Index: Supernatural (Continued III)

Jan 11, 2009 18:31

Supernatural, Sam/Dean, Torchwood
Supernatural, Dean & Sam, hurt/comfort
Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, One day Dean wakes up as a girl and no one seems to notice that this is wrong apart from him. (Bonus if he also doesn't know about the relationship with Castiel)
SPN, Dean/Castiel, "I thought you kissed back, because I was turned into a girl." "You never initated a kiss, when you were a man."
Supernatural, Dean & Sam, leading a rebel army against the demons who've taken over since the apocalypse
Supernatural, anyone/anyone, "Simple Man"
Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, Set the Fire to Third Bar (Snow Patrol)
Supernatural, Dean & Sam, Sam has been avoiding something Dean wants to talk about, then he gets captured. Dean comes to his rescue, but he'll only untie him AFTER they've talked.
Supernatural, Uriel/Castiel, Uriel's one weakness
Supernatural, Castiel, anyone else, AU - Castiel makes the opposite choice
Supernatural, Sam & Dean, a verbal fight turns physical
Supernatural, Dean/Alistair, homecoming
Supernatural, Castiel/Dean, "Did you really have to shatter every window?"
Supernatural, Sam/Dean/John, getting social services called in
Supernatural, Bottom!Dean/Sam!Top, I didn't think it'd hurt so much
SPN, Sam/Dean, Genderbender (The X-Files)
SPN, Lucifer/Author's Choice, Fallen Angel (The X-Files)
Supernatural, Castiel, Castiel gets whammied and thinks he's human, can't remember the apocalypse etc.
Supernatural, ghost-induced-craziness!Dean & Sam, "This is just like the Shining."
Supernatural, Sam/Ruby, snow
SPN, Dean/Sam/Castiel, A feather light touch
Supernatural, any human character/any demon or angel character, Let The Right One In.
Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, East of Eden
Supernatural, Dean & Castiel, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one." (Star Trek II & III)
Supernatural, Lucifer, 'There will be no dawn for men' (Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers)
Supernatural, Bobby, "I'll be back."(Terminator)
SPN, Dean/Castiel, Serenity.
Supernatural, Castiel, Identity
SPN, Sam/male!Jessica, Dean's reaction to Sam's roommate at Stanford
SPN, Dean/girl!Sam, missed you
SPN, Dean/girl!Sam, "I'd have thought spontaneous breasts would be cause for celebration!"
Supernatural, Dean & Female!Sam, no one touches his little sister
Supernatural, Evil!Sam/Dean, The World Is Not Enough
Supernatural, Sam/Dean, something goes wrong and Castiel is turned into wee!Castiel
Supernatural, Dean, Sam, Wee!Dean & Wee!Sam, after a spell goes wrong the boys have to take care of younger versions of themselves
SPN, Sam/Dean, Dean thinks he's really Batman and Sam stages an intervention.
Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, "I won't stand by and watch him die!" "Then don't watch."
Supernatural, Dean & Sam, Dean sends him postcards from the road while Sam is in college
Supernatural, Dean & Castiel, watching Dogma together
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, 20's style Private Detective AU
Supernatural, Dean/anyone, "Never call me Daddy"
Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, Dean teaches Cas the value of a quarter... using Magic Fingers
SPN, Dean/Castiel, cutting his wings off so that he can stay
Supernatural, Bobby Singer & wee!chesters, Bobby did not acquire the puppy to appease the Winchesters. He just figured a dog would be useful around the place.
Supernatural, Jimmy/Amelia, they'd been just a couple of know-nothing kids, playing at getting married at twenty-one, but somehow in the end they made it work.
Supernatural, any, where does an angel go when it dies?
SPN, Dean, for a while there Michael was invading his dreams every night

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