Get Your Free Hugs Here! [PG] J2 pre slash

Mar 25, 2009 09:02

Title: Get Your Free Hugs Here!
Author: hd_obsession
Rating: PG
Warnings: College!AU
Pairing: Jared/Jensen Pre Slash
Word Count: 700+
Summary: Jensen has had the worst day EVER.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This is for matalinolukaret because she told me to write this when I told her about this insane idea. I saw a couple people offering free hugs on campus, and my mind went here *shrugs* Hope you enjoy sweetie.

Free hugs were offered on campus once a month and Jensen would usually just bypass them - he isn’t one for a lot of physical contact, especially a random stranger’s arms around him. But today, when he sees the neon green sign declaring ‘free hugs’, he feels like he can use a hug - random stranger’s arms or not.

Today was the king of bad days. He had stayed up all night studying, deciding to take a nap for ‘just an hour’ but he overslept and didn’t hear his alarm go off and thus almost slept through his anatomy midterm. He hauled ass and made it just in the nick of time. As soon as he got there, though, he realized that he forgot his scantron and thankfully someone had an extra. He at least remembered his pencil and brains and the test itself didn’t actually go too bad, he hopes. He did trip on his way to hand the test in though and heard snickers behind him as he turned bright red. He ran back to his room but he had forgotten his keys and cell phone in his rush to get to his class and his roommate wasn’t in the room when he knocked. He decided to grab something to eat because he had his wallet at least. But then he saw a sign that the machine for the credit cards wasn’t working and he had no cash on him.

So Jensen is tired, dressed in sweats and an old tee, has a little stubble, looks completely unkempt, has a headache, and his stomach is grumbling. That stranger’s hug is looking mighty tempting now.

He walks toward the shouts of “Free Hugs! Get your free hugs here!” and looks up and stops in his tracks. The guy in front of him is a curious mix of gorgeous and adorable. Tall, so damn tall - taller than Jensen even at his respectable height of 6’ 1”. His legs go on forever and the shirt he’s wearing shows off his muscles. His hair is tousled and just begs for fingers to run through those locks. He has moles the make him more appealing. Then the guy looks straight at Jensen and grins and dear god, he has dimples that Jensen just wants to lick.

“You look like you could do with a hug,” the guy says, bringing Jensen out of his reverie. He says it in such a way that Jensen can’t even take offense.

“Kinda, yeah I could,” Jensen says, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck nervously. The guy opens his long arms and Jensen steps in, not even caring how it looks. This may be Texas, but guys here are affectionate and most people don’t say a damn word.

Jensen melts in the hot dude’s arms. He smells of sweat and a hint of cologne and this hug is probably one of the best hugs ever Jensen has received. He’s surrounded by the guy on all sides and Jensen really doesn’t want to step back.

He does, very reluctantly, and puts his hand out for the guy to shake.

“Jensen Ackles.”

The guy looks at his hand and puts his own paw out and Jesus, his hand is huge and if what they say about big hands is true…

“Jared Padalecki,” he says, once again bringing Jensen out of where those thoughts are leading. Very dangerous territory, especially with the guy right there.

“Umm…thanks,” Jensen says awkwardly. He’s not exactly sure what to do in these situations, as he’s never been in one.

Jared laughs heartily and Jensen thinks it’s the best sound he’s heard all day.

“No problem, I just hope it helped.”

Jensen nods, “Yeah it did.”

Jared smiles at him again, wider this time, and Jensen realizes he really has to go before he does something stupid like grab the guy and pull him down for a kiss. Or a couple of kisses. Or throwing him down and ravishing him, he’s not that particular about what happens. He backs away and waves a little before turning around; he knows he’s blushing bright red.

He hears Jared laugh again and say behind him, “See you around Jensen.”

Jensen sure hopes so. He’ll just have to make sure to find a way so they can see each other again.

ETA: pez_gurl wrote a sequel! everyday's the start of something beautiful

wc: 500-999, au, pre-slash, gift!fic, rating: pg, verse: free hugs

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