GK Battle is open!

Jul 12, 2010 21:09

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I officially open the GK Battle!

Team Day and Team Night have been working vigilantly for the last five weeks. The battle plans have been drawn up and the ROE have been set.

How things will work:

Each day, one prompt will be revealed and the two works (one from each team) that were created for that prompt will be posted anonymously. Please feel free to leave comments/feedback on the entries. Participants--please wait until after the author reveal to respond--or respond anonymously.

At the bottom of each entry be a text poll for voting.

Ten days, ten prompts, twenty fanworks. Voting will remain open until 28 Jul 2010 04 Aug 2010, midnight, EST.

There will also be a post where people can guess the author's if they want. Participants are still under the veil of secrecy until the author reveal (after voting closes) so please don't deny or confirm anything.

After the author reveal, the author name and any author notes will be added to the headers of the works.

Remind me again, who are the two teams?

The two teams are Team Day and Team Night!

Team Day: Daylight is all about truth, about life. It means work, it means dealing with shit and getting the job done. It is inescapable and necessary. During the day, we must acknowledge the truth about ourselves and the situation we find ourselves in. Daylight also brings the promise of new things, the start of a new life. It can be rich and satisfying even as it presents a constant new struggle.

Team Night: What happens when the sun goes down? Nighttime often cloaks the things we'd rather not see in daylight. It lends an air of mystery, stirs feelings of forgiveness and opens up possibilities that would otherwise never be considered. There's also fear in the darkness--of things we cannot see and of ghosts that might haunt us. Nighttime brings exhaustion, self-doubt and worry but also the blissful peace of sleep.

How will voting work?

At the bottom of each fanwork will be a poll with three text boxes. The results are hidden to all and all votes will remain confidential. The only thing visible will be the number of people who have voted in each poll.

For each fanwork, you can type in a score for three categories (1 being the lowest, 9 being the highest). Fractions are not allowed.

The categories:
1. How well does the entry fit its prompt?
2. How well does the entry fit the team theme?
3. How much did you enjoy the entry?

You do not have to vote in all three categories if you don't want to. When voting closes, all the votes for category #1 for a certain fanwork will be averaged together and the three averages will be added together for a final score out of 27. The final scores will be added to the Team's tally and the winning team will be announced.

The voting process will remain confidential.

Because we're all adults, participants can vote as well. This will change if we see some deliberate skewing of results. So play fair. Vote honestly.

How do I pimp this out to my friends?

hypertwink made these awesome banners (images from After Action). Feel free to spread the love and it's totally okay to hotlink.

Questions? Feel free to ask in the comments. Otherwise, put on your Kevlar and get ready to Battle.

ETA: Fixed my wonky html. Sorry about that.

challenge: gk battle

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