Fic - "Smoke and Mirrors"

Aug 21, 2010 14:59

Title: Smoke and Mirrors
Author: colonel_bastard
Characters/Fandom: Basil, Ratigan. The Great Mouse Detective.
Word Count: 4,450
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ratigan reconsiders an old opinion and forms a new habit, one that will be quite difficult to break.
Warnings: SO MUCH SMOKING, sexual situations, general desecration of beloved Disney characters.
Notes ( Read more... )

fanfiction, disney_kink, character: ratigan, the great mouse detective, character: basil

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Comments 19

eve_n_furter November 13 2010, 01:15:59 UTC
“It will be your downfall.” Ahem. 8)

"His long, agile fingers cause it and the match to dance towards each other, meeting in a flare of light as the flame connects with the target and Basil pulls hard, coaxing the cherry into red, resplendent life." This is a fic all on its own. And I'm grinning, like I always do while reading your Basil/Ratigans (When I'm not swallowing the lump in my throat, that is). They feel like they are written all for me, and I love them so much that I can hardly find the words. (Do all your readers feel this way? Lucky us!)

"blow a perfect ring right at Basil. It floats towards him, framing his outraged face" This demonstration delivers a wonderful contrast and relief from Ratigan's biting realizations in the paragraph above.

"For My Immortal Beloved." Gulp. The fic could have ended here, and I would have been totally satisfied.

"His own savage compulsion to kill what he cannot control, the creeping knowledge that Basil will never fully submit" Tragic love! Can't help but love it. Aw.

<3 Sincerely ( ... )


colonel_bastard November 14 2010, 22:38:11 UTC

And I can hardly find the words to tell you how much that second paragraph means to me. Such gracious praise! I can only tell you (again and again) how happy it makes me to know that you enjoy my writing so much. It's all I could ever hope for, and I just want to thank you for letting me know (again and again) that I'm doing a good job. <3

And thanks for pointing out your favorite bits/lines! That's always a thrill, hearing what people liked the most. That last line about Ratigan's "savage compulsion" does happen to be a favorite of mine, too. ^_^

<3 Sincerely
Your friend, the Colonel


dedlit January 3 2011, 20:43:35 UTC
As always fabulouse work!!!!

Their chemistry is just SO right :) And even though the whole thing is dark, you manage to make place for sweet moments.
I love how Basils character developes and Ratigan is.... well totally himself, a gentelman in every action, even when he breaks spins he has style.


colonel_bastard January 4 2011, 22:52:06 UTC
Ratigan: breaking spines with style. Love it. :D

Oh, I'm SO happy to hear you say that their chemistry works. No matter how sexy the pairing, how passionate the dialogue, how dramatic the action--- if there's no chemistry, then there's no point. Thank you for such a great comment!


My Beloved... ext_1486010 November 9 2012, 08:04:05 UTC
This was such a beautiful chapter... I think it may be my favorite (yes I know that I say that about every chapter but still ( ... )


weirdlet October 20 2019, 23:24:38 UTC
Is it possible to be sighing dreamily and flailing incoherently at the same time? I'm doing that. This is so brilliantly in Ratigan's brain and his gleeful dance back and forth with his reluctant detective.


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