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ladyrhyanne May 6 2009, 02:37:35 UTC
It's not that the house didn't have a dishwasher already installed when he bought it but it just never made sense to Jared to bother using it.

What would be the point? Either he would have to leave dirty dishes in it for at least a month before it was full enough to warrant using or waste water running it for a plate, a fork, a knife and whatever pot he had used that particular day, two if Jensen was around.

Even after Jensen moved in, it still seemed useless to use it. Why bother when it would only cut down on leaving dirty dishes in it for two weeks instead of a month?

Besides, washing dishes is something they do together, Jensen washes, Jared dries and he won't give that up for anything. For those fifteen minutes to a half hour they can simply be, no worrying about characters or appearances or careers. They can be Jared and Jensen, best friends, boyfriends, lovers, doing normal household chores the way all couples do.

And if a spontaneous water fight breaks out and it ends in sex on the floor all the better.

So no, Jared doesn't use the dishwasher and until their family grows and it becomes a time saver, he doesn't think he ever will.


enablelove May 6 2009, 04:32:06 UTC
Awww, this was awesome!


ladyrhyanne May 6 2009, 14:52:09 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

ladyrhyanne May 6 2009, 14:52:46 UTC


ms_soma May 6 2009, 09:21:17 UTC
awww, just lovely. I love that it's their time :)


ladyrhyanne May 6 2009, 14:53:38 UTC


lady_eilthana December 6 2009, 15:22:23 UTC
That's wonderful. :]


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