Halliwell Manor, Thanksgiving

Nov 22, 2006 22:34

Piper really loved Thanksgiving. It gave her an excuse to help Grams in the kitchen. It also gave her another reason to bake. Of course, there would be brownies. And various pies.

Mostly, she was grateful to have something to take her mind of recent events she'd been dealing with. She was somewhat nervous, though. She had handwavily invited ( Read more... )

thanksgiving, grams, lindsey, phoebe, halliwell manor

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wannabelawyer November 23 2006, 03:47:49 UTC
Lindsey had seen some scary things during his time at Fandom High and after. Nothing had filled him with quite so much dread as meeting Piper's grandmother. Especially on a holiday. But here he was, on the doorstep, and it was too late to go back now. Might as well ring the doorbell, instead of standing out here all day, so that's what he did.


wannabelawyer November 24 2006, 03:47:29 UTC
Lindsey smiled back, then turned his attention to Grams. "Thank you for having me Ms. Halliwell."
Couldn't hurt to be polite, right?


pennyhalliwell November 24 2006, 03:50:11 UTC
"Any boy who wants to capture the heart of a Halliwell woman has to come through me," Grams said. "I must know if they're worthy."


wannabelawyer November 24 2006, 03:57:42 UTC
"I do my best ma'am," Lindsey said. He wasn't sure what else to say to that. "Just hope I can measure up."


pennyhalliwell November 24 2006, 04:10:02 UTC
Grams picked up a carving knife. "White meat or dark?" she asked Lindsey. No, she wasn't eying him while deciding where to make a slice.


wannabelawyer November 24 2006, 04:16:28 UTC
"White, please," Lindsey answered. Since Grams wasn't eyeing him, he certainly wasn't watching the knife warily.


cookinggeek November 24 2006, 04:51:33 UTC
Piper was not at all thinking of ways to freeze the knife if it should accidentally slip out of Grams' hand.


pennyhalliwell November 24 2006, 04:53:43 UTC
Grams sliced off a piece of turkey and placed it on Lindsey's plate. "So tell me about yourself," she said.


wannabelawyer November 25 2006, 01:10:04 UTC
"Thanks," Lindsey said after receiving his turkey. "What would you like to know? I'm at school in LA now. From Oklahoma originally."


pennyhalliwell November 25 2006, 18:35:13 UTC
"What type of law are you looking to get into?" Grams asked. "What made you decide to go into that field?"


wannabelawyer November 25 2006, 19:03:04 UTC
"I'm thinking criminal," Lindsey said after a pause. "The whole courtroom thing's appealing. Could always change my mind if I find another area I like better though, once I get to law school."


pennyhalliwell November 25 2006, 23:37:17 UTC
"Defending or prosecuting?" Grams said, arching an eyebrow, looking at Lindsey with interest.


wannabelawyer November 26 2006, 03:59:31 UTC
"Defense," Lindsey answered. He didn't think mentioning that that was where the money tended to be would go over well, so he didn't elaborate. "If I can hack it, anyway."


pennyhalliwell November 26 2006, 05:07:03 UTC
"So...trying to ensure that criminals go free?" Grams said.


wannabelawyer November 26 2006, 05:21:30 UTC
"What? No." Startled by the question, it took Lindsey a moment to finally say, a bit defensively, "there are innocent people that need defending too."


pennyhalliwell November 26 2006, 05:24:09 UTC
"So you can tell the difference between the innocent and the guilty?" Grams said, leaning forward and looking at Lindsey, waiting for his answer.


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