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Comments 7

mosaicjulz January 13 2006, 20:17:49 UTC
I use this recipe and love it. I tweak it a bit, but it is to die for:


phanatic January 13 2006, 20:18:30 UTC
If the pan is seasoned properly, there should be no problem.


Broiled tamyllia January 13 2006, 20:22:40 UTC
Can't remember where I found it, but there's a simple recipe I saw for broiled salmon steak or fillet. You basically put whatever spices you want on the salmon and top it with your favorite pesto (I like basil). Broil til done (10-20 minutes depending on thickness).

By far the fastest, simplest, and quite tasty salmon recipe I've come across.


beautifulday72 January 13 2006, 20:27:35 UTC
I've cooked salmon steaks in my grill pan lots of times. In addition to greasing the grill pan with olive oil, it helps to brush a bit of olive oil on the steaks themselves to keep them from sticking.

Since the flavor of salmon is so distinctive and powerful on its own, I like to just rub it with basil or dill before broiling. Simple and delicious!


42dirtygirl January 13 2006, 21:41:10 UTC
I don't have any help for the cooking of salmon but I do have a kickin' sauce I use on my salmon =D

1 c. shredded cucumber, no peel or seeds
1/2 c. sour cream
1/4 c. mayonnaise
1 tbsp. dill weed
1/4 tsp. salt
Pepper to taste

Chill and serve


starofthecircus January 13 2006, 21:53:08 UTC
Thanks, everyone!


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