
May 02, 2010 13:36

So I finally got around to seeing the remake of Clash of the Titans last night. As a Classicist, I can't condone it as a good representation of anything even remotely heading towards a reflection of Greek mythology. As a filmgoer, I uh, actually rather enjoyed it.

Release the Kraken! Or: Why this is SPARTAAAAAA! )

film recs, real life, classics

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Comments 15

empath89 May 2 2010, 19:46:42 UTC
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I have heard the same things from other people and probably the number one pet peeve is that Hades is the bad guy. I mean...yes, he has his dark side, but so do all the gods/goddesses in greek myths. But I will def check it out, simply for sam worthington, if nothing else. How was he? I loved him in terminator and actually liked him in Avatar, but I fear he's getting the same kinds of roles over and over again :/

I haven't seen 300. Is it good? I'm afraid I won't like it and I have heard really mixed reviews from friends. But yeah, I liked Troy and Alexander, but you did feel the length of the movies.


cobalt_violet May 3 2010, 14:34:44 UTC
The film's generally good overall - I mean it's not a highbrow kind of thing by any means, but it doesn't pretend to be. It's sheer fun entertainment so do watch it, just don't go along as a Classics fan is my advice, just as a film-goer. But yeah. my pet peeve was Hades as well. I think it annoyed me that it was such a blatant misuse of him. As I said, it seemed to be 'Hades rules the underworld > the underworld = Hell > Hades is the king of Hell > Hades is the devil > Hades is evil'. So yeah, that was irritating. Sam Worthington was ok, I've never seen him in anything else so I can't really compare, but he didn't really have much to work with from his role - just a lot of macho posturing. My only criticism would be his accent kept slipping. XD

300 is ok. If comics, or films based on comics, are your thing then it's good. It's very stylised and completely unhistorical, but it's based on a graphic novel so it can't be forgiven. I felt it dragged a little and since I'm not usually a fan of graphic novel so much a couple of times I had ( ... )


empath89 May 4 2010, 01:21:37 UTC
Oops. Ended up commenting on the post instead of your comment. Had to fix it.

It's sheer fun entertainment so do watch it, just don't go along as a Classics fan is my advice, just as a film-goer.
Well, I went to see transformers 2, knowing that all it tries to be is a summer action film, and I was still disappointed. So, that's not always gonna help. But yeah, I do wanna check it out. As far as Sam Worthington goes, in Avatar he played an ex-military guy...so yeah. Very manly role. And I don't wanna give away Terminator, but it's a very similar role. And I'm afraid that he'll be stuck with those kinds of roles now.

Ah, maybe 300 is not for me then. I was afraid that I'd hate the style, which is why I've been avoiding it. I know my parents saw it and just about had a heart attack. They hated it with a passion.

Which one did you like? Troy or Alexander? And why did you not like the other? Historical issues? Acting? Just hated the movie in general?


cobalt_violet May 4 2010, 13:48:13 UTC
I keep meaning to watch Avatar - maybe now it's out on DVD I'll get around to it. But yeah, Sam Worthington's very butch and manly in Clash of the Titans too, so I can see what you mean about the typecasting. I will guiltily admit I never even saw Transformers 1, so I can't comment on 2. I fail at watching any up to date films. Humbug.

300 really is very stylised. I mean it's almost like looking at graphic art in motion. My only advice is perhaps see the first ten minutes or so - you'll know straight away whether you can put up with it or not. I was pleasantly surprised that I could, given that I'd decided right from the start I was going to hate the film. Like I said, really don't count on there being any history in it though. It's an ok film. Not one I think I'd revisit of my own volition though.

I liked Alexander (I think I'm the only person on the planet who did) and I absolutely loathed Troy. I had real issues with that film because of what it did to Homeric characterisation; how completely they muffed up the whole story (10 ( ... )


ceria_taliesin May 3 2010, 02:35:48 UTC
Heh, I wondered about 1, 3 and 4 so thanks for the clarification on that.

And for the pros? Hell yes, #3 was the only reason to see that movie. Yum.


cobalt_violet May 3 2010, 14:36:48 UTC
Glad to have cleared that up for you. :) I rather suspect they picked the Kraken simply because it's been made infamous by PotC and thus easily recognisable to your average audience.

Trufax. Hot men in skirts and sandals: always a good reason to go see a film, no matter how good or bad. *Is shallow*


Interesting anonymous May 3 2010, 03:35:00 UTC
Hey I just gotta say I had never read a blog or journal (whatever it is) before this one and only read it because of an assignment for school, but I really like it. I also saw that movie and was kinda disappointed in all the flaws but still a cool movie. Well, keep doing what you're doin...and even though you didn't try to thanks for helping with my assignment haha.


Re: Interesting cobalt_violet May 3 2010, 14:37:42 UTC
Glad to have helped you out. :) (I'm intrigued as to what your assignment is now - it sounds fun!) And I agree with you: a little disappointed by the flaws, but still definitely a cool film.


keeperofdestiny May 3 2010, 08:00:04 UTC
I really loved Medusa, I thought the entire build up/scene with her was fantastic! In fact, I enjoyed most of the movie, up til the very end. Where it ended. Abruptly. Other than that, I would watch again!

I do not know enough about Greek mythology to complain about anything in it, expect my own fangirlish peeve that Artemis didn't get a line to speak. :p But thats just an old childhood adoration :D


cobalt_violet May 3 2010, 14:42:06 UTC
So did I - I actually thought it was the best bit, and I just found her really pretty and cool. Which I'm not sure you're meant to say about a creature that's supposed to be an unspeakable horror... The ending made me laugh, especially the Perseus 'n Zeus scene on the cliff top. It was basically: 'One day son, the world will need you to fight again, for Hades is not dead and WILL BE BACK, and so you will need to appear in a multi-million pound sequel, with even more CGI and bigger bad guys and stuff getting blown up.' (Oh wait, news just in: they've actually confirmed there's going to be a sequel. Hah!)

Yeah, I was desperately waiting for any of the other gods to have a line, and only Apollo, Zeus and (I think) Hephaestus had anything to say (oh, and Hades of course). Bah. But I liked their armour. Even if it was more than a little medieval. XD


kawaii_tenshi27 May 14 2010, 02:20:43 UTC
I'm maybe a little afraid to see this, I must admit. I had my instant "OH MY GOD, MUST SEE!" moment, followed immediately by a "NO, I CAN'T, I'd kill people" moment, and it's the later that has stuck. Maybe one day I will try it out.


cobalt_violet May 24 2010, 07:55:43 UTC
It's...not a good film from a Classics POV. Not at all. You really have to kind of look at it as not even really the Perseus myth, just a story that has some characters with the same names. That said, it did annoy me a little, even leaving aside the entertainment factor.

Not one I'll be investing in a DVD with, methinks.


kawaii_tenshi27 May 24 2010, 18:45:01 UTC
Mayhaps I'll see it when it comes out on DVD and I can flail angrily in the privacy of my own home, rather than spending a lot of money to upset other paying customers at the cinema. I survived Troy, I ought to be able to survive this, right?


cobalt_violet June 2 2010, 08:20:10 UTC
Pfft, I barely survived Troy. I think I only made it all the way through because Sean Bean was in it. I do agree though, don't bother spending ridiculous amounts of money and upsetting other cinema patrons when you can take the film home, swear loudly at it and throw things at the TV. And then jump up and down on the DVD when the film finishes.


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