Budget Meals

May 01, 2009 21:32

I've decided to forego the college meal plan next year, and instead am allotting myself $50/week for food in hopes that I can save a little more money that would have otherwise been spent on meals in the cafeteria ( Read more... )

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Comments 27

drusilla May 1 2009, 13:47:39 UTC
I went ahead and approved this, but I just want to point out that your HTML is messed up. ;)


revelationtrib May 1 2009, 14:00:46 UTC
yup, saw it as soon as i refreshed my friends page. haha. thanks!


hazakaza May 1 2009, 14:07:07 UTC
As the mod mentioned, your html is messed up ( ... )


revelationtrib May 1 2009, 14:46:15 UTC
the coq au vin sounds scrumptious! i'd love the recipe for that :)


hazakaza May 1 2009, 15:05:05 UTC
It's really simple ( ... )


a_dream_weaver May 1 2009, 17:45:33 UTC
Could I get the short ribs recipe (unless it's just what's above...in which case I'll try to wing it)? It sounds really good. I wouldn't mind the specifics on the salad either. :-)


anthylorrel May 1 2009, 14:25:32 UTC
I make a REALLY cheap pasta dish that is absolutely delicious ( ... )


inkpaperglue May 1 2009, 14:30:06 UTC
I got by on about $20 a week at the grocery store when I was in college. I cut out a lot of things in order to do so (like ice cream, soda and junk food-I figured I would buy it individually if I really craved it) but I never felt deprived. I would check the local grocery ads and come up with a menu for the week based off what was on sale ( ... )


thetaniwha May 2 2009, 12:39:47 UTC
The menu thing is a great idea - Decide what you want for the week before you shop, and then you can work around what you still have and shop a lot smarter. You will waste a lot less and save more.

Also, if you can afford it, start buying things like spices now, they'll last ages once you have them but they're expensive to start off when you have nothing.


noelleleithe May 1 2009, 14:51:27 UTC
Rice and beans is easy, healthy, and yummy, and you can make it in a slow cooker. The Year of CrockPotting recipe looks good, although I haven't made this specific one myself. (I'd probably add broth or stock instead of water with the tomato juice for a little extra flavor.)

As a bonus, you can use the leftovers as filling for burritos or stuffed peppers. :)


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