "It's our manager. I really gotta go."

"You coming back tonight?" Perry asked.

"Tomorrow night," he replied after a short pause. "Sorry."

"It's okay. You should put yours on."

Taekwon shook his head as he took his ring out of the box. "I can't." His cellphone went off again and he shoved the ring into his pocket, then gave Perry a tight hug. "See you tomorrow, okay?"

Perry squeezed back and held onto Taekwon a bit longer when he tried to pull away. SBS or whatever network it was today could survive without Big Bang for another minute. "Yeah, see you."

Taekwon was out the door a nanosecond after he let go. Of course he couldn't wear the ring - there'd be an online lynch mob forming as soon as the fans noticed it. Perry made a mental note to get Taekwon a nice chain for it. It'd go well with the chocolates he hadn't had time to give him.


Taekwon gave the best fucking blowjobs. Slow and hesitant and completely focused, and he obviously had no idea what it did to Perry. He was getting less shy about it, too, as long as he didn't notice Perry watching him. And usually he was so damn focused on his dick that he didn't notice anything. Which only made it hotter.

Taekwon closed his eyes, frowning in concentration as he did his damnedest to deep-throat him, and Perry pulled on his hair lightly, breath hitching. "Taek, wait."

There was the barest scrape of stubble against the head of his cock as Taekwon looked up silently, lips shining. He did his best not to squirm. "Wanna fuck me?"

Taekwon blinked. "... What?"

"Fuck me."

"But... what?"

Perry was not going to grab the fucking dictionary at that moment. "Come on. You watched my porn, you know what that means." He turned onto his side and dug up a small bottle of lube from a drawer. Taekwon crawled up next to him, so he took the opportunity to grab his hand and pour some lube onto his fingers.

Taekwon blinked at him again, fingers dripping, looking completely lost.

Fuck. "That goes up my ass, Taek."

The blush that bloomed on Taekwon's face actually spread to his chest and ears, which Perry would have found impressive if he hadn't had other things on his mind. "Isn't it... gross?"

"No. You wanna do it or not?"

He chewed on his lower lip. "What if it hurts?"

"It won't."

"... You do it first."

"Jesus." But thirty seconds later he was lying in an awkward position with two fingers up his own ass, pretty sure he looked ridiculous. Taekwon was watching attentively, eyes wide. He should've talked the kid through it before trying to fuck. "It ain't difficult. Your turn."

Taekwon scooted closer, prodded around, and proceeded to finger-fuck him like he was afraid he'd break something. Perry arched into it and moaned breathlessly - maybe the kid would catch the clue bus if he acted like one of the guys in his porn flicks.

"So, um, it doesn't hurt?"

"No, just keep--" Taekwon's fingers finally did something productive and his breath caught in his throat. Taekwon snatched his hand away immediately.

"Did I--"


Taekwon cringed. "... Sorry. I've never done it before."

Well, duh. And now Perry felt like an asshole. He took a deep breath and sat up. "I know. Just... lie back, a'ight?"

Taekwon obeyed and stayed very still while Perry grabbed a condom from the still-open drawer and put it on him. At least he was still hard - there were some advantages to dating a teenager. He straddled Taekwon and smiled at the round-eyed look he gave him. "Relax."

Taekwon nodded quickly, definitely not relaxing, so Perry leaned down and kissed him, trailing one hand over his chest. He still tasted faintly like chocolate, and reacted enthusiastically enough to distract Perry for longer than he'd intended. By the time he broke the kiss, Taekwon had a firm grip on his hips and was rubbing himself slowly against his ass, probably without even realizing it. That was more like it.

Perry reached back to wrap a hand around Taekwon's cock, groaning softly as he leaned back to push the tip into himself. It'd been way too long.

Taekwon's grip tightened. "Does it--"

Perry sank down and settled his weight on Taekwon's hips, and the rest of his question was lost in a shaky moan. That was, thankfully, the last time he even attempted to speak that night.

!series, !m/m, pairing: perry/taeyang, artist: big bang

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