SIRIUS BLACK: 15 January 1976

Jan 01, 2006 21:03


Has Professor McGo
How are you?

Has Professor McGonagall owled you at all since I’ve been back at school this term? Did you write her about what happened over Christmas? I think the Potters must have told her. Or they told Dumb Professor Dumbledore about it and then he told her. She keeps looking at me and it’s just weird. Any day ( Read more... )

1976, sirius_black

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Comments 136

leavingforlove January 2 2006, 02:26:11 UTC
Poor angsty baby. *snuggles*

No, I haven't written Professor McGonagall. But I'm sure the Headmaster, at least, would know about the situation, and he might have told her, since she is your head of house.

And yes it is your business, but people do worry about you and want to make sure you're doing all right. Just keep that in mind.


trickster_gryff January 2 2006, 02:36:01 UTC
He does very much enjoy the snuggles. :) *kisses*

Oh. Alright.
Yeah. I guess he'd know anyway. *shakes his head a little* He always seems to know everything before anyone else does. And I guess I can understand why she would need to know, but...

*makes a frustrated face*
I know. I just don't want everyone to hear about it. I mean - shit. Didn't you care about it when you left? People asking about it and stuff? Or saying rude things? Or just, being in your business?


leavingforlove January 2 2006, 02:46:35 UTC
Yes, he does seem to have that ability. He's an interesting man.

Not everyone has heard about it. Just the people who need to know.

It was...different when I left. I was out of school, of age. People didn't feel they needed to be in my business as much.


trickster_gryff January 2 2006, 02:56:02 UTC
*nods, looking thoughtful*
Got to wonder how the hell he does that.

*mouth shifts, clearly still unhappy*

I can just see half the Slytherins getting a charge out of this. I'm sure Regulus has already told most of them already, but there's always the chance that he wouldn't. Maybe.


gryffire_lily January 2 2006, 02:52:15 UTC
*notices the dark expression on Sirius's face*

*debates whether to talk to him or not but decides to settle on what should be a relatively safe topic*

How were your holidays, Black?

While I know this could be a slightly dangerous time to talk to Sirius... it was hard to resist. :)


trickster_gryff January 2 2006, 03:02:52 UTC
*glances up at her, obviously distracted*

*thinks about her question, then laughs unkindly*
Oh, they were bloody grand. Best ever, really. I got everything I wanted for Christmas. *eyes her sharply* Yours?

Oh no worries! Always a pleasure to get comments from you! I only hope he isn't too horrible to her if he decides to go off. Just remember that we love you and Lily, no matter what he might say! :)


gryffire_lily January 2 2006, 05:16:30 UTC
*shoots him a puzzled look, not quite sure how to interpret his comments*

Oh... that's good.

Mine were not bad. Better than most, I actually managed to buy the right holiday wrapping paper this year as my mum decided to celebrate Christmas for once.

*realises that this probably doesn't make much sense to him*

Er.. my family- well, my mum's a bit strange. We have different holiday traditions than most people, I think.

*plays with a bracelet on her wrist*

I'm um... you've seemed a bit upset since we've been back from hols. Not that it's any of my business anyway...

*cuddles angsty Sirius* Aw, it's alright, Lily and I know that he doesn't really mean it. (and um... is it wrong that I like having them fight sometimes? *g* It's like two sparks near a keg of dynamite, never know what's going to set them off or what'll happen, lol)


trickster_gryff January 2 2006, 05:52:32 UTC
*stares through her as she talks, not really taking in any of the words*
*doesn't even bother with the nicety of nodding to make her think he's been listening*

*looks at her blankly, her final words sifting through slowly*
Have I? Yes well. I expect it isn't really. *smooths the front of his robes and then his hair, not looking at her*

Oh good! :) He really does like her... I swear! And don't worry. I love it when they fight too! *is guilty* And even though you said it was ok, I'm still sorry for him being such a jerk here!


_tartantabby_ January 2 2006, 03:44:33 UTC
*stands by the quidditch pitch as the team practices*
*keeps a sharply critical gaze on them until they finish, but doesn't turn to leave as usual when they land*
*catches Sirius' eye and jerks her head to call him to her*


trickster_gryff January 2 2006, 03:55:21 UTC
*sees her, face pinching a little as if he knows what's coming*
*searches the gang of faces for James, sharing a silent conversation of vague gestures which he ends with a shrug, then heads towards her, broom slung across his shoulders, club still swinging from one hand*

*slightly out of breath, rubbing at one muddy cheek with the back of his glove*


_tartantabby_ January 2 2006, 04:24:41 UTC
*tight expression, not quite impatient, as he gestures to James*
*barely notices the state he's in*
Mr. Black. We need to talk about your current situation.
*makes no indication that she is going to move from the snowcovered pitch*


trickster_gryff January 2 2006, 04:37:33 UTC
*obviously confused*
*shakes some sweaty hair out of his eyes*

*waits expectantly for her to go on*


rabastanlestran January 2 2006, 11:03:53 UTC
Is what happened over Christmas the reason Regulus has been so upset? He locked himself in the bathroom. What happened?

*points* All true! He did.


trickster_gryff January 2 2006, 17:21:57 UTC
*face goes stony and uninterested*
I don't know that that is any of your business, Rabastan. I expect if Regulus had wanted you to know what was bothering him, he would have told you. I haven't any idea what he was upset about.


He locked himself in the bathroom?

*face goes cold again*
That was stupid.

That's right! I'd forgotten about it! *wibbles*


rabastanlestran January 2 2006, 17:42:00 UTC
Yes, he did and I had to break in and he was crying!

Poor Regulus. *pets him* Sirius, you owe me a deflowering! *cries*


trickster_gryff January 2 2006, 19:57:46 UTC
Oh? *looks momentarily distressed*

Well. He was probably upset that his robes got dirty or that someone else ate the last biscuit or something. *scowls*

Oh! And I thought we were going to save that for the orgy? Did I have that right or am I mixed up again?


favourite_son January 2 2006, 11:41:14 UTC
*catches himself staring at Sirius and forces himself to look away, desperately trying to ignore the twisting feeling in his stomach and remember that he hates his brother*


trickster_gryff January 2 2006, 17:25:56 UTC
*sits by himself, late to breakfast, staring at his plate and slowly shredding a piece of toast into a pile of tiny fragments just to the side of it*

*doesn't seem to notice as the crumbs litter the lap of his robe*


favourite_son January 2 2006, 18:18:52 UTC
*quite helplessly steals glances at Sirius from across the room, his fingers curling into his robes beneath the table as if to comfort himself*


trickster_gryff January 2 2006, 18:54:54 UTC
*starts suddenly, as if coming back to himself, noticing the mess he's made and glancing quickly to either side to see if anyone has noticed*

*tries to gather up the worst of it and push it onto his plate, brushing what he can away from his robes*

*makes a frustrated face as the bits cling and pushes some hair back, only succeeding in catching some crumbs in the glossy blackness he tucks behind his ear*

*doesn't seem to notice this in the least, crumbs still clinging to his sleeves as he folds hands under his chin, gazing off into space*

Oh Regulus. *snuggles him and kisses him*


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