I have decided...

Jun 04, 2009 20:20

...and I want to start a political party ( Read more... )

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Comments 68

draycevixen June 4 2009, 20:56:05 UTC

As I'm not at all sure where this leaves me... erm... I think I just answered my own question and have, rather conveniently, already vacated the country.


clanwilliam June 4 2009, 21:05:28 UTC
Himself says "humanity did not evolve in Gloucestershire" so either that means you're out or you're so primitive you're allowed to stay.


draycevixen June 4 2009, 21:14:08 UTC

That's just on my Mother's side... On my dad's side I'm Irish and Norman.


aella_irene June 4 2009, 21:36:41 UTC
I am resisting the urge to say very rude things about the Forest of Dean... (Apologies to any people from the Forest of Dean listening. I'm sure you're all lovely, if somewhat genetically limited. Unless you are the exception that proves the rule. Look, all I'm saying is that I was not at all surprised when I discovered that Hagrid is meant to have a Forest accent..)


grumpyolddog June 4 2009, 21:39:36 UTC
Gah. I'm packing.

Great-granny was a byblow of a certain Duke of Somerset and the Beauforts agreed to never try to claim the throne when the first of the their line was ennobled by his father, one Edward Longshanks Esq.

So not only do I have the ignominy of being from a bastard line of a bastard line of William the Bastard, I also need to find my backpack.


clanwilliam June 4 2009, 21:52:51 UTC
No! We need you to build new henges for us!


grumpyolddog June 4 2009, 22:14:42 UTC
Like the original ones, for no other purpose that to wind up our descendants?

If so, I'm up for that. If it was good enough for my great^n grandfather, it's good enough for me.


clanwilliam June 4 2009, 21:55:43 UTC
Also, the current mob are not Beauforts. They're Seymours.


aligoestonz June 4 2009, 21:41:51 UTC
I think I might be safe actually, as Mum's side is totally Celt, but as my adorable (well, when they aren't being right little herberts) niece and nephew wouldn't be, so this would not be pleasing.


clanwilliam June 4 2009, 21:54:31 UTC
Yeah, but you'd never have to babysit again...


ruthi June 4 2009, 21:45:06 UTC
Have you been watching 'Britain before the Romans'? There was a man who looked entirely convinced that your policies should be implemented soonest, if not earlier, and seemed to be unaware that his reddish hair would have him deported forever.


clanwilliam June 4 2009, 21:54:14 UTC

I'd probably have to deport myself. But it's what's always got me about the BNP - years ago, I gave a lift to a very nice chap who was very embarrassed to admit that his brother was a big cheese in the BNP. I pointed out that you can't help family, and we had an entertaining while sorting out suitable questions for his brother.


uitlander June 4 2009, 22:04:52 UTC
You're just going to give it all back to the Welsh, aren't you?


silly_swordsman June 4 2009, 22:17:06 UTC
Look, son. One day all this will be covered in sheep.


grumpyolddog June 4 2009, 22:18:25 UTC
The word "welsh" means "foreigner". And I believe "over my dead body" is appropriate at this stage. Which they are welcome to try.


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