Ham 'n cheese bites, or tarts

Feb 16, 2011 07:49

Lately my boyfriend and I have been bad at finishing leftovers so this week I was determined to stretch everything I possibly could. I had leftover pie dough (I really like Aida Mollencamp's recipe) so I just used my mini muffin tin and par-baked the dough. Then added leftover deli ham with swiss cheese in some, provolone in the rest, some salt so ( Read more... )


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Comments 7

knox_y February 16 2011, 16:36:15 UTC
That's fantastic looking use for leftovers.


sinandsilence February 16 2011, 16:55:22 UTC
In the summer I caramelize onions and mix in halved cherry tomatoes, throw in some basil and garlic and put them in little par-baked pie dough cups, and bake for like 5 minutes at 425 just to soften the tomatoes. Great use for all those extra cherry tomatoes if you have a gardener in your life.


veryshortlist February 16 2011, 17:23:21 UTC
i usually jut make a stirfry with an egg from my leftovers. tell me more about this cucumber salad, though, i am intrigued.


sorcha_ruel February 16 2011, 17:52:40 UTC
Cucumber salad, heh... my mom got me saying it. Whenever she makes dinner and says "with salad" it's this. It's just cucumbers tossed with a balsamic vinaigrette I whipped up.


kamaliitaru February 17 2011, 01:53:41 UTC
I usually make a pot pie with my leftovers. Although, I do like to make gravy and mix leftover hamburger, onions, and mushrooms in it, then bake it in either leftover pie dough or yeast dough.


therumsgone February 17 2011, 15:32:00 UTC
These aren't really recipes so much as general ideas, but they've helped me out so much in my quest to waste less food. The Pleasures of Cooking for One has tons of recipes where one dish leads into others throughout the week that work great if you're cooking for yourself and are easy to scale up. Ad Hoc At Home has similar suggestions as well ( ... )


therumsgone February 17 2011, 15:34:07 UTC
Oh also, don't forget to have vegetables with breakfast! Sautéed spinach, kale, mushrooms, etc. work great with eggs or in crêpes!


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