open up your plans [pg] jared/jensen (free!hug 'verse)

Apr 13, 2009 08:41

Title: open up your plans
Author: hd_obsession
Rating: PG
Warnings: College!AU
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 1200+
Summary: Misha rags on Jensen a little. And Jensen and Jared have a pre-date.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This is a continuation of the free hugs 'verse. This part is for smidgy06 ♥ Title from the Jason Mraz song I'm Yours

part onepart twopart threepart four ★ part five

“He kissed you?” Misha asks for the fifth time.

“Yes! Is that really so hard to believe?” Jensen asks, a bit pissed after answering his supposed best friend five times.

Misha backtracks and puts his hands up in surrender, “No! Of course not. It’s just…you’re so moony eyed over this kiss Jensen, I’m just worried for you.”

And right then, his anger melts away. Misha is an amazing friend, but he worries way too damn much.

“You worry too much Misha. Yeah, I like him. Okay, I like him a lot,” he says, admitting it due to the raised eyebrow Misha is sporting like he doesn’t believe him. “But, he has to like me too. At least a little bit. In order to kiss me behind that booth. In order to text me all the time with the most random text messages?”

Misha nods, like he’s considering this and Jensen pumps his fist in the air…inside his head of course.

“Ok fine. So when are you seeing him again you lovesick girl?” Misha asks, smiling at him.

Jensen looks down, blushing and therefore proving the insult.

“I’m happy for you Jensen, really,” Misha says quietly and Jensen looks up at that. Misha’s looking at him, a soft smile on his face, and Jensen thanks his lucky stars all over again.

“No chick flick moments, you girl,” Jensen says and Misha laughs at that, whole body shuddering and he shakes his head in despair. Jensen’s grin widens and he gets a text right then.

Free Hug Day Jensen. ;)

He can feel his grin grow even more and Misha snatches his phone away, ignoring Jensen’s futile attempts to get it back.

“Seriously, you really are a girl. C’mon let’s go see your boy.”

Jensen looks up at him, “Why do you wanna come with?”

Misha mumbles something, blushes, and looks away.

“What? Couldn’t quite catch that Misha. Enunciate.”

Misha pushes him, “Jerk. I said Jared’s friend Chad might be there.”

Jensen tries to think. Chad? Oh.

“Squinty? Seriously?” he asks, disbelievingly. He’s an okay looking guy, but Jensen had more important people to look at. Like Jared.

“Shut up. So he squints. He’s pretty cute, and he was totally talking to me while you two lovebirds were making out apparently.”

Jensen smiles again, remembering that gorgeous mouth, “Fine, let’s go.” He gets up and drags Misha to the Quad, ignoring his teasing, “Eager, are we?”


They get to the Quad and Jared is there, his bright grin and dimples fixed on his face. He spots Jensen and Misha and the smile he shoots them could power Vegas. He waves them over and they amble over to the beginning of the line, not cutting, just off to the side.

He sees Misha walk over to where Squinty, no, Chad, is trying to hug all the girls and shakes his head. Jensen doesn’t see what Misha sees in the guy. But then Jared is up in his space, those long arms coming around him and Jensen forgets about Misha and Chad and the world, because those arms have some serious magic. Jensen can smell sweat, a hint of cologne, and Jared. He thinks by now he could probably recognize that unique scent as Jared anywhere without actually seeing Jared’s face. Or other parts of him.

“Hey,” Jared whispers hotly in his ear.

“Hi,” Jensen says back, voice gone a bit croaky.

Jensen leans back and smiles at him and Jensen feels himself flush again. He doesn’t think he can ever stop blushing around Jared.

Jared grins brightly at him, “Gimme a couple minutes ok? Then we can grab coffee? Or something?”

He says the last part like a question. Like Jensen isn’t dying to talk to Jared, to hang out with him, to sit close to him, to make out with him given the chance. But he doesn’t say any of that, not wanting to sound way too eager and scare Jared off, just nods, “Coffee sounds awesome.”

He looks at all the people in line who are giving him interested glances and quickly turns away, instead surveying the Quad, at the people doing homework on the grass, at the people having picnics, at a professor who is actually conducting class outside because it’s such a pretty day. Jared catches his eyes a couple of times and smiles at him and Jensen feels a rush of affection every single time. He’s so screwed.

He’s jolted out of his thoughts when Jared nudges him and he looks up, caught in that gorgeous smile and even more gorgeous lips. Lips that are begging to be kissed. He shakes his head to clear those thoughts and Jared smiles wickedly, like he knows exactly what Jensen is thinking.

“C’mon, let’s go.”


They go to Jensen’s favorite coffee place, that turns out is Jared’s favorite too, and Jensen still has no idea how he could have not seen Jared around. A tall guy with an amazing smile, a hot body, and dimples is hard to miss.

They walk in and the door jingles above them, Danneel looks over from the cash register and waves at them, beaming, before turning to the customer in front of her. Danneel is one of his other best friends. She’s a fireball, strong-willed and devastatingly gorgeous. They’d tried being together once, when Jensen wanted to see if it would work. But both of them agreed that they made better friends.

Jared and Jensen finally reach the beginning of the line and Jensen orders a coffee while Jared orders a latte with whipped cream and non fat milk and like three flavors with chocolate syrup on top. Jensen just looks up at him, raising an eyebrow, and Jared shrugs, “’S good man, you should try it.”

Jensen shakes his head, but Danneel cuts in before he can say anything, “Our Jensen here is boring, black and bitter is what he likes. Hey Jared.”

Jensen whips his head to stare at her. She knows Jared? After all of his moaning about the giant hot guy, she knew who he was the whole time?

Her eyes sparkle as she looks at him and he narrows his eyes. She smiles innocently and Jensen mouths Later before paying and going to find a table. He hears her laugh behind him as Jared follows him, a bit hesitant, like he has no idea what just happened.

They sit, and Jensen waves it off. “It’s nothing. Me and Danni just have to have a little chat later.”

Jared shrugs and puts his mouth around the straw, sipping almost obscenely. It’s really not fair he can’t launch himself over there and kiss the living daylights out of him. Jared looks at him through his eyelashes, eyes dark and filled with mischief. He knows exactly what he’s doing and is doing it all on purpose.

That’s okay, Jensen can tease with the best of them too.

Their feet brush under the table and Jensen toes off his sneakers to rub his feet under Jared’s jeans. Jared stills and looks straight at him, but Jensen just smirks, going a bit higher. Jared sits there and shivers as they talk about the most mundane things and then Jensen moves on trying to set a time and day to actually have a real date.

They do, and Jensen can’t wait to finally get Jared alone.

next part by earthquakedream: why i'm talking to you

au, wc: 1000-1999, rating: pg, verse: free hugs

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