FIC: "Enthralled" (Changes, Part Three) (Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom, David Wenham/Orlando Bloom)

Mar 17, 2010 22:39

Title: "Enthralled" 1/1
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Changes (Part Three)
Pairing: Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom (Dave Wenham/Orlando Bloom)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Karl & Orlando have a rare night to themselves.
Disclaimer: Vampires still don't exist. And we doubt Karl & Orlando are living together with Harry & Dave.
Notes: Originally written in 2002, revised in 2010.

Pleasure (Part One) | Discipline (Part Two) | Enthralled (Part Three) | Enslaved (Part Four) | Reciprocation (Interlude) | Arrogance (Part Five) | Simplicity (Part Six) | Reassurance (Part Seven) | Companion (Part Eight) | Watching (Part Nine) | Visit (Part Ten) | Vigilance (Part Eleven) | Welcome Home (Part Twelve) | Surprise (Part Thirteen) | Mechanics (Part Fourteen) | Casual (Part Fifteen) |

"We're only here
Sharing our free love"
--Depeche Mode

Orlando stood just inside the doorway of the study for several minutes, studying Dave as he sat behind the desk. The soft scratch of Dave's pen filled the room. Orlando wondered briefly what the other vampire was working on.

Dave looked up, grinned. "It's about time you got up."

"Can I help it if I sleep late?" Orlando smiled back and perched on the edge of the desk. "Where are the adults?"

"Their respective offices, thank God," Dave said, pulling Orlando onto his lap, and nuzzling his neck. "And you've arrived at the perfect time to distract me."

"Their offices?" Orlando leaned against Dave, tipping his head back to allow Dave better access. "When will they be home? And why do you need distracting?"

"They do have offices," Dave chuckled along the soft skin of Orlando's neck. "They go there quite a lot. Guess they'll be home later. Why?"

"Just curious. Thought I might see if Karl wanted to do something. What were you working on?"

"More boring legal bullshit for Gramps."

"Sounds like fun. You have plans for later? With Harry?"

Dave looked up. "Do you want me to?"

"Well..." The last thing he wanted to do was make Dave feel like he didn't want him or Harry around. He sighed and peeked at Dave. "A little, yeah."

"Not getting enough alone time with the eternal idiot?"

Orlando nodded and looked down. "Not recently, no."

"Then Harry and I will go to the retreat for the night," Dave stated, nodding. "I'll let him know to meet me there."

"It's not that I don't like spending time with you and Harry," Orlando said, his words rushed. "Because I do. You know that, right? It's just..."

"Hush." Dave brushed his lips across Orlando's and smiled. "You're entitled to some quality time with him. We all need to keep things balanced. Besides," he winked, "it's not like it's a great hardship having Harry all to myself for a night."

Well, that was a relief. Orlando smiled and leaned in for another kiss. "One would hope not. What time did you say they'd be home again?"

"Few hours." Dave scraped his nails down Orlando's back, licking his lips. "Why?"

Orlando's eyes slid to the paperwork on the desk, then back to Dave. More specifically back to Dave's tongue running over his lips. "Just wondering. You have to get that stuff finished soon?"


"So..." Orlando wiggled around until he was straddling Dave's lap, his back supported by the edge of the desk. "You said you needed distracting, right?"

Dave just tipped Orlando back onto the desk, scattering the papers everywhere. "So I did."

Orlando laughed, lifted his hips. He pulled Dave's pen and the few remaining papers from beneath him. "Don't think you're gonna need these, then."

"No," Dave answered, smiling as he lowered his body on top of Orlando's. "Probably not."

* * *

Orlando stretched, standing in front of the closet and peering at all the clothes inside. There were enough clothes there to dress an army, and he still couldn't find just the right shirt to put on. And Karl was going to be home soon.

//Little one?//

Scratch that. Karl was home now. //In the bedroom.// Fuck it. Orlando pulled out a shirt and slid his arms into it, buttoning it up as he kicked the closet door closed.

Karl set down his briefcase as he walked into the room. "That's mine, isn't it?" he asked, motioning at the shirt.

"Yeah. You want it back?" Orlando shoved his hands in his pockets and let his eyes roam over Karl. Fuck, but he'd forgotten just how devastating Karl looked in a suit.

"Not at the moment. Looks good on you. Keep it."

"Thanks. How were things at the office? Anything I need to be aware of?"

"No." Karl smiled over his shoulder, sliding out of his jacket and loosening his tie. "You're doing a great job. I may retire."

"You'd be bored in a week." Orlando laughed, but knew he was blushing. He stepped forward to take Karl's jacket, and wrappend an arm around Karl's waist to give him a quick hug.

Karl turned in Orlando's arms, smiled. "Hello there."

Orlando was caught in strong arms and a deep kiss seconds later. God, he'd never get enough of this. The jacket fell to the floor, forgotten, as Orlando molded his body against Karl's. "Hello yourself," he breathed, leaning in to steal another quick kiss.

"Where are Harry and Dave?"

"They're, um..." Orlando took a deep breath and bent to pick up the jacket. He moved to hang it up, glancing quickly at Karl as he did so. "Dave had Harry meet him at the retreat. They're staying there tonight."

"Are they?" A raised eyebrow was all the emotion Karl showed. "Just us, then?"

Orlando nodded and shifted his weight. "Yeah, I thought that we, you know...could spend some time together."

"Alright," Karl smiled. "What'd you have in mind?"

Orlando opened his mouth, then paused. In mind? Hell...he hadn't thought that far ahead. He gave Karl a sheepish grin and shrugged. "Nothing really. Just thought it'd be nice to be alone with you for a change. We, um...could go to dinner. Or watch a movie or something. Or go to bed."

"They all sound rather appealing." Karl unbuttoned his shirt, watched out of lowered lashes. "Shall we flip for it?"

Orlando smiled, moved forward to slide his hands inside Karl's shirt. "Which two are we flipping for?"

"Whichever." Karl claimed his mouth again in a slow, sliding kiss that had his brain scrambling, his body aching.

"Or we could come up with a way to do all three at once," Orlando said when he could speak again.

"All three at once sounds nice," Karl murmured, fingering the silk of Orlando's borrowed shirt.

Well," Orlando said, leaning against Karl, resting his head on Karl's shoulder. "We could always order some take-out, move one of the TVs in here for the night, then curl up in bed. Cuddle, talk, that sort of thing."

"Sounds nice. But we already have a television up here." Karl pointed to a panel on the far wall. "We just never use it."

Orlando spun to face the panel. "We do?" He shook his head and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Never mind, of course we do. And of course we never use it. All we ever do in here is sleep or have sex."

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Well, no, but..." Orlando trailed off and shrugged. "So what do you feel like eating tonight?"

"Pizza. From CPK."

"Alright, I'll order it and you can pick out a movie." Orlando stood and stretched. "Anything in particular you want on the pizza?"

"Basil chicken." Karl placed another light kiss on Orlando's lips before disappearing into the bathroom

Orlando touched his lips and watched Karl vanish through the door. Then he shook his head and went to find his cell phone to place the order. This night was going to be about them. Not about Harry or Dave or the four of them together, but about him and Karl. Now if he could just figure out how to convince Karl that they needed to spend more time alone than they'd been doing recently.

When Orlando came back upstairs, Karl was walking out of the shower, towel drying his hair. Naked. With water droplets hanging off of the hairs on his arms and thighs. Orlando swallowed hard. Control. Just for awhile. He could do it. "Pizza'll be here in about 20."

"Good," Karl replied, flashing him an intimate grin. He patted the space next to him on the bed. "Tell me how your day was."

"Boring." Orlando perched on the edge of the mattress, hands tucked between his knees. "About the only exciting point was the call from Tokyo to let me know that they'd implemented the last of my suggestions."

"That's excellent news." And Orlando just about melted at the soft glow of approval radiating from Karl's body. "I'm very proud of you. I know I don't tell you enough."

Karl was proud of him. That knowledge made everything he'd gone through before Tokyo worth it. Orlando flushed and smiled. "Thank you," he murmured. "I, um...thank you."

Karl patted him on the knee, and stood, walking gracefully to the dresser, pulling out his favorite worn pair of silk pajama bottoms. "So, movie?" he asked.

Movie? Orlando blinked and pulled his eyes away from the sight of Karl's ass encased in silk. "That was your responsibility. I order the pizza, you pick the movie."

"Yes, but I picked out the pizza."

"But I ordered it," Orlando teased, bouncing on the bed. He grinned and waved a hand. "Fine, I'll get a movie, too. Anything you're in the mood for?"

"Nothing sickening."

"Oh, that narrows it down." Orlando laughed and headed back out the door. He returned ten minutes later with a movie and the pizza. "This just got here," he said, waving the box. He handed it to Karl and moved to the TV. "And we're watching 'Some Like It Hot' because I'm in the mood for a comedy."

"I can handle Marilyn and Tony." Karl crawled to the middle of the bed, gestured for the pizza. Both moaned when he opened the box. "Garlic and basil. Best smells on the planet," Karl said, looking up with a wink. "Except maybe for your scent after you come."

"Oh God." Orlando could feel the blush all the way to his toes. He refused to look at Karl as he reached in the box for a slice. "That has got to be the weirdest compliment I've ever received."

"Another first." Karl settled back amongst the pillows, nibbling on a piece of chicken. "You gonna stay shy on me all night?

Shy? Orlando's head snapped up and he stared at Karl, the bite of pizza half-chewed. He finished, swallowed, shifted a little closer to Karl. "What do you mean, shy?"

"There's a cuddling portion of the evening that seems to be lacking."

"Kinda hard to cuddle and eat. You gonna feed me?"

"No." Before Orlando could protest, Karl pulled him between his legs. "But I'll still cuddle with you," Karl added, wrapping strong arms around him.

"Just don't get any pizza sauce in my hair," Orlando laughed as he leaned back. He pulled the box so they could both reach it. "This is nice."

"Yeah, it is." They watched the first hour of the movie in silence, pausing only when Karl went downstairs to grab a bottle of wine. They finished off the pizza and most of the bottle, and Orlando was pleasantly buzzed, cozied up against Karl's chest, and thoroughly happy.

"We should do this more often," Orlando said, voice soft as his fingers stroked Karl's thigh through the silk.

Soft lips brushed against his hair. "We really should. None of us have had much alone time lately."

"No, we haven't, and it sucks." Orlando sighed, slid down so that his ear was over Karl's heart. The slow, steady beat soothed him. "Do you ever regret it?"

"Regret what?"

"Ths," Orlando murmured, his eyes drifting closed. "The four of us living together."

"Why would I regret it? The three people I love most are under the same roof as I am."

"I know, but..." He loved living with Harry and Dave, loved having them with him and Karl. But sometimes... "There's never much down time."

"Well, we're all pretty busy," Karl replied, sounding confused. "Empires to run, that sort of thing."

"I know." Orlando rubbed his eyes and tipped his head back to look at Karl. "It's never just us anymore."

Karl returned his gaze with his own serious one. "Is that what's been bothering you lately?"

Orlando sat up, placed the pizza box on the floor, and turned to face Karl. "Was it obvious?"

"Yes," Karl smiled. "And you know that's saying something when I notice it."

And if Karl had, it was a sure bet that Harry and Dave had noticed days ago. He rubbed the back of his neck and thought about how quickly Dave had figured out what he wanted. "I'm sorry," he murmured. "It's not that I don't like being here with Dave and Harry. I do. I love it. But sometimes..."

"...You wish we hadn't done it," Karl finished.

"Just sometimes. Very rarely." Orlando dropped his head to stare at the pillows. He clasped his hands in his lap. "Just once or twice really."

"Hey." Orlando lifted his head, met Karl's sympathetic eyes. "It's alright. You're allowed. Sometimes I miss just being with Harry. But it doesn't mean I love you or Dave any less. Understand?"

Orlando nodded and paused for maybe two seconds before flinging his body at Karl. Strong arms wrapped around him, and he pressed his face against Karl's neck. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, hugging Karl tight. "I just miss us sometimes. But I love you. And them."

"Shh, it's alright." Karl's voice was soothing, the lips on his hair gentle. Security. Home. Everything Orlando had ever wanted. "I love you. They love you. But you're entitled to feel overwhelmed. We're all adjusting."

Adjusting. It sounded so normal when Karl said it. Orlando blinked back the tears that threatened and silently cursed himself. "I'm just being stupid," he said, lips moving against Karl's throat. "Sometimes I think that...I feel...I don't know."

Strong arms tightened around him. "You're not being stupid. Now talk to me."

"I don't know what to say," Orlando said in a small voice, one hand moving to rest on Karl's bare chest. "I don't want you to think I'm not happy here or I regret moving in or anything."

"I don't think that," Karl assured him. "It's more than obvious that you enjoy living here, being with Dave, being with Harry."

Orlando nodded, closed his eyes. He loved Dave and Harry. And he loved being with them. But sometimes he didn't want the merry-go-round that things had become. Sometimes he just wanted Karl. "I do enjoy being with them. Dave has been so patient teaching me the things I need to know, and Harry...well...Harry's been pretty patient with me, too."

Karl sighed. "And I haven't been around. I know, I'm sorry. You really do need to smack me to get my attention sometimes."

"It's not that you haven't been around," Orlando said, voice barely audible. That wasn't it at all. "It's's never just us any more."

"Orli, it was never really just us to begin with. And I'm not saying this to undermine what you're saying," Karl continued, holding up a hand to silence Orlando's protests. "I'm just reminding you. What do you want to do about it?"

"I know it was never just us." Orlando sighed, snuggled closer to Karl. "That's not what I meant. I I said, I'm just being stupid. But I'd like for us -- me and you -- to spend a little more time alone together."

Karl tilted Orlando's chin, kissed his eyelids with whisper-soft caresses. "If you want me alone time with me, just say something. It's not like I mind."

"Well, I do," Orlando said as he opened his eyes and looked up at Karl. "Want more alone time with you. I get a lot with Dave, and plenty with Harry. I mean Harry and I...well...I just want more time with you."

"Harry and you what?"

"Nothing." Orlando shook his head. "Just something happened that made me realize he was right when he told me I have to learn to ask for what I want."

"And you don't feel like talking about it, I guess?" Fuck, now Karl sounded hurt.

"No, it's not that. We can talk about it if you want. I just...didn't think you'd be all that interested."

"I'm interested. Don't know why you'd think I wouldn't be," he said, running his hands under Orlando's shirt.

"Well, we, um...we talked quite a bit one night...about things, and..." Fuck, but it was hard to think with Karl's hands stroking his skin like that. Orlando let out a little sigh, arched into the touch. "And he found another spot that works almost as well as the...the ring, and, um...he let me take charge, and..."

"How'd he do that?" Karl asked, pulling off Orlando's shirt, returning his hands to the warm flesh.

"He, ah...Christ..." Orlando sucked in his breath as those wonderful fingers ghosted over a sensitive spot. What had they been talking about? Oh, right. Harry. "How'd he do what?"

"Let you take charge."

"Oh. He, um..." Orlando flushed again, wondered briefly if he'd ever reach a time when he didn't do that. He doubted it. Then Karl's fingers stroked his spine and he almost purred. "He let me top him."

Gentle fingers crested the top of Orlando's worn jeans. Oh God... "He did, huh?" Karl asked, his breath brushing Orlando's neck. "How did that feel for you?"

"Amazing," Orlando breathed, body arching to follow Karl's hands, head falling to the side to expose his throat. "Wonderful. Absolutely fucking incredible."

"He's got a very nice ass," Karl agreed, kissing his neck. Orlando could only moan his assent. "What other spot?"

"B-back of my knee." Orlando was amazed he could get the words out.

"Really?" Orlando caught the surprise in Karl's voice before he was flipped on his back, and nimble fingers were unzipping his jeans. "Lift your hips."

Orlando complied, lifting his hips just enough for Karl to ease the his jeans down. "Really," he stated, slight catch in his voice as he lifted his head and looked down to see the heat in Karl's eyes.

"Roll over." There was no mistaking the lust in Karl's voice. Orlando obeyed, body already quivering, tense with anticipation. A low, keening moan escaped his lips when he felt the first traces of a warm tongue across the seam of his knee.

Oh Jesus, oh fuck... He should have kept his damn mouth shut. Orlando buried his face in the pillows, twisted his hands in the sheets as Karl's tongue traced lazy patterns on his skin. Yes, he should have definitely kept that piece of information to himself. Or maybe not. He yelped as Karl's fangs grazed across a tendon.

Orlando whimpered as he fought the urge to writhe on the bed. He shifted his body just enough to rub against the silk sheets, the fabric knotted so tight in his hands that his knuckles were white. Having Harry work on the one leg had been bad enough. Having Karl work on one with his mouth and the other with his fingers...Orlando was positive he was going to explode. Or implode. Or something.

His body was bow-string taut, aching, and hard. Wasn't going to last much longer, couldn't control the broken whimpers, wasn't sure if it was even possible to. "Please," he managed to gasp before biting his lip when Karl switched knees, licking and sucking, his other hand scraping sensitive flesh.

//Let go.//

The soft whisper in his mind shattered the last remnants of control. Orlando came with a quivering groan, body tensing, then relaxing. "Jesus," he mumbled when he trusted himself to speak again. His body sprawled in a boneless heap, wracked with tiny shivers as Karl's lips trailed up the back of his thigh. //One of these days, one of you is going to kill me. I just know it.//

//You keep saying that.// Karl would sound amused. He wasn't the one in a trembling heap on the bed.

"Sure, laugh at me," Orlando mumbled, turning his head so he could see Karl. Then Orlando blinked. "You did it again."

"Did what?"

"Got me all naked, and made me come while you still have clothes on." Orlando shook his head, propped himself up on one elbow.

"I'm shirtless."

"That's an improvement, at least." Orlando rolled towards Karl, then groaned. "One of these nights, I'm going to remember to get a towel and lay on it or something." He slid up against Karl, tangling their legs together. "We missed the end of the movie."

"Marilyn chooses the wrong man again," Karl stated with a laugh, bringing his lips down to Orlando's for a swift kiss.

"Yeah, she had a knack for doing that, didn't she?" Orlando stretched, tilted his head up for another kiss. He draped an arm over Karl's waist, rubbed his toes against the silk covering Karl's legs. "This is really nice."

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah." Orlando nodded, letting his head fall to rest on Karl's shoulder. With half-lidded eyes, he watched the credits scroll across the TV screen. "We should do this more often," he murmured, fingers tracings spirals across Karl's stomach, teasing the dark hair below his navel.

Karl's hands resumed their lazy pattern on Orlando's back. "I believe we already went over this."

"We did," Orlando murmured. "Just reiterating it, that's all."

"Whenever you've the urge to whisk me off, just say so. I mean that. We all need to work on the individual attention, or we'll explode. I'm honestly thinking of kidnapping Harry tomorrow night. It's been even longer since I've seen just him."

"Mmm...means I get Dave all to myself then?" That would be nice. Of course, he got Dave to himself a lot now that they were all living together. He turned his head and began to place soft kisses across Karl's chest.

"Guess so," Karl breathed, tightening his hands on Orlando's back.

"I can live with that." Orlando grinned, flicking his tongue across a nipple before biting it gently. His fingers circled Karl's navel before sliding down to stroke the skin just above his pajama bottoms. "Then maybe I can get Harry alone the night after and see if he'll let me practice topping some more."

"You can practice on me right now."

Orlando's head snapped up. He couldn't have heard that right. "You mean...?"

"You think that Harry and Dave are the only two people I want to fuck me?" Karl asked, sounding amused. He ran his fingers down the slope of Orlando's throat, and smiled. "I've only been waiting for you to say something."

"You've been waiting..." Orlando blinked, his brain trying to process Karl's words. Christ...first Harry, now Karl... Then his eyes widened even more, and he thought for sure they were going to pop out of his head. "You let Dave...?"

"He wanted to," Karl replied simply.

"I'm always the last to find these things out," Orlando grumbled, then chuckled. He tilted his head, propped his chin on his hand. "So I could...I um..." His voice dropped. "Haven't had much practice at it."

"Harry seemed to think you did just fine."

"He told you?"

"We tell each other everything. I thought you knew that."

"I didn't realize everything meant everything." Orlando flushed again, dropped his head as he remembered how hesitant and unsure he'd been that night. "If you already knew, why'd I have to tell you?"

"Because, as I'm sure Harry told you, you need to learn to speak up," Karl replied, fingers once again trailing up Orlando's collarbone to his cheek. "If I had to tell you, then you wouldn't really be topping, would you?"

"Well, no...I guess not." Orlando sighed, rubbed his cheek against Karl's fingers. And Harry had told him that he needed to start asking for what he wanted. He opened his eyes and peeked at Karl through his lashes. "I've only done it twice. And I don't really remember the first time."

"Did I ask you for a set of credentials when I claimed you?"

Orlando grinned and rolled his body completely over onto Karl's. "Good point," he said, capturing Karl's wrists and pinning them to the pillow over his head. "So you gonna help me practice?"

Karl curved against him, lifted his hips. "I'll sacrifice myself."

"Mmmm..." Orlando lowered his head to lick at Karl's throat, tongue tracing a collarbone before moving lower to tease a nipple. His fingers slid along Karl's forearms, across his triceps, down his ribs. "I can tell this is just so hard for you...having to sacrifice yourself for my pleasure."

"Very," Karl gasped, body twisting in time with Orlando's mouth.

"Such a noble thing you're doing," Orlando breathed across Karl's skin, grazed his fangs over Karl's ribs. His fingers continued down Karl's sides, hooking in the waistband of his bottoms as Orlando moved lower. "So selfless," he murmured, tongue darting into the hollow of Karl's navel.

"That's me." The words ended on a groan when Orlando finally succeeded in pulling the silk down Karl's legs, tossing them on the floor. He took a moment to admire the lean, graceful body beneath him. There wasn't an inch of Karl that didn't scream of beauty and sin.

"You are so fucking beautiful." And he was. Orlando was convinced he was the luckiest guy in the world to have three vampires that looked this good. He grinned, leaned forward to run his tongue up the inside of Karl's thigh, nails scraping through the crisp hairs, fangs sinking into the juncture of hip and thigh not quite hard enough to break the skin.

"Thank you," Karl moaned, threading his fingers through Orlando's curls.

Orlando lifted his eyes to meet Karl's, slid his tongue up one side of Karl's cock. He swirled around the tip, letting the taste -- clove and sin and darkness -- explode across his tongue before sliding down the other side. God, he loved Karl's flavor. And he loved the responses he could wring with his mouth.

"Orlando..." It was both warning and plea, ground out in a breathless cry. Orlando smiled, filled his mouth, sucked the length down his throat in one smooth motion.

//Yes, love?// Orlando worked his throat muscles around Karl's cock before pulling back, his tongue teasing over the length and swirling around the head before he swallowed the full length again, moving in a lazy rhythm, one hand sliding up to cup his balls. //Have I told you lately how much I love to taste you?//

//Not...l-lately.// Even Karl's mental voice was choked. How lovely. Orlando continued his steady pace, delighting in every purr, every sigh, every shift in Karl's body. Loved that Karl gave himself so completely. It was beyond intoxicating.

//I do. Love the way you taste, the way you feel in my mouth, the sounds you make when you're like this...// His free hand fumbled at the bedside table, found the bottle of lube there. He coated his fingers, slid one into Karl.

"Fuck..." Karl groaned, pushing down on Orlando's finger, then up into Orlando's mouth. He added a second finger, twisting them slowly, stretching tight muscle, delving deeper, seeking...yes. There. He rubbed the small bundle of nerves just as he pulled his head back, allowing his fangs to graze the full length as it slid past his lips, got precisely the reaction he was hoping for when Karl yanked Orlando's hair, staring down at him with hot eyes.

"I need you," Karl rasped. "Now."

Orlando swept his tongue across the tip in a last, lazy swipe before slithering up Karl's body. He fought to keep from gasping when Karl's hips rocked against his, his body trembling with his own need. He reached for the lube again, opening the bottle with unsteady fingers. "Will you help me with this? I'd like to feel your hands on me."

Karl took the bottle, poured some on his fingers, closed his hand over Orlando's cock. "So hot," Karl marveled, circling his fist up and down. Orlando thought he could literally get lost in the look Karl was giving him. The mixture of lust and love and yearning was enough to send his precarious control careening toward the edge of a very steep cliff.

"Stop," Orlando gasped, reached down to curl his fingers around Karl's wrist. He dropped his head, took a few deep breaths as he battled to regain what little control he had left. And if Karl kept doing that... He pulled Karl's hand away and laced their fingers together. "Love you," he murmured, leaning in for a kiss as his hips shifted. There was a brief moment of resistance, and then tight heat surrounded him, pulled him in deeper, and he gasped into Karl's mouth.

"Jesus," Karl breathed, grasping Orlando's hips with slippery hands. Their mouths and tongues met, tangled together as Orlando started to move. This must be what an inferno felt like...scorching heat surrounding his cock, scorching heat in his mouth, under his hands.

Orlando groaned deep in his throat, lightly raked his fangs across Karl's tongue before drawing it into his mouth and sucking on it. He tilted his hips, altered his speed and rhythm, slid a hand between their bodies to curl around Karl's straining erection. Fuck, but he didn't think he was going to last long. He just hoped he could last long enough to make it good for Karl.

//Orlando, please...// The tortured pleading in Karl's voice was too much. Orlando increased his pace, slammed into Karl's willing ass, each thrust staccato, frenzied. The head of his cock brushed against Karl's prostate on every downstroke, and Orlando only had the briefest warning before Karl tightened around him. Orlando's mind was immediately hammered with wave after wave of brilliant colors as he felt Karl's orgasm clear to his core.

Orlando's body stiffened, the world around him seemed to tilt as Karl's orgasm triggered his own, sending shockwaves through his body and mind. He trembled, rode it out, fingers gripping Karl's hips tight enough to leave bruises before he collapsed against Karl, chest heaving as he struggled to draw in air.

Strong fingers soothed his body, cool lips caressed his damp forehead. "Just breathe." Sounded like a grand idea. Too bad Orlando couldn't remember how. Or whether he even had lungs anymore.

"Mmf," he mumbled, lips barely moving against Karl's throat. He tried to push himself up, gave up when his muscles refused to cooperate. Fuck it. Wouldn't be the first time he'd gone to sleep plastered across Karl's body. His breathing evened out, his heart rate slowed, and still those fingers moved over his body and those lips touched his forehead. Yeah, he could definitely get used to this.

//Nite, love.//

Orlando smiled, too tired to open his eyes. He snuggled deeper into the strong arms holding him. //Love you...//

//I love you, too.//

Yeah, they'd definitely be having more nights like this, Orlando thought, just before sleep claimed him.

Onto Enslaved

changes, karl urban, dave wenham, co-written by brenda and jo, claimed 'verse, orlando bloom

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