Title: Astronomy Re-Do
Summary: Ron gets left behind one astronomy class. Set during their first year. for a drabble challenge @
hh_sugarquill, part of
hogwartsishomeCharacters/Pairings: Ron Weasley
Genre: Gen.
Rating/Warnings: G
Ron cursed as he walked down the stairs from the Astronomy Tower. Professor Sinistra had made him redo his work because she couldn’t tell what it was suppose to be. So, he was the last one to leave, and he made his lonely trek back to Gryffindor Tower.
He finally approached the Fat Lady and said “Pumpernickel.”
“No, sorry, that’s not it.”
“What do you mean, that’s not it?”
“It changed at midnight, sorry.”
“Changed at midnight? What am I suppose to do then?”
“Get the password from someone.”
“That’s not gonna help me!”