Deliverance (18/?)

Dec 04, 2006 15:54

Title: Deliverance
Author: coexist_love
Rating: MA
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica 2003
Character: General with Roslin/Adama emphasis
Summary: A normal day on among the fleet is disturbed when an unidentified assailant attempts to assassinate President Roslin.
Disclaimer: Not written for money and if I owned Galactica this would have already happened.
Spoilers: Flight of the Pheonix through Epiphanies
Author’s Note: I thought about this while watching Colonial Day and though my setting is very different to begin with it was given further substance by whyoffry and maj_zoidberg444 at LiveJournal and a special thanks to my lovely betas (I had so many ) but in particular whyoffry campmotha and tina_cat

Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Chapter 17

Baltar was jarred out of a daydream by the Pegasus computer. “ID Confirmed.” He jumped to his feet as a pair of guards entered the room in front of Admiral Cain. For a minute Baltar was really grateful he was trapped in a cell. If the door was to lock behind Cain and she decided to shoot him he would have no way to get out alive. However, Cain appeared to be uninterested in him, and more interested in the Cylon prisoner.

“Well I see, you’ve got it to eat,” Cain stated throwing a glance over her shoulder. “That progress, I suppose.” Cain immediately turned with her hand positioned on her gun. For a minute Baltar was positive she would withdraw it at any moment and aim it at his head. Can you get it to roll over? Beg?” She turned back to Gina and handing Baltar a series of papers. “See what it can make of these.” Baltar gazed at the pictures as Cain moved closer to the prisoner. “You know,” Cain began, speaking to no one in particular. “This thing, used to sit in our mess, and eat our food, and listening to our stories. Didn’t you?” She addressed Gina, her tone taking on a more soothing and nostalgic tone. “You just sat there, listening to us, pretending to be our friend.” Cain’s voice suddenly changed. “Didn’t you?” She demanded as the heel of her book connected with Gina’s ribs.

“Admiral please,” Baltar begged when he noticed a shaking Gina laying on her back. “Any physical contact with the subject will only set my efforts back at this point.”

Cain halted, feeling her rage boil over. Since she couldn’t hit Gina physically she quickly expelled a ball of spit so that it landed right in Gina’s face. Gina barely flinched at the contact, knowing there was nothing more they could do to her. She saw the Admiral walk away from her and let out a weak sigh of relief.

“Find out about that ship?” Cain ordered Baltar as she turned to exit the cell without giving him a chance to respond.

When the guards left Baltar took a few steps towards Gina, momentarily taking his eyes off her to study the pictures once more. Suddenly, he was knocked to the floor, Gina was straddling him with her hands around his neck. Forcefully she pressed against his trachea cutting off his oxygen supply. Baltar to could hear her weak pants as she continued to exert herself in the attack and he thought he was about to die. Just when he thought the end was coming, Gina released him and jumped off him, quickly scouring to the opposite wall. Baltar mirrored her action as he felt his back hit the opposite wall.

He watched as the broken woman continued panting, letting out a weak cry in between. “I want to die,” she stated plainly. “Will you help me do that?” Her sobs were becoming stronger. “Will you kill me please?”
Kara sat in her new office, flicking a pen in and out of her mouth, procrastinating so that she didn’t have to plan the op. She wondered what Cain saw in her. Why she had promoted her to Captain at a time like this. Kara was good at out of the box, spur of the moment thinking, not planning out an attack for a bunch of pilots. She remembered Stinger, how he’d wanted to hide behind the moon. The plan sucked and she knew it. She knew the Cylons weren’t stupid and wouldn’t fall for that trick. She tried to think of a better way to attack the Cylons head on. No hiding.

“A CAG’s work is never done?” a voice entered her thoughts.

She glanced over and saw Lee standing in the doorway. “Hi,” she greeted. “How ya doing?”

“Oh you mean, besides being demoted?” Lee began as he stepped into her office and stood on the opposite end of the desk. “Finding myself working for one of my pilots? Great. Never better.”

“You know I had nothing to do with that right?” Kara continued to play with her pen.

“Never thought you did. I just checked in on Helo and Tyrol. They’re hanging tight for now.”

“Good,” Kara stated. “Help me plan this op! I’ve been staring at this roster.”

“You want to just carry on as if nothing happened?” Lee stated, a bit surprised. It wasn’t just his demotion that was eating at him, it was the wireless reports about he President too. Word came that she had been pulled off life support by Admiral Cain. Lee was a bit surprised that his father would allow her to do such a thing but somewhere in his mind he knew that he also had a half-baked scheme to work in Laura’s favor.

“Lee, she’s in command, what do you want to do? There’s nothing we can do?”
“I thought you might like a fresh set of clothes,” Baltar announced when he reappeared in the brig later that day. He was holding an olive work suit and studying the form in front of him. The bruised Cylon had her knees drown to her chest, her arm wrapped around them so that her handed rested below her knees. She refused to make eye contact as Baltar stepped forward and set the clothes down a few feet away from her.

Gina eyed him as she watched him step back and she weakly reached over and grasped the clothes, standing up as she pulled them closer to her. Clutching the garment to her chest she watched as Baltar turned his back and she did the same as she stepped into the pants. When Baltar heard her shirt hit the floor she glanced over to see the red scars on her back. The scars were still red and matted with blood, but he only got a brief glance as she pulled the jacket around her and began buttoning it up.

“Were you aware of your true nature as a Cylon when you boarded the ship?” Baltar asked. “Or would you describe yourself as a sleeper agent?”

“I knew what I was,” Gina answered as she continued buttoning her shirt. “I was a soldier. I-I had a mission, I carried it out. I thought that when it was done I was going to die. That you would kill me. Then I-- then I would download into a new reborn.” She glanced at Baltar with a new conviction in her eyes. “But you didn't kill me. The things you did to me.”

“What they did to you was wrong,” Baltar told her. “But I am not one of them. You have to believe me. Things are going to get better from this moment on. I promise.”

“I don’t want things to get better! I want to die!”

“But you know you can’t die. You do know that don’t you?” Baltar asked. “Your consciousness will merely be transferred and you’ll wake up in another body.”

“Not if you destroy that,” Gina stated, her eyes on the recon photos that Gaius was holding against his abdomen.

“What this?” Gaius asked. “This ship?” Gina was beginning to shrink away from him. Not wanting to give away any of the secrets of her race. “Tell me. What’s so important about this ship?”
“They Cylons call this their resurrection ship,” Baltar explained as he gestured to one of the photos Cain had handed him earlier that day. “At the moment we are too far away from the Cylon homeworld for the normal downloaded process to work, which is why they built this ship.” He watched as Cain’s head tilted from side to side, displaying clear interest in what he was saying. “It contains the entire apparatus necessary for Cylon resurrection. Now this ship has been traveling with the fleet trailing Galactica for the past several months.”

“So it’s a safety net? A place where they fall back to when they die,” Starbuck asked.

“And if they lose their safety net?” Cain questioned, already knowing the answer.

“Then any Cylon that dies out here-“ Kara began to explain.

“Will be dead,” Cain finished her tone soft and stern. “As in really dead. I daresay they won’t like that.

“No sir, in fact they might even stop chasing us. Why risk getting killed if you can’t wake up all nice and cozy in a brand new body.”

Cain studied the photos for a minute before she looked up at Baltar, a twinkle in her eye, “Doctor, I think you’ve just identified the most important ship in the galaxy.”

battlestar galactica, adama/roslin, deliverance, fanfic

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