intro post of dooooooom!

Sep 10, 2019 02:24

since this is the single largest change/update/what-have-you I've ever made to my rather small, cozy f-list, I figured it was probably time to introduce myself, hey!

[short version]

name: fuujin
d.o.b: 1981.10.30
living in: seoul
interests (in no particular order): writing, reading, pretty boys who can't keep their hands off each other, ( Read more... )


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Comments 64

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coyotecolored August 30 2008, 09:51:45 UTC
hello~ so how old are you, then? I've run across quite a number of SJ fans who are 20+, so it doesn't really surprise me anymore.


magicmelodyx September 17 2008, 00:05:14 UTC
Hi there! I've been reading your fic for a while now, but I was hoping I could friend this journal too as you seem like quite an interesting person outside of fic too. ^^


coyotecolored September 17 2008, 00:06:48 UTC
no problem ^^ adding you back~


fionie November 29 2008, 07:12:28 UTC
hi there^^
I just added you, hope you don't mind.
I actually friend-ed your other journal, where you post all your fanfics.
But then I read this entry and MY DREAM IS TO TEACH ENGLISH IN KOREA!^^ yeah, here I am. hope you dont mind :/


coyotecolored November 29 2008, 09:40:39 UTC
nice ^^ good luck with that, and if you have any questions about the teaching-in-korea experience thus far, feel free to ask? *adds back*


fionie December 1 2008, 02:23:45 UTC
oh believe me, I have a lot of questions >_>
like, don't you have to know korean to teach in korea?
and um, the place you teach at - is it specially for English classes, or a normal


coyotecolored December 1 2008, 02:56:48 UTC
I don't know hardly any Korean, so nope... most of the foreign teachers don't speak it or make any attempt to learn. I taught myself the writing system, because it's a little awkward if you can't even read signs or the kids' Korean names, but it's super-easy to learn, very logical and stuff.

I teach at a private company (a hagwon), which gives special English classes after normal school ends, so my classes run like... 4-7 and 7-10. Korean public schools also hire English teachers, but those are day hours, obviously, and the classes aren't as intensive I think.


wobaozhewo March 10 2009, 02:14:34 UTC
'Ello. I was just passing by after reading your fic(s again). xD

Haha, after reading this post, you sound like a fun person to know. :]

My dream is to go to Asia... anywhere, really. But Korea is sorta my top choice x] So I can relate to your story of saving to go teach there. x] I'm still in college, so I'm still in the process of drowning in debt, but once I'm done!!! x]

-friends?- :]


coyotecolored March 10 2009, 02:28:22 UTC
sure thing, haha ;) a fellow Qmi and ShiHan fan? ♥ I think I've seen you commenting around on fics like that quite a bit, at least.

I still have some college debt, but working here is actually allowing me to pay it off quickly, which working in the States didn't help with at all ^^


wobaozhewo March 10 2009, 22:52:08 UTC
It's good to know that I have options xDXD

and!!! My two OTPs xD ♥ CAN'T BE BEAT :]


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coyotecolored May 3 2009, 01:24:18 UTC
no problem at all! ask away ;)


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coyotecolored May 3 2009, 06:01:30 UTC
haha, you have the best questions! you've obviously thought it out very carefully, and that's awesome ( ... )


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