Fic - "Smoke and Mirrors"

Aug 21, 2010 14:59

Title: Smoke and Mirrors
Author: colonel_bastard
Characters/Fandom: Basil, Ratigan. The Great Mouse Detective.
Word Count: 4,450
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ratigan reconsiders an old opinion and forms a new habit, one that will be quite difficult to break.
Warnings: SO MUCH SMOKING, sexual situations, general desecration of beloved Disney characters.
Notes ( Read more... )

fanfiction, disney_kink, character: ratigan, the great mouse detective, character: basil

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Comments 19

anneka_neko August 21 2010, 20:17:36 UTC
Pbbbbbbbbbt that was just just just GAH SO AMAZING!

The blowjob smoking (brain immediately went here, which is a very good place for brain to be) was incredible. I love Ratigan's weird priorities-- sure, he'll rob you, beat your ass, kill you, whatevs it's all good-- but by god, he will be classy while doing so.

And his realization! Reading it, the whole time you're like "RATIGAN, SWEETY, IT'S NOT THE CIGARETTE, IT'S THE MOUTH FELLATING THE CIGARETTE!" and it's like he looks up at the sky, all "Huh? I think somebody is shouting at me about my sexuality."

Yeah, I'm eating Sour Patch Kids while reinstalling Windows on my lappy that just died, so idk if any of that made sense, but the point is I LOVED IT!


anneka_neko August 21 2010, 20:19:29 UTC





colonel_bastard August 22 2010, 06:56:44 UTC
Thrilled, as always, to hear that I've filled another of your prompts to satisfaction, my dear. XD

That is INDEED a very good place for a brain to be, thanks so much for sharing. I have always thought that smoking was just one of the sexiest damn things there is, so I must thank YOU for a prompt that allowed me to indulge myself so utterly. It was a win-win scenario for everyone. ^_^

"Ratigan's weird priorities" = SO VERY TRUE.

Ratigan came to his realization in the end, so he must have heard you shouting at him. XD Now if we can just get through to Basil...

Thanks so much for reading and commenting! Your comments always put a big grin on my face. <3


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colonel_bastard August 22 2010, 06:59:33 UTC
Thanks very much, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I was a big fan of that murder scene myself--- I love writing the moments when Ratigan's savage side comes to light.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting! It's always appreciated. ^_^


drabblesindwi August 22 2010, 01:57:25 UTC
I've said this a million times before, but you are just about the most brilliant person on the face of this earth! Sexy smoking? With BAMFs like Ratigan and Basil? Oh dear. Give me a second while I swoon from the intensity & awesomeness of this fic.


I don't know if you did this intentionally, but I loved the cigarette case, because I saw it as also functioning as a metaphor for homosexuality, especially fitting in the era of the Victorians. {engraved cigarette cases were given to young male lovers by their patrons as a signifier of (i think) ownership}. It made me think of Oscar Wilde (particularly his play, The Importance of Being Earnest} :} So lovely, ohmy. I just about gasped when I saw the cigarette case! {and engravings}, {and Basil's edits on the engraving}.

I love the undertones & your discriptions, which never fail to place such vivid imagery in my head. I loved this!


drabblesindwi August 22 2010, 01:58:57 UTC
descriptions, omg. I can't spell when I'm surrounded by this much awesomeness. :(


colonel_bastard August 22 2010, 07:09:59 UTC
On the face of the earth? You flatter me, you really do! I'm just so pleased to hear that you enjoy my writing so much. Props must be given to the prompter, anneka_neko, who basically requested a fic that revolved around sexy smoking. Nice work, anneka! ^_^b

Damn straight Ratigan and Basil are BAMFs. Let me bring you some smelling salts while you compose yourself on the fainting couch. XD

I am completely THRILLED that you picked up on all my Wilde-induced cigarette case subtext! I think Basil's acceptance of the case was a huge signal to Ratigan, a signal that he received loud and clear--- hence his following gift of a ring. It's all super coded and VIctorian and I'm so tickled that you noticed. ^_^

And I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed all those descriptions! Sometimes I worry that I'm going overboard with them--- I just love them so much. T_T

Thanks very much for such a warm and thoughtful comment! I really appreciate it!


became_fire August 25 2010, 23:09:51 UTC

I've been away a week and nearly missed this in the sea of updates on my flist! This is completely, totally the most awesome thing, the smoking, the cigarette case, the beloved! Most especially the beloved! I want to do a nice and constructive comment, but mostly my brain is just in a swoon going 'ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh so goooooooooooooood'. I shall return when I am coherent!


colonel_bastard August 26 2010, 20:52:06 UTC
So glad that this was able to catch your eye and didn't get swept away in the flood! I've definitely had flist days like that. XD

I'm a big fan of the beloved myself. ;) And I think swooning is probably one of the best responses I could hope for! Swoon away! I shall fetch the smelling salts. ^_^

Thanks so much, as always, for commenting--- I'm so lucky to have faithful readers like you. <3


rberryberet August 26 2010, 02:41:34 UTC
Hi! I've been surfing the net for probably a good year, off and on, looking for some good GMD fanfiction. I have to tell you - all of yours are SO AMAZING! Your characterization of Basil and Ratigan are PERFECT, and everything that you write is so realistic, and well, hot. I'm not sure if you are still writing, or take storyline suggestions, but I was thinking of a storyline with the scene in The Secretary (Maggie Gyllenhaal) when she makes a typo in the letter, and he bends her over across his desk and comes on her back. Just a thought... I'm not much of a writer, and to read something like that between Basil and Ratigan would be AWESUUUUUM!!


colonel_bastard August 26 2010, 21:01:06 UTC
That's so wonderful to hear! Thank you so much, I'm very glad that the fics all stand out. Over the course of writing this series, Basil and Ratigan have come to mean so much to me, and I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed their characterization.

I am still writing and DEFINITELY still taking suggestions, and that suggestion is AWESOME. I've never seen that film but the scene sounds like a perfect match for this pairing--- in fact, I've actually already found a place for it in an upcoming installment in the series. Keep an eye out for it! :D

Thanks so much for reading and commenting! I hope you'll come back for more--- the series is in full swing and ongoing. We've got a lot more ground to cover and a lot more prompts to fill! ^_^


rberryberet August 27 2010, 01:00:26 UTC
Eek! I'm so excited to read that scene now! I think I'll watch The Secretary again to tide me over until then... Do you read anybody else's GMD stories? Draw inspiration from them, or are all of your stories already up in your head? There was this one fic that I read, that I've been trying to find for days now (WHY didn't I bookmark??) and it was about how Ratigan survived the Big Ben fall, and when he comes back, there is another mouse that's taken over his gang. The new gang leader ends up shooting Basil in the leg, and Ratigan, who had become all crazy-possessive of Basil, kills him.... The story wasn't finished, but the last chapter had Basil healing in Ratigan's bed, and Ratigan would play the harp while Basil slept...Sound familiar?


colonel_bastard August 27 2010, 21:20:54 UTC
I've actually never read any other GMD stories! I''d never even considered writing fic for it until I saw the prompt at disney_kink. All of my stories are already up in my head--- some of them are already completely formed and just need to be written down, while others (like this particular piece) take a lot of work and patience to get them into good shape for sharing.

So, yeah, I've never read the fic you describe, but it certainly sounds intense! I'm a big fan of Ratigan and that harp. :D

Again, thanks so much for your interest in the series! ^_^


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