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annella May 5 2009, 22:59:58 UTC
Whenever Jensen stayed over, Jared was always the first one up to go and feed the dogs while Jensen stayed in bed, hoping for a few more minutes of sleep. This time, though, Jensen's the one who gets woken up by the whines and scratches at the door, and when he glances over at Jared, Jared's fast asleep and snoring. Jensen considers ignoring the dogs-it's really warm in here, and he's quite liking having Jared's arms wrapped around him-but the noise just gets louder and more annoying the longer he waits.

"Fine," he mutters to himself. He knows where the dog food is; this shouldn't be too much trouble. He gently disengages Jared's arms and rolls out of bed, not bothering to get dressed before he opens the bedroom door to see two hopeful faces looking up at him. The dogs follow him downstairs, their nails clicking on the tiles of the kitchen floor, and the moment Jensen opens the cupboard where Jared keeps their kibble, the dogs leap.

Jared must have heard Jensen's shriek and the thump he made as he hit the ground, because Jensen's only been on the ground for a few seconds before Jared's barreling down the stairs and bursting into the kitchen.

"They attacked!" Jensen whines, glaring at the spilled bag of kibble and the two happy dogs gobbling up every morsel. He takes Jared's outstretched hand and gets to his feet, rubbing his sore ass. His dignity hurts more, though. Jared just laughs softly and grabs the bag of kibble, tying the top up and putting it back in the cupboard.

"There's enough on the floor for them. C'mon, I'll kiss it better for you."

Jensen grins and follows Jared back upstairs. Maybe this morning isn't going to suck too much after all.


earthquakedream May 5 2009, 23:10:09 UTC
hahaha, sounds like my dogs. :D cuuute!


annella May 5 2009, 23:12:19 UTC


enablelove May 5 2009, 23:14:15 UTC
haha adorable :)


matalinolukaret May 6 2009, 00:42:23 UTC
I loves those dogs. ♥ The boys are cute too. ;)


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