Title: Amsterdam Amblings
Series: Road Trip!
Author: Boom
Continuity: Transformers G1
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Most of the usual crew. Hints of Wheeljack/Ratchet and Red Alert/Inferno
Warnings: Only discussion of Amsterdam's attractions.
Author's Note: First of my road trip series. Tainry told me to do it and Clankclank helped write it.
The nicest thing about Amsterdam was the fact that nobody seemed to think that a road vehicle transforming into a twenty foot robot was anything unusual to make a fuss about. )
Comments 10
I think I nearly died laughing at where Bumblebee had disappeared to... it's always the quiet ones you have to watch out for!
And yay for Red/Inferno!
I appreciate this since I was in Amsterdam last April...
“What in the name of Willie Nelson is Ratchet doing?”
SPORFLE!!! Good lord, right off the bat...
Prime rather carefully in the Rijksmuseum...snerk!
BEE! LOL!!!!
Beachcomber, Groove and Perceptor had been in a coffee shop for the last three days
GLEE! Oh man, they're probably sampling EVERYTHING REPEATEDLY. FOR SCIENCE! And Perce analyzing the molecular structure of everything...and Comber and Groove comparing the effects...
The current theory put forward by Jazz was that he had fallen into a canal.
Oh lord, tangled up with all the bicycles. O.O
No-body knew where Tracks was and most were too afraid to look,
And Aid trying to explain to Prowl, and Prowl...not getting it...
And this is all so very much why this needed writing!
Hoist...oh god...
::rolls about::
I have the hiccups now. Thanks. XD
Though some of us are still trying to figure out how pot works with giant robots... (Then again, this is G1 so... wizards did it?)
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