Jar of Tahini - Recipe Suggestions?

Jul 02, 2011 18:51

Hello fellow cookers ( Read more... )

oil: sesame, help: what to make

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Comments 25

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paraboobizarre July 2 2011, 18:21:35 UTC

I've heard of hummus before but didn't know it contained tahini. I'll have to try that asap - it sounds really good :)


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paraboobizarre July 2 2011, 18:45:04 UTC
I was thinking of that - maybe toast some sesame seeds and stir them in as well.
Tbh, I am a little disappointed by the lack of SESAME! in it - I expected the taste to be stronger.


talkingdonkey July 2 2011, 17:59:32 UTC
You can make hummus if you enjoy that. :)

Or, I just found this: http://mideastfood.about.com/od/maindishes/r/fishwithtahini.htm
Sounds delicious!


paraboobizarre July 2 2011, 18:20:38 UTC
That recipe sounds great! Thanks! :D


magnifythestars July 9 2011, 03:06:54 UTC
That is a great dish! I used to make it all the time during Lent. Just be careful...the tahini flavor can become overwhelming if you use too much.


dom_ino July 2 2011, 18:26:18 UTC
I'm a bigger fan of baba ganouj than hummus, myself; with this recipe, however, I take the extra step of rinsing the seeds out of the cooked eggplant.


paraboobizarre July 2 2011, 18:39:38 UTC
Sorry, I only just saw this marked as suspicious comment - strange...

I LOVE eggplants - thanks for the link :D


dom_ino July 2 2011, 18:45:53 UTC
Apparently when I post links I get screened now. *shrug* Ten years on this thing and the robotic overlords still don't trust you.


paraboobizarre July 2 2011, 18:48:51 UTC
the robotic overlords

Now why does that automatically make me think of Doctor Who?


carminaburana July 2 2011, 18:30:09 UTC
It's used a lot in Middle Eastern cooking. You can use it in hummus, baba ghanouj, and in salad dressings and dips. One of the most common dips is called "taratour". You mix tahini with some yogurt, lemon juice, and a little crushed garlic and serve with either shawarma sandwiches (similar to the gyro) or as a dip for fried fish.

Also, for a sweet dip (Lebanese people generally dip pita bread in it, but you can dip scones or biscuits in it too), mix one part tahini to one part carob molasses. It's very very delish.


paraboobizarre July 2 2011, 18:34:41 UTC

I'd really like to try using the tahini for something sweet because I love sesame that way.
I just looked up carob molasses online and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get it anywhere around here - any ideas what I could substitute for it? Honey maybe?


carminaburana July 2 2011, 19:01:05 UTC
I think honey would be too sweet. Maybe regular molasses? Do you have any Greek or Middle Eastern markets near you? They should definitely have carob molasses there.


carminaburana July 2 2011, 19:01:19 UTC
ooh - chocolate syrup would also work


carminaburana July 2 2011, 18:31:13 UTC
Also, this dressing uses tahini and is awesome with salads or over chicken: http://www.food.com/recipe/tahini-goddess-salad-dressing-95888


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