Friday Five - Prompt: Brad/Ray.

Jul 09, 2010 23:19

I really couldn't resist doing this prompt. Recs, in no particular order:

Bruised by grim_lupine. [NC-17, ~5200 words]
Summary: Ray feels Brad’s hands on his skin for days, every time he shifts, like he’s been branded by them. Brad doesn’t leave marks that can’t be explained away if noticed, but after that it’s like he’s been given free rein to do what he wants to Ray.
This is just gorgeous. There aren't really enough words to describe how much I love it.

You Who Are My Home by shoshannagold. [NC-17, ~18500 words]
Summary: Inspired by a prompt for lgbtfest: In addition to the usual problems gays in the military have, what happens when Ray is outed to his family back home and Brad's constant joking about them being stereotypical southern "hicks" rings true for how they react, i.e., badly?
This was the first Brad/Ray story that I ever read, and it's still one of my absolute favorites.

Singing 'Hallelujah' With the Fear In Your Heart by chemfishee. [R, ~2700 words]
Summary: The whole point of the world ending is that it ends. Everywhere. Except where it doesn’t.
I love the quiet tone of this. It's beautiful and sort of haunting. I love a good apocalypse story, and boy does this deliver.

Across The Borders, Between Continents by meeks00. [NC-17, ~5300 words]
Summary: "If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more." He might not have the words, but you know what they say: Actions speak louder.
Basically, like the first rec, I can't even come up with the right words for this. It's fantastic in every way possible.

Carrying Dangerous Goods by novembersmith. [NC-17, ~46000 words]
Summary: From the Signal Code of the Royal Navy and His Majesty's Aerial Corps: B, or Bravo -- I am taking in, or discharging, or carrying dangerous goods.
This is seriously epic. With dragons. DRAGONS.

*** Bonus: Cooking Under Fire by pjvilar.
I'm throwing this collection of snippets in as a bonus, because they're way too good not to mention, even though it's not a complete story.

I'm going to add a couple more stories and some art in the comments, because I had a really hard time cutting down this list. Feel free to add your own if there's one I missed that you love. :D

challenge: friday 5

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