Budget Meals

May 01, 2009 21:32

I've decided to forego the college meal plan next year, and instead am allotting myself $50/week for food in hopes that I can save a little more money that would have otherwise been spent on meals in the cafeteria.

So I was wondering--what are everyone's favorite budget recipes? I'm looking mainly for what would be cheap to make, tasty to eat, and nutritious - as for preparation, I wouldn't mind something that was more involved if it came out really delicious in the end. I've also got a crockpot and blender if you guys have any specific recipes for those. Bonus if it's something that stores well, so that I can have a quick meal before class.

Normally I make a lot of stir-frys, bean dishes/curries, and soups, and these tend to last me for awhile. My absolute favorite is chicken tinola, my Filipino comfort food. It's also absolutely perfect for when I have a cold. My recipe is modified (it doesn't always include papaya or malunggay), but I thought you all might appreciate the link.

So to sum it up, must be:
+ Cheap to make (budget of $50/week)
+ Nutritious
+ Yummy

and I'm looking for anything and everything, from main courses to snacks to desserts. :) Thanks!

search: cheap meals

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