Deliverance (17/?)

Dec 03, 2006 10:57

Title: Deliverance
Author: coexist_love
Rating: MA
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica 2003
Character: General with Roslin/Adama emphasis
Summary: A normal day on among the fleet is disturbed when an unidentified assailant attempts to assassinate President Roslin.
Disclaimer: Not written for money and if I owned Galactica this would have already happened.
Spoilers: Flight of the Pheonix through Epiphanies
Author’s Note: I thought about this while watching Colonial Day and though my setting is very different to begin with it was given further substance by whyoffry and maj_zoidberg444 at LiveJournal and a special thanks to my lovely betas (I had so many ) but in particular whyoffry campmotha and tina_cat

Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Chapter 16

Kara had just cleared a debriefing when the Admiral’s summons had reached her. She was to report to Admiral Cain’s quarters immediately regarding the recon gathered from her unauthorized mission. Her palms began to sweat as she walked towards Cain’s quarters. She had known that Cain had a different style of command, she had seen that when she and Lee docked on the Pegasus flight deck to find score cards on the sides of the vipers.

When she reached the Admiral’s quarters the doors swished open and Kara entered to see Cain standing with her back to the door, watching the computer as it blitzed with each change of the image on the screen. Still feeling uneasy Kara raised her hand in a salute to show her respect to her commanding officer. Cain turned after a moment to find Kara standing with a rigid pose.

“Stand at ease Lieutenant and come forward,” Cain insisted. Kara crept forward. The last time she had been in a commanding officer’s quarters she had been ordered to leave because Adama was afraid he was going to hit her. “Seems you’ve had quite a day,” Cain continued, her eyes refusing to leave the images of her primal obsession. “I’m promoting you to Captain, I’m making you head of the Pegasus Air Group.”

“You’re promoting me?” Kara asked, slightly surprised that her superior would reward her for pulling off a stunt like this.

“I need a CAG with guts and initiative to plan and lead the attack on the fleet!” Cain explained throwing a few half glances over her shoulder at Kara. “Now I thought Stinger was that man, but he managed to let Captain Adama contact you and pull off that fly-by stunt right under his nose, so he’s out.”

“And Captain Adama, sir?” Kara asked.

“Truth be told, I came this close to throwing him in the brig,” she answered holding up her thumb and forefinger on her right hand so that they were and inch apart and Kara could see them over her shoulder. “But I couldn’t very well charge him and not you,” she added tilting her head to one side as she relished in the thought of the insubordinate Captain commanding on the flight deck, “so, I just revoked his flight status.”

“I want him on my team sir,” Kara requested, afraid of what she would say.

Suddenly Cain turned around glancing behind her with a stern look in her eye. Kara’s brain immediately broke. It had been easy to talk to the Admiral when her back was to her but now she had to look her in the eye and try not to be distracted by the mole at the bottom of her chin. Taking several deep breaths, Kara watched as the Admiral turned around and walked forward, invading Kara’s personal space.

“Do you always get what you want?” Helena asked.

“Most of the time, sir,” Kara said unable to drop Helena’s title.

“Good. Me too.” Helena whispered as she started turning around. Kara started to realize how much taller Helena was compared to her. She was relieved to be out of her shadow but didn’t want to show it. “Alright you can have him. I hear you want to return to Caprica.”

“Yes, sir. We have people out there still alive.”

“Yes, and they do deserve to be saved. I absolutely agree.” Finally? Someone was agreeing with Kara? She remembered when Roslin had brushed off talk about saving the resistance back on Kobol. Now she was going to get another shot, because of a woman that Adama almost went to war with. “In fact,” Helena began as she turned around again, this time with a slight smile on her face. “I’m willing to go one step further, and I will say that our ultimate goal is that we should return to the Twelve Colonies and kick the Cylons the frak out of our homes.” Helena’s eyelashes fluttered for a moment as a pause lingered between her and the newly promoted Captain. “What do you think of that Captain?”

“I think that’s that best idea I’ve heard all day, sir,” Kara seconded.
Baltar and Bill sat in silence in Colonial One. What was it about Cain that made her so terrifying? What did she have the ability to make someone’s blood run cold just by entering a room. Baltar didn’t have time to theorize right now, he had to get back to the Pegasus and work with the Cylon prisoner some more before Cain decided to pay them a surprise visit, essentially turning back the clock.

“I don’t want to suggest this,” Baltar began. “But I am afraid this can only end one way…you’ve got to kill her.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Adama said, surprised that the scientist would suggest such a thing.

“The two of you were ready to go to war today,” Baltar pointed out. “Do you really think she’s going to step down from that?”

“I’m not an assassin,” Bill pointed out.

“No,” Baltar said. “But you care about the President and I know the fact that she’s been off life support is killing you. I don’t want to see her die either Commander.”

“Really? Could have fooled me. Last week you were pulling for termination of her life support.”

Baltar gestured to the door. “That was before she showed up. I hate to ask you to do this, but the Admiral is frakking scary and the only thing to do is hit her before she hits you. Think about it, all she needs to do is eliminate you before she has complete control of the fleet. What do you think she’ll do with the fleet once you’re gone?”

Bill looked at the scientist in surprise. He knew that this awkward little man was right. That he couldn’t keep dancing around the school yard bully. One day he was going to have to hit her right where it hurt.

“You know I’m right,” Baltar stated.
“Your fluid and electrolytes are stable,” Dr. Cottle told the prone Sharon that was sitting on a cot in a medical gown. “I think the baby is going to be fine.” Sharon just sat there ringing her fingers through her hands, trying to busy herself so that she didn’t have to look either Adama or Cottle in the eye. “You do have a cracked rib though. Hairline fracture, which means its going to hurt like hell for a while. But I’m not seeing any signs of permanent damage from the attack.”

“The attack?” Sharon asked, her voice small. “Is that what we’re calling it now?

“They weren’t from Galactica,” Adama said, trying to assure her that it wouldn’t happen again.

“They were from the Pegasus,” Sharon stated. “So what? What about Helo and Tyrol? I heard a rumor that they are going to be executed.” Sharon’s head was down, and Adama wondered if people were blaming her for what happened.

“I’m not going to let that happen,” he assured her.

“How to do plan to do that? Isn’t Admiral Cain in command?”

“What happened to you-“

”Was unforgivable,” Cottle interjected.

“-Happened aboard my ship, on my watch. And its my responsibility. So I just want you to know that I personally apologize.” Adama continued before turning to face Dr. Cottle. “See that she’s okay and then bring her back to her cell.”

Adama started walking away before Cottle could respond. He disappeared behind the curtain to the President’s bed. He wasn’t surprised to find Billy there. The aide would always take some time out of his day to put his duties aside and sit with Laura and Bill was grateful for the small favor.

“Sir,” the aide greeted him.

“Hello Billy. How is she?”

“No change, good or bad.” A pause hung in the air for a moment. “Why would you pull her off of life support Commander?”

“I didn’t want to…but the Admiral can be very intimidating.”

“She doesn’t have authority in these matters,” Billy stated. “She’s going against The Articles of Colonization.”

“I tried telling her that but she doesn’t listen.” Adama looked at Laura’s prone form her chest rising and falling with each slow breath. “But maybe she’s hanging on so that she can kick Cain’s ass when she wakes up.”

Billy smiled at the comment. “Maybe you’re right, but she better wake up soon.”

Silence lingered in the air as Adama stepped closer to the bed, he gently picked up Laura’s hand and ran his thumb over her knuckles, hoping that the sensation would draw her out of her deep sleep. “How long have you been sitting her Billy?”

“An hour or so,” Billy answered. “Why?”

“Why don’t you go down to the mess and get something to eat?”

“Sir, all do respect, the last time someone relieved me from sitting with the President I nearly had a heart attack when you called me back to sickbay.”

“I know, and I’m sorry about that. It won’t happen again, I promise. That’s what the guards are here for.”

Billy drew in a long breath before relenting. “Alright, but if anything changes call me.”

“I promise, first call I make.”

Billy nodded before gently squeezing the President’s hand and standing up to leave. A part of him was still weary about leaving his boss. He was the first one she’d told about her when the Colonies had been destroyed. He still remembered how she’d accused herself of being selfish because the world ended and all she could think about was her cancer and how she was going to die. He remembered very clearly how she’d acted when Elosha told her about the prophecy. She’d found a light in the darkness, a purpose other than being a frazzled politician. He’d watched the prophecy consume her and now he was going to see her die. It didn’t seem fair to him. That she would lose her life this way, but he pushed the thoughts out of his mind as he turned to the Commander.

“I will see you later sir,” Billy said as he exited the curtain.

Bill solemnly took the young man’s place, placing one hand on Laura’s hand, another hand on the crown of her head. “Hey,” he cooed as he gently began stroking the hair on the crowd of her head. Gently, he leaned in, planting a kiss on her cheek before whispering in her ear. “I know you’re still in there somewhere and I know that you are not going to let Admiral Cain win.”

He watched her for a moment, expecting her eyes to open. “Come on Laura. I know that you can wake yourself up. Please, you have to try.”


Comments and criticism appreciated as always.

battlestar galactica, adama/roslin, deliverance, fanfic

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