Title: Amsterdam Amblings Series: Road Trip! Author: Boom Continuity: Transformers G1 Rating: PG Characters/Pairing: Most of the usual crew. Hints of Wheeljack/Ratchet and Red Alert/Inferno Warnings: Only discussion of Amsterdam's attractions. Author's Note: First of my road trip series. Tainry told me to do it and Clankclank helped write it.
Mission insane prompt: apologise Characters: Ratchet, Prowl, Blaster Verse: G1 Title: The Misadventures of Shamrock House Summery: God save us from slagging idiots who think their job's too important to get some recharge.
Title: Wrap it in a blanket, hide it under the stairs Author: Clankclank Mission Insane Prompt: Emotions - scared Verse: 2007 live action movie Characters: Jazz, Ratchet Summary: There’s a million and one good reasons not to act on it and only one bad one. Unfortunately, the bad reasons seem to hold the most weight.
We decided that we needed a little bit of motivation to actually get our asses into gear and so signed up for the mission_insane challenge. The prompts looked like fun, there’s no time limit and it means we can use it for any verse, and any character, including the dreaded AU. Now that just sounds generally appealing to me
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Ironhide is obviously fond of the crack that systemscrash produces, as he tried to hug her the other week. Unfortunatly truck+human = ruptured human. I hope the bruising’s gone down and you feel a lot better. Sorry this took so long to do.
Blogger: ClankClank Title: Cigarettes and Nitroglycerin Fandom: Transformers [G1] Characters: Wheeljack, Red Alert, Ratchet AN/ prompt for this was Dishevelled Wheeljack