Deliverance (16/?)

Dec 01, 2006 21:20

Title: Deliverance
Author: coexist_love
Rating: MA
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica 2003
Character: General with Roslin/Adama emphasis
Summary: A normal day on among the fleet is disturbed when an unidentified assailant attempts to assassinate President Roslin.
Disclaimer: Not written for money and if I owned Galactica this would have already happened.
Spoilers: Flight of the Pheonix through Epiphanies
Author’s Note: I thought about this while watching Colonial Day and though my setting is very different to begin with it was given further substance by whyoffry and maj_zoidberg444 at LiveJournal and a special thanks to my lovely betas (I had so many ) but in particular whyoffry campmotha and tina_cat

Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Chapter 15

“Galactica, Kat, I’ve got Pegasus vipers coming right at me, request instructions,” a voice came through the wireless.

“You can’t expect them to defend themselves,” Tigh began. “We should turn our main batteries on the Pegasus-“

Adama didn’t listen, his attention focused on the comm chatter coming through the wireless.

“Galactica. Kat-request weapons free we need your help.”

“Kat, Galactica-do not fire unless fired upon-I repeat do not fire unless fired upon.”

“Galactica, Kat-they’re really frakking with us out there.”

“Galactica, Hot Dog-one of them just pulled into my kill slot.”

“Hot Dog, watch your six he’s right behind you.”

“Evasive action! Come on!”

“Gods damned frakkers,” Kat swore.

“Ahh…frak me. They’re all over us. Galactica-request weapons free,” Galactica insisted. “They’re coming in for another past. Repeat, request-weapons free.”

Adama could feel the harsh look emanating from Tigh’s eyes. He could tell that his XO was surprised that he had sunk so low as to fight Pegasus and possibly sacrifice some vipers. Tigh’s mind reverted to what Fisk had told him about Admiral Cain, how she’d shot her XO in the head when he refused to plot the blind jump. The XO had to admit that in this moment he saw a little spark of Cain in the Commander’s eye and he didn’t like it one bit.

“Dradis contact,” Gaeta prompted. “Single buoy it’s nearly on top of us.”

“Identify,” Adama ordered.

“No transponders, no recognition codes, uh it has to be a Cylon raider sir,” Gaeta proposed.

“Warn the vipers,” Adama ordered.

“Attention all Galactica vipers, you have a Cylon raider coming right at you,” Dualla reported.

“Sir,” Gaeta began. “Pegasus is withdrawing her vipers.”

Adama smirked a little at that notion. The Admiral might be a bit crazy and psychotic, but she wasn’t an idiot. But he had to admit if she was running from one raider then what would she did she do when basestars started firing across Pegasus’ bow.

“Galactica, Kat. It’s the blackbird. I repeat, it’s the blackbird.”

“What the hell is the blackbird doing out there?” Tigh questioned.

“It’s Starbuck, she launched in the blackbird a couple of hours ago. Said she was running flight tests for Admiral Cain?” Gaeta stated, realizing how idiotic it sounded in hindsight.

“That doesn’t sound likely,” Bill confirmed.

“Ahh, another one of her crazy ass stunts. Thank the gods!” Tigh exclaimed, relieved that it was Starbuck and not a Cylon.

“You can say that again,” Adama breathed. “Get me Pegasus.”

“Pegasus, Galactica. Secure line. Commander Adama is requesting to speak with Admiral Cain.”

“This is Pegasus Actual, go ahead,” Cain stated, her voice altered by the sound of static.

“You can either stand down or we can start shooting at each other. It’s your call.” Adama offered as an ultimatum. Given what he knew about Cain he was sure she would probably chose the latter. If anyone really shot an officer in the head then they must be a pretty ruthless leader with a primal goal of self-preservation.

However, before the Admiral could answer her attention was drawn away from the wireless, “Wait, one.” Adama began to think about his next order should be debating the finer points of engaging in what could be called a civil war against Galactica. “Alright, joint recall. Both ships stand down to condition two. Then I want you to report to me directly in person.”

“I have no intention of cooling my heels in your brig,” Adama began as Laura entered his mind. He knew what she would do if he stepped onto her territory. Her marines would hall him off to the brig and then Laura would die alone. He wasn’t willing to let either of those things happen. As long as he had control of Galactica he could go see her sick bay and he wasn’t about to have a petty Admiral tear him apart from his best friend, his companion, at a time like this.

“Fine,” Cain huffed. “Neutral ground. Colonial One. No aides. Be there in fifteen minutes.”

The wireless disconnected and Adama placed his handset back on its cradle. “Stand down to condition two,” he ordered.
Adama sat in Colonial One, waiting for Baltar and Cain to arrive on the shuttle from the Pegasus. He wanted desperately to be able to go back to the Galactica and sit with Laura. He wanted to watch the monitors and make sure her heart was still beating, make sure that Cottle had given her another dose of serazone. He wanted to be with her, not discussing the action he’s taken when the Admiral crossed the line.

He turned his head when the door opened and Baltar and Cain walked into the room. Baltar stood behind the President’s desk, not sure how to proceed with the matter at hand. He was a scientist, a lab geek, not someone that could debate military decisions with the two senior most officers. He gestured for Cain to take a seat and she nodded as she did so.

“Umm…” Baltar began. He had a new found appreciate for Laura’s experience in education. He imagined all the times Laura had to deal with delinquent children, scolding them without punishing them, making sure they’d learned their lesson. “I’m not entirely sure how to proceed.”

“Alright you know what,” Cain began clearly frustrated by the ramblings of the four-eyed scientist. “Let me help you out, since you seem to need a crash course in how to control the fleet. So cutting through the handholding, two of his men murdered one of my officers while protecting a Cylon. They’re guilty, they admitted it. And under regulations I have complete authority to try, convict, and sentence them, and we all know the penalty for that crime is death.”

“Admiral, surely Colonial law has cases like these…” Baltar began.

“You know I don’t know what you guys have been doing these last couple of months? Debating the finer points of Colonial Law? Well guess what? We’re at war! And we don’t have the luxury of academic debate over these issues.”

“I know that you don’t like the options Admiral but there are only two on that table at this point.” Cain could feel the pain in her back beginning to act up again. She stood up and took a deep breath trying to maintain her focus as the scientist tried to advise them in military tactics. “Try your luck with Galactica or compromise.”

“How the fleet survived this long I will never know,” Cain said. Adama was aware of Cain’s reputation. While he was glad that he never served under her and never had to encounter her in a personal setting, he knew that she liked to be the dominant one. The one that came out on time. She was a staunch believer in corporal punishment and making an example out of traitors and other criminals. “Alright, Leuitenant Thrace has sent me detailed recon information about the Cylon fleet. I want that fleet and I need Galactica to get it. So I’m willing to go this far. I will suspend the executions until after that attack.”

“I want them back on Galactica,” Adama requested.

“I don’t give a damn about what you want!” Cain yelled at Adama. “You’re frakking lucky you aren’t staring at your own warrant.”

Baltar stood up attempting to meet this crazed woman’s gaze. He felt a shiver run up his spine. As much as he wanted to reprimand Admiral Cain she scared the frak out of him and he was willing to admit that. “The destruction of the Cylon fleet will take precedence over any other considerations. At which time we will meet back here and resolve this matter. Thank you.”

Wordlessly Cain turned and exited the office, leaving Baltar and Adama alone.

battlestar galactica, adama/roslin, deliverance, fanfic

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