Wicked Ways part 1 (Taeyang/Perry)

Jul 31, 2008 18:33

Title: Wicked Ways
Pairing: Eventual Taeyang/Perry. Implied highschool!Perry/Sean, as usual. :D;
Rating: PG
Summary: Bits of an evolving friendship, basically. Nothing resembling romance (for now).
Warnings: Taeyang's 18, Perry's 35. That wouldn't be legal in Korea, so I'm mentioning it. If you just gagged, don't read this. ... well, read this, but don't read the second part. :D

"Is that the right spelling?" Taekwon asked, pointing to a scribbled verse on a sheet he'd ripped from Perry's notebook. Perry glanced at it and nodded, and the kid silently went back to work, curled up on an office chair next to him. He'd started hovering around Perry's studio right around the time he'd finally grown into his too-big feet and gangly teenager limbs, and Perry hadn't exactly been surprised. Se7en had done the same thing before him, right down to toeing the floor and asking if Perry needed "an assistant... or something".

Perry had a soft spot for obviously gay kids who obviously didn't want to spend more time at home than they absolutely had to. And that is how he kept ending up with shuffly, hormonal "assistants" who were about as useful to his work as Snoop Dogg had been while working on The Reign, stoned out of his gourd and making his 34th joke about Perry's height.

But they could bring him drinks, at least.

And... not that he'd ever admit it out loud, but Taekwon had turned into a bit more than a handy coffee fetcher over the weeks. He was eager to learn how everything worked, and often showed up in the morning to watch Perry attentively, not making a peep for hours on end. G-Dragon and Se7en had to ask endless questions and put their hands everywhere (and, in one memorable occasion, try to count Perry's leg hairs after having the gall to get bored), which usually made him hover between fondness and irrational early-morning homicidal urges.

Taekwon, however, was quiet, and his presence somehow wove itself seamlessly into Perry's routine - he barely noticed the few questions, the way his glass kept refilling itself, and the curious eyes on him anymore. But he did notice the way the kid slowly got better and more confident at songwriting and singing. They suited each other, somehow.

Taekwon had barely even moved when, after another hour or so, Perry decided to call it a day and shut his computer. "Get movin', kid."

"Are you going home?" Taekwon asked in Korean, looking up at him. He always spoke to him in Korean, and never expected anything other than English in return. They understood each other, and didn't have to sound like idiots. Another thing Perry liked about him.

"Yep. Gonna grab some grub first, though."

Taekwon nodded and stood up, turning his back on Perry to gather up his things and put them in his bag. He seemed nervous, suddenly, and fumbled with the zipper on his bag for a while before facing Perry again and clearing his throat. "Um. Can I go with you?"


Karma, Perry thought idly as he ran his fingers through Taekwon's hair, everything feeling nicely fuzzy thanks to the several beers he'd had. All the angsty, sexually confused kids in the family flocking to him in an unspoken agreement that he was the expert on all things gay, and would know how to comfort them. That had to be cosmic retribution for fucking Sean's brains out as a teenager, feeding him drugs and pretty much ruining his relationship with his parents.

He had thought Taekwon wanted to get laid, but it had become rather obvious, after watching him pick at a greasy burger for ten minutes and stare out the window of his Ferrari glumly, that the kid just wanted to talk. Everything had come spilling out after Taekwon had flopped down on Perry's couch, and it was all too familiar, his big brother calling him a faggot and his parents getting suspicious and trying to stop him from spending too much time with G-Dragon, hinting at how proud they were of his big brother having a real job and a girlfriend. Taekwon cried quietly, like he did everything else, his expression not even changing as the tears rolled down his cheeks.

Perry had downed enough beer to numb the urge to drive over to Taekwon's place and punch all of them - just barely. After a while, the kid had calmed down too, probably drunk on cheap booze for the first time in his life, and now he was lying with his head on Perry's lap, staring blankly at the turned-off TV, eyes still red.

He couldn't find anything comforting to say. People just fucking sucked. "Come here when they're bothering you, kid," he finally said.

It wasn't much, but Taekwon cracked a small smile. "Thanks. I will." He looked up at Perry. "Did your parents do that to you?"

Perry was unable to repress a snort. "Yeah, of course they did. I have five older brothers. My father didn't mind just tossin' out the defective one."

"You're not defective."

"You don't even know what that means," Perry replied.

Taekwon shrugged. "It's not something good."

Perry started to play with Taekwon's hair again, lacking the will to do anything more constructive. After a few minutes, Taekwon's head became heavier, and Perry let himself doze off too, knowing his back would hate him in the morning.


The rest of Big Bang descended upon them like starving vultures as soon as they stepped into the studios. Perry gave them a wide berth and watched as they circled Taekwon, who was still clearly hungover and wearing the rumpled clothes he had on the day before.

"Where were you?"

"You look like shit, man."

"Did you sleep with Perry?"

"What's wrong?"

He saw Taekwon's eyes darting around for him, but headed straight for his studio, not in the mood to deal with all six of them while his head was still pounding. The kid would know where to look, anyway.

Sure enough, Taekwon poked his head in a few minutes later. He walked up behind Perry, stood there silently for a moment, then put his arms around his shoulders to give him a quick hug. "Thanks for the lift... and everything. You're awesome."

Perry shrugged. "What'd you tell them?"

"Just that we talked and got drunk and I passed out on your couch."

"Well, that's what we did." And yet it was a lot more than that - karma and crying and waking up with his hand still tangled in the kid's hair.

Taekwon snorted softly, his thoughts probably echoing Perry's, and kept his arms around him, putting his chin on top of his head. Apparently Perry had been promoted to the clingy, emo sort of friendship Taekwon shared with G-Dragon. "I guess so, yeah. What are you working on?"

"Se7en's fourth."

"Already, huh? ... I have vocal training at ten."

Perry glanced at his watch. "You're five minutes late."

He could tell Taekwon was rolling his eyes. "I know. Can I come back here afterwards?"

"Only if you're bringing coffee and painkillers."

Taekwon snickered and gave him another little hug before stepping away. "See ya."

No way Perry was getting rid of the kid, now. Not that he particularly wanted to.


Big Bang debuted and suddenly Taekwon was way too busy to hang out in his studio, and Perry found out that he had more trouble concentrating when the boy wasn't around, which annoyed him to no end. After a week or so he was used to working alone again, though, and Taekwon still dropped by once in a while to talk for a few minutes.

He had had seemed fairly happy lately, and Perry was surprised when Taekwon called him at eleven on a Sunday night, clearly upset. "P? Can I come over?"

"Sure," Perry replied automatically, reaching over to lower the volume of the South Park episode he'd been rewatching. "What'd they do?"

"Dunno what their problem is, but they wanted me to take down my YG poster and it just went downhill from there."

Because Hyun Suk posters were evidently making children gay across the entire nation. It was a wonder some people could walk and breathe at the same time. "Fucking idiots," Perry spat out.

"Yeah, I know." Taekwon paused for a few seconds. "Um, pick me up? I missed the last bus."

Perry thought about that. "Are your parents still up?"

"Yep, I think they're fighting about me." At least this time he sounded pissed off rather than sad.

"Great. You realize they're gonna see some old dude picking you up late at night in a Ferrari? Ain't gonna help."

"I know that."

Perry heard pure evil in Taekwon's voice, and briefly wondered if they were spending too much time around each other. Oh well - too late, now. He remembered reaching that point, too, getting chewed out one too many times and feeling the part of himself that gave a damn just shrivel up and die. A wonderful feeling, once you realized it meant you could tell your parents to get bent. "I'll pick you up in a few."

Fifteen minutes later, Perry's car screeched to a halt in front of Taekwon's house, blasting Hoes, Money and Clout at a ridiculous volume. Taekwon walked out, shouting something at his parents, and slammed the door shut with a grin on his face. Perry was reminded of the few times he'd done similar things for Sean, back on Guam - except that Sean had been scared shitless and unable to appreciate his sheer brilliance when it came to pissing off the moronic and middle-aged. Taekwon seemed to, though, judging by the way he was still grinning when he climbed in and tossed his schoolbag onto the backseat. "You're awesome. Seriously."

"So I hear," Perry replied with a smirk. He looked at Taekwon's house again and noticed a silhouette in one of the windows. "Daddy's watchin'. Told ya."

Taekwon looked too, then grabbed him and planted a firm kiss on his lips. He barely had time to blink in surprise and it was over, Taekwon's cheeks turning red as he turned away from him again. "C'mon, drive before he goes on a rampage or something."

Perry snorted amusedly and drove off.


With that look on his face, YG had either fucked up a deadline again, or he was worrying about someone in the fam. Perry wasn't sure which one it would be this time. "Um, Young Bae's parents called."

Of course they had, the hypocrites. He didn't bat an eyelash. "Really."

"They're worried about him," YG continued. "They haven't seen him in two days. And he's been... spending lots of time with you, right?"

"My heart's bleedin' for 'em, sajang. Where is this going?" Perry asked, fiddling nonchalantly with some buttons on his console.

YG scratched the back of his neck, obviously uncomfortable. "Well... isn't he a bit young for you?"

"Who says we're screwin'?"

YG goggled at him, looking so surprised it almost made him laugh. "You're not?"

Rumors had been going around, apparently. "He needed a place to stay," he replied. "It's temporary. Chill out."


Perry snorted. "Yeah, 'oh'. Just tell the 'phobes he's been sleeping in the studios or something."

"Can you tell Young Bae to go see them? Or call them, at least?" YG wilted at the look Perry gave him. "All right, forget I said that. But they're just worried, you know. If my son ran away like that--"

"If you had a son, you wouldn't fuck with his head and make him run away just 'cause he likes dick."

"Well, no, but..." YG trailed off, apparently realizing he didn't have a point. "... um, thanks for taking care of him."


It took Perry nearly three weeks to realize it, but he walked out of his bathroom after a shower, one morning, saw the blanket draped over the arm of the couch, the Bright Eyes album on the coffee table, the checkered bandanna and military cap on the floor, and the cheap-ass Guamanian porn tapes he hadn't watched in years sitting on top of the TV, and it hit him like a ton of bricks: Taekwon had somehow managed to move into his place without him noticing.

And he didn't mind.

Of course, Taekwon chose that moment to walk in with a bag of groceries, whistling a Big Bang song and adding the perfect finishing touch to the incongruousness of it all.

"What the hell are you doing?" Perry blurted out, blinking.

Taekwon gave him a weird look. "The fridge was, like, empty." He kicked off his Converse shoes and walked over to the kitchen to put the food away. He seemed to know exactly where everything went, which was somewhere between amusing and disturbing.

"You gonna stay here forever, kid?"

Taekwon glanced at him. "Yes."

There wasn't much Perry could say to that.

!series, !m/m, pairing: perry/taeyang, artist: big bang

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