I have decided...

Jun 04, 2009 20:20

...and I want to start a political party ( Read more... )

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Comments 68

hano June 4 2009, 20:27:11 UTC
But then *everyone* will have to leave, leaving the entire country to you...
Ahhh, I see your cunning plan now...


clanwilliam June 4 2009, 20:44:08 UTC
It is cunning, isn't it? I shall become the Professor of Cunning at Oxford University, since that damn fox will be sent back to wherever it originated.


bellinghman June 4 2009, 22:02:26 UTC


silly_swordsman June 4 2009, 22:14:04 UTC
That's one of those leet speek things, isn't it?

"The immigration system is so foxord up that we might as well keep the borders open"


sollersuk June 4 2009, 20:27:32 UTC
Send all the English back to Germany! YEAH!!!


clanwilliam June 4 2009, 20:41:04 UTC
That would be rather entertaining, wouldn't it?

Admittedly, I'm not sure where we could send m31andy. She doesn't have gills, and I think the underwater family have disowned her branch...


m31andy June 4 2009, 20:55:27 UTC
Pfft. Gills are for wusses. I breathe through my ears...

(I'm a sixteenth Welsh - does this mean I've got to send one breast back to Monmouthshire?)


aella_irene June 4 2009, 21:01:47 UTC
I'm a quarter Scots, and an eighth Irish, as well as the various European bits from 700 years or so back.* Anything along these lines will probably leave me in several peices.

*I am descended from the Plataganets, (and the Stanleys) through I think my great-grandmother, though it might have been my great-great. Either way, the French blood is there. And possibly Spanish. This is going to get messy...


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clanwilliam June 4 2009, 20:40:17 UTC
You DANE! Get back away and stop giving our families blonde hair that crops up 1000 years later!


abigailb June 4 2009, 20:54:39 UTC
I saw we send the Celts back home to the Indo-European homeland too. The only reason they seem to be the original inhabitants is they actually succeeded in genociding the previous population, whereas later invasions failed at this.


clanwilliam June 4 2009, 21:03:13 UTC
Well, most alleged Celts (like myself) are actually neolithic descendants, as the culture seems to have done a bigger shift than the people. It seems to have been more of a cultural wave, so British "Celts" are more likely to be of native central and western European descent than Indo-European. Although if we go back far enough, naturally everyone has to leave.


abigailb June 4 2009, 21:09:52 UTC
Yeah, that's what they're finding. They're also finding that this is also somewhat true for the Saxon invasions, is my understanding. But entirely assimilating a population is also genocide.


liadnan June 4 2009, 21:54:48 UTC
Olduvai Gorge is only about 50km long, it's going to get a bit damn crowded down there.


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clanwilliam June 4 2009, 21:04:11 UTC
Isn't that what you do already?


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clanwilliam June 4 2009, 21:08:21 UTC
Is it fair to refer to gominokouhai as Grog? Would he prefer to be Magrog?

*ducks and hides*


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