We're Looking for a Few Good Reviewers!

Feb 22, 2009 08:44

cot_reviews is looking for new reviewers!

As we near the end of Round Two of the CoT Awards, we’re looking to expand our staff. Now that our moderator thinks she knows what she’s doing (she’s a deluded lass, but we like to keep her around), we’d like to have as wide a range of reviewers as we can possibly get. If you’re interested in joining us, we’d love to have you apply!

Is This For Me?

1. You must have a familiarity with some aspect of the Whoniverse. Whether your strength is in New Who, Classic Who, Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventures (SJA), we’re looking for folks who know the difference between a Dalek and an Ood.

2. You must be able to stick to a deadline. We have barely a month to get as many nominated stories as possible read and reviewed - and each review should be substantive. It’s not a lot of time, and it’s an awful lot of reviews - we thrive on speed and quality both.

3. You must love the stories you review. We don’t assign stories to our reviewers. You select which story you want to review, so that your words are sincere. As the motto says - every nominated fic is someone’s favorite. Do justice to its nomination, and tell us why it’s worthy to be so.

How To Apply

1. Fill out the application. Don’t agonize over your answers - it’s mostly so that if we don’t already know you, we can learn a little about you quickly. Whatever you say won’t affect anything.

2. Write us a sample review, using any of the fics on the Unreviewed Fic lists. ( Round One’s Unreviewed Fics. Round Two’s Unreviewed Fics, as of 22 February.)

You may also choose any fic from the Torchwood, SJA, or Classic Who categories in Round Two.

We ask that you please not choose a story you yourself wrote. Aim for somewhere between 300 and 1500 words - but we won’t hold you to that, it’s only a guideline.

3. Send the finished review and application to cotreviews@gmail.com. Save both in a single Word Document, using your LJ username as the file name. Your application and sample review are due March 8, 2009. (Round Three begins on April 1, 2009; this will give us time to sift through the applications and choose our newest staff members before it’s time to dive in!)

4. If you have any questions about the process, the application, or anything at all, please don’t hesitate to ask. All comments here are screened.

How We’ll Decide

We’ll read your review and application. We’ll look at the quality of your review, your writing style, and how well we believe you captured what makes that fic awesome.

We’ll also be looking at grammar and style. Spell-check your review. If you’re linking to other webpages, make sure those are correct. If you cite other fics, poems, or stories, make sure you credit properly.

Be yourself. Be positive. Be honest.

The Application

Please note that the bolded items are required. Everything else is optional. Please note: if you are a Torchwood-only or a SJA-only reviewer, it's okay if you don't have a favorite Doctor. Please don't let that stop you from applying - we'd love to have you, too!

LJ Username
Contact email
Favorite Doctor
Favorite companion/character
Please specify which of the four categories you’d like to review. (You can choose all four if you like.)
Why do you want to review for us?
What's the best fic you've read in recent memory? Why?
When did you become a DW fan?
When did you start writing/reading DW fanfic?
Link to your fanfic/fansite
If you could change something about cot_reviews, what would you change?
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