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Comments 246

earthquakedream May 5 2009, 21:51:08 UTC
Jared/Jensen, shaving


annella May 5 2009, 22:37:26 UTC
"Hey, hold still," Jared says softly, taking hold of Jensen's jaw.

"Sorry," Jensen mutters. "I just... I feel like such an idiot."

"Shut up," Jared says, affection in his voice as he carefully scrapes the razor over Jensen's cheek. "I had to have Sandy shave me when I broke my hand, why wouldn't I do the same to you?"

"I broke my hand," Jensen whines, and Jared laughs.

"Now you know how I feel."

Jensen sighs and keeps still, not particularly wanting a giant scrape down the side of his face. Jared's careful, meticulous, and Jensen feels himself getting turned on by his proximity and near-nakedness. He can feel Jared's breath on his face, can feel his gaze, and when he finally rinses the razor off for the last time and wipes a damp towel over Jensen's face, Jensen can't help but pull him in for a kiss.

"Mmmph," Jared mumbles, kissing him back immediately. "I could get used to this." He leans back and grins at Jensen.

"You and me both," Jensen says quietly, wrapping his legs around Jared and pulling him down for more.


earthquakedream May 5 2009, 22:39:09 UTC
I was actually hoping you would choose this one! \o/ hot & lovely, thank you!


annella May 5 2009, 22:47:36 UTC


fryttu May 5 2009, 21:53:39 UTC
J2: first evening (or night) after Jensen moved in.


annella May 5 2009, 22:44:16 UTC
It's weird having someone else in the house. Jared had got used to it just being him, his stuff, his music, his food, but now he's got Jensen as well. He's already put his DVDs on the shelf by the TV, his guitar is set up in the corner of the room, and there's a shiny new coffee machine in the kitchen which looks like it belongs on a space station ( ... )


earthquakedream May 5 2009, 22:48:32 UTC
Hand holding! That makes me incredibly full of gleeeeee. <3


annella May 5 2009, 22:54:03 UTC


elless18 May 5 2009, 22:08:05 UTC
J2, one or both of them falling asleep on the couch while watching TV


annella May 5 2009, 22:51:20 UTC
It's almost ten o'clock, and Jared's fallen asleep. Jensen would make fun of him for it, would tease him for the way he dropped his head against Jensen's shoulder, and both snored and drooled on him. He thinks about poking Jared in the side, in that spot where he's most ticklish, and laugh at him when he wakes up with a shriek. He considers licking a finger and sticking it in Jared's ear to make him squirm.

Instead, he shifts around to let Jared snuggle his head into Jensen's chest. He strokes Jared's hair lightly, combing through the tangled strands. He runs his fingers over Jared's face, light enough so it doesn't wake him.

Jared mumbles something inaudible and snakes an arm out, wrapping it around Jensen's waist and snuggling closer. Jensen feels something go twang in his heart, and he can't help leaning in to wake Jared up with soft kisses.


elless18 May 5 2009, 22:55:26 UTC
Awwwww! That's exactly what I wanted! So adorable!


annella May 5 2009, 23:12:05 UTC
YAY thank you! :D


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annella May 5 2009, 22:59:58 UTC
Whenever Jensen stayed over, Jared was always the first one up to go and feed the dogs while Jensen stayed in bed, hoping for a few more minutes of sleep. This time, though, Jensen's the one who gets woken up by the whines and scratches at the door, and when he glances over at Jared, Jared's fast asleep and snoring. Jensen considers ignoring the dogs-it's really warm in here, and he's quite liking having Jared's arms wrapped around him-but the noise just gets louder and more annoying the longer he waits.

"Fine," he mutters to himself. He knows where the dog food is; this shouldn't be too much trouble. He gently disengages Jared's arms and rolls out of bed, not bothering to get dressed before he opens the bedroom door to see two hopeful faces looking up at him. The dogs follow him downstairs, their nails clicking on the tiles of the kitchen floor, and the moment Jensen opens the cupboard where Jared keeps their kibble, the dogs leap.

Jared must have heard Jensen's shriek and the thump he made as he hit the ground, because Jensen ( ... )


earthquakedream May 5 2009, 23:10:09 UTC
hahaha, sounds like my dogs. :D cuuute!


annella May 5 2009, 23:12:19 UTC


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ladyrhyanne May 6 2009, 02:37:35 UTC
It's not that the house didn't have a dishwasher already installed when he bought it but it just never made sense to Jared to bother using it ( ... )


enablelove May 6 2009, 04:32:06 UTC
Awww, this was awesome!


ladyrhyanne May 6 2009, 14:52:09 UTC


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