Title: One More Time Summary: Nearly-Headless Nick is persistent in his attempts to join the Headless Hunt Characters/Pairings: Nearly-Headless Nick Genre: gen/humor? Rating/Warnings: G Word Count: 133 A/N: written for hh_sugarquill, part of hogwartsishome
Title: not titled Summary: a bunch of haikus~ Characters/Pairings: one is from Gilderoy Lockhart’s POV, mention of Snape Genre: gen. Rating/Warnings: G? A/N written for hh_sugarquill part of hogwartsishome
Title: Mystique 2.0 --Without the Evil Summary: Tonks love of X-Men meets her metamorphagus abilities. written for a ficlet challenge over @ hh_sugarquill, part of hogwartsishome Characters/Pairings: Nymphadora Tonks Genre: gen/humor Rating/Warnings: G
Title: Astronomy Re-Do Summary: Ron gets left behind one astronomy class. Set during their first year. for a drabble challenge @ hh_sugarquill, part of hogwartsishome Characters/Pairings: Ron Weasley Genre: Gen. Rating/Warnings: G
Title: Snow Clouds Rating/Warnings: G? Characters/Pairing: Harry/Luna Summary: Harry and Luna watch snow clouds form Author's Notes: gift for my Secret Puff daughterjudy over at the Puff Common Room @ hogwartsishome; based off a scene in Sandry's Book by Tamora Pierce :)
Title: What's This? Rating/Warnings: G Characters/Pairing: Ron Weasley; implied R/Hr Summary: Ron and Muggle Technology Author's Notes: for challenge #78 @ hh_writersblock, a sub-comm of hogwartsishome :D