We'll be accepting multiple new reviewers - no number exactly, but I'm hoping to get at least four or five new reviewers for Round Three, and possibly more.
We don't put a number on how many reviews our staff should produce per round, either. In Round Two, it ranged from 2 reviews to over fifty. Anything in between is fine - whatever you feel you can do with the time you're given, and with the quality we expect.
Thanks for your interest! When you've completed your sample review, please send both that and what you've put here in an email to cotreviews@gmail.com. Save both in a single Word Document, using your LJ username as the file name. We'll need to see both together by March 8.
That's totally okay that you sent a note to the Page-A-Mod. I saw that, too. :)
Yes, voting in Round Two continues until 5 March. We are looking for reviewers for Round Three, which won't begin until 1 April.
Our invitation period will close on 8 March, in order to give us time to read through the applications and sample reviews. We hope to be able to let everyone know by 15 March, which gives us enough time to settle in before reviewing Round Three begins in earnest.
Comments 6
We'll be accepting multiple new reviewers - no number exactly, but I'm hoping to get at least four or five new reviewers for Round Three, and possibly more.
We don't put a number on how many reviews our staff should produce per round, either. In Round Two, it ranged from 2 reviews to over fifty. Anything in between is fine - whatever you feel you can do with the time you're given, and with the quality we expect.
(Love the icon, btw.)
Yes, voting in Round Two continues until 5 March. We are looking for reviewers for Round Three, which won't begin until 1 April.
Our invitation period will close on 8 March, in order to give us time to read through the applications and sample reviews. We hope to be able to let everyone know by 15 March, which gives us enough time to settle in before reviewing Round Three begins in earnest.
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