FIC: Self Preservation - 1/1 (Dave Wenham, Orlando Bloom, Harry Sinclair, Karl Urban, Josh Hartnett)

Aug 31, 2012 17:57

Title: Self Preservation
Authors: Brenda & Jo (azewewish & idiosyncratic)
Featuring: Dave Wenham/Orlando Bloom (Harry Sinclair, Karl Urban, Josh Hartnett)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Vampires still don't exist. And Dave & Orlando still aren't a couple.
Summary: Orlando goes to London. Takes place the same day as Brand New Day.

Josh was quiet on the way back to the castle, for which Orlando was profoundly grateful. He had questions for Josh - chief among them why Josh and Dom had been so determined to get him out of the house and away from Aubrey - but he thought maybe he understood somewhat where they were coming from. A little bit of distance from the situation after last night and this morning was probably a good thing.

But he would have liked to at least have gotten Aubrey's number before he'd been ushered out the door.

Still, he kept his silence until they got out of the car and Josh had unlocked the door to his place. "Um, towels are under the sink in the cabinet in the guest bathroom," Josh said, as he tossed his keys onto the table in the foyer. "You're welcome to whatever, man. And if, uh, you want me to walk you to the castle later, let me know."

Christ, they were acting like they were the ones that had had the crazy one night stand, all awkward and not knowing how to act around each other. It would have amused Orlando any other day, but he was still feeling a little too raw to appreciate the irony. "Thanks," he said instead, and offered a small smile. "I'll think about it."

"Okay, cool." Josh pointed to the music room, shoved his hands in his jeans pockets. "I'll just be, um, in there. Take as much time as you need."

Orlando closed the bathroom door behind him and looked at himself in the mirror for a long time. Funny, he didn't look any different. He could still smell Aubrey on his skin, though. Closing his eyes, he lifted his hand to his nose and inhaled, taking in the musky, lush scent that still clung to his fingers.

"Karl and Harry're still asleep," he told his reflection as he opened his eyes again. "You've got some time to get it together." Then he pulled his phone from his pocket and leaned against the counter as he arranged for the jet to be ready for an evening flight to London.

That finished, Orlando pulled out a towel, stripped off his clothes, and stepped into the shower. The first slide of hot water across his skin made him hiss as it stung. He managed to twist just enough to see the top edge of scratches across his shoulders. The reality of the previous twelve hours hit him, and Orlando sank to the floor of the shower and pulled his knees to his chest as the water poured over his head.


An hour later, showered and sitting out on Josh's back patio, Orlando felt marginally better, but it was a touch and go thing. As long as he didn't think about anything too much, he was fine. He'd made himself a drink before he'd gone outside, but he had a feeling that all of the alcohol in the world wasn't going to be much help. But he was determined not to lose it before he got to London and Dave.

Speaking of, he probably should warn Dave he was coming. He fished his phone out of his pocket again and pressed his speed-dial. It was already early evening in London, so Dave should be up.

Dave answered on the first ring. "Hello, love. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Orlando clutched the phone, letting Dave's familiar, beloved voice wash over him. "Hey yourself, love. I, um...I just wanted to let you know that Katie's cleared me for travel so I'll, uh, be on my way out for a visit tonight."

"What's wrong?"

Trust Dave to immediately pounce on the unsteadiness of Orlando's voice. "Nothing I want to talk about over the phone."

"Alright. Give me your flight info, I'll meet you at the airport."

Orlando did, then took a calming breath. He was making the right decision. He needed Dave. "Thanks. I'll, um, see you soon."

Josh stepped out onto the patio as Orlando finished the call. He jerked his thumb back inside, gave Orlando a nervous smile. "Karl and Harry are awake. They're in the living room."

Orlando pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "They came looking for me." It wasn't a question.

"Well, they're calmer now than they were when Harry almost bashed in my door."

And Harry accused Karl of always going off half-cocked. Orlando shoved his phone into his pocket and stood. This was not a conversation he particularly wanted to have, but he knew he had to talk to them both and not just high-tail off to London without saying anything at all. "I, uh...I'll go in, then. Talk to them."

"I'll be around," Josh said, touching Orlando's arm briefly. "If, y'know, you need moral support or anything..."

Going on impulse, Orlando pulled Josh in for a quick hug. "Thanks, but I'll be okay."

"Okay. Was that Dave on the phone?"

"Yeah, just letting him know I'm flying out."

"Cool." Josh clapped Orlando on the shoulder. "It'll be alright, man. Just tell 'em you need some space for a few days and save everything else for Dave."

Orlando's lips twisted into a wry smile. Josh still had a lot to learn about both Karl and Harry. "Easier said than done, mate, but I'll try."

And, saying that, he stepped inside and made his way to the living room. The second he crossed the threshold, Harry was on his feet and studying him. "Are you alright?" His voice was rough with worry.

"I'm fine." He knew he was the reason they were awake. Apparently, he hadn't shielded himself as well as he'd needed to. "I'm sorry I woke you."

"Fuck that," Harry said, stepping closer, eyes still roaming over Orlando's face. "Are you alright?"

"Physically or mentally?" Orlando tried to laugh, but it came out sounding all wrong, so he swallowed it and tried to decide how much to tell them. And how to tell them. "I just...I'll be fine. I'm going to London tonight."

It was cowardly, he knew, but Dave seemed like the easier subject just then. And the one that would end up with him the butt of far less jokes. Not that he thought they really would make fun of him, of course not, but... He couldn't be sure. He couldn't be sure of anything right now.

"You're going to London, but everything's fine?" Karl frowned. "I think we deserve a little more than that."

Fuck. He was so not prepared to have this conversation. "I just think...y'know, after the other night...and our...well, I'm not sure what it was, but I think maybe we need some time apart. To think about things."

"If this is about me not wanting to give you the Gift just yet..."

"Partially." He reached out, snagged Harry's hand. As always, it helped to center him, calm his thoughts. "I just...we need some time where you're not pulling away and I'm not frustrated and pushing you."

"Orlando -"

"No, hear me out." At any other time, the look on Harry's face at being interrupted would have been comical. "There are...issues. And maybe I asked too soon, but I want the Gift, I want it from you, and I'm just going to give you time to work through any reservations you have."

"Orlando," Karl said, stepping in to rest his hand on Orlando's shoulder in a light grip, "you don't have to go to London to do that. There's the retreat -"

"No, I'm going to London." They could attribute it to him having a tantrum if they wanted, but he wasn't going to back down. "If I stay in L.A., I'm going to want to be with you, and I'm going to push, and Harry and I are going to fight."

"Is this why you had the bond tied in knots last night and this morning?" Harry asked, softly.

Orlando felt his shoulders tense, tried to force himself to relax. He really didn't want to have this conversation. "No," he said, finally, knowing that they weren't going to let him ignore it by the way they held their silence. "I went home with Dom and Sean. And, um, Aubrey."

"I see," Harry said slowly, like he was testing the words. "And did something happen last night?"

Orlando jerked out a nod, and squeezed Harry's fingers. "If it's okay, I, um, I'd rather not talk about it right now."

"But you're going to London to talk to Dave about it?"

Orlando tried not to wince at the hurt in Harry's voice. Christ, this was the last thing he wanted. "For right now, yes. I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Karl said, with a quick, pointed glance at Harry. "Go to London, take a few days, get your thoughts sorted. We'll be here when you get back."

"I, um, I need to pack," Orlando said, not looking at either of them. "And let Viggo know. And, um, I was hoping that you two would, y'know, take me to the airport."

"Of course," Karl said, and Orlando could feel their bond pulsing with love. It made him want to cry. "Whatever you need."

"Thank you," Orlando said, feeling worse the longer Harry remained silent. And their bond... Prickly was the best word Orlando could think of to describe it.

"When did you schedule the flight?" Karl asked, mostly, Orlando thought, to fill the space.

Orlando checked his watch. "After dark, but if you two are awake now..." The sooner he left, the better he figured it would be.

"Call the pilot, change the flight," Karl instructed, and patted his shoulder.

Finally Harry spoke. "If this is something you want, then I respect your decision. But when you come back..."

"I know," Orlando said, and sighed. "We'll talk, I promise."

Orlando was relieved when Harry lifted Orlando's hand to place a kiss to the back of it. "Then I hope Dave can provide you with some clarity."

"He usually does. Even if he has to beat it into me." Orlando offered a small smile and stepped closer. He slowly exhaled when Harry wrapped him in a tight hug. "Will you go with me to the airport?"

"Of course," Harry said, breath ghosting across Orlando's ear.

Orlando pressed his face to the curve of Harry's neck and held tight. This was for the best. He just needed to keep telling himself that.


The plane had barely taxied to a stop before Orlando was out of his seat. He waited for the attendant to open the door, then he was at the top of the steps, eyes searching the tarmac.

Dave was leaning against the hood of his Lexus, hands in his pockets, with wind-blown hair and looking casual in jeans and a hoodie, and smiling that warm, familiar smile up at Orlando. That was all the encouragement Orlando needed. He practically flew down the steps and into Dave's waiting arms.

//Easy, I've got you. It can't be that bad, can it?//

Orlando shook his head, refusing to pull his face from Dave's neck. He knew it was all in his head, but he could swear he could still smell Aubrey on his skin. He knew he was starting to shake, but it was okay. Because he was in London with Dave, who knew him better than anyone else.

Dave tightened strong arms around him, holding him close. "It's alright. I'm here now, I promise, I'm here. It's alright."

Orlando let Dave's tone - warm and soothing - wash over him more than the words, sought comfort in the protection of Dave's embrace. Gradually, the shaking turned into small shivers, then disappeared, as he took deep breath after deep breath to regain some equilibrium. He sniffled, fighting back tears, and lifted his head. "I'm sorry..." he began, but was hushed when Dave kissed him quickly on the lips.

"None of that," he said. "Whatever it is, we'll figure it out together."

"Together," Orlando repeated, then exhaled slowly. "I think we could go back to yours now?"

"Of course." Dave hugged him again, then stepped back. "I should warn you now that Lawrence is at the house. He wanted to make sure you were good with his own eyes before he left."

"God, Dave," Orlando said, with a shaky laugh. He dragged his hands through his hair. "What'd you tell him?"

"Just that you were coming for a visit and that something was bothering you." Dave held open the passenger door while one of the flight crew put Orlando's bags in the trunk. As Orlando started to slide into the car, Dave caught his chin in a gentle grip. "And something is bothering you."

"Not yet." The car was no place to have this conversation. Orlando wanted to be somewhere warm and quiet...and safe. "I'll tell you everything, just...not yet."

"Fair enough," Dave said, sounding so much like Harry that Orlando couldn't help the grin. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, you just, uh, sounded like Harry just then," Orlando replied, as Dave started the car.

"Should I take that as a compliment or be horribly insulted and threaten to withhold sex?"

"As if you could," Orlando scoffed, as Dave cut smoothly into traffic. "And it's not a compliment or an insult. Just a fact."

"I'll take it as a compliment then, and reserve the right to withhold the sex if I change my mind."

"Love, we haven't been able to have sex for over a year. You really think I'm going to be scared of that threat right now?"

"Ah, but you're assuming that I've had time to miss your body. Lawrence could be keeping me well satisfied."

Orlando settled into the gentle teasing like it was a second skin, relaxed back into the cushions. "I bloody well hope he's keeping you satisfied. Otherwise he'll be answering to me."

"I'm sure he's quaking in his boots at the thought."

"I knew he was a smart man." Orlando reached across the seat and took Dave's free hand, feeling something inside him ease at the casual contact. "Missed you."

"Missed you, too," Dave replied, smile soft around the edges when he glanced at Orlando. "Tell me the Idiots are taking care of you."

"As much as I let them."


"Relax, love. Katie's been keeping a close eye on me, and she says I'm almost back to normal," Orlando said and gave Dave's fingers a squeeze. "Another two months at the most. In the meantime, I can do pretty much anything I want as long as I don't overdo it."

"You? Overdo something?" Dave snorted. "Never happen."

"Piss off, or I'll be the one withholding sex."

"Don't make me throw your own words back to you," Dave chuckled. "Alright, so tell me what exactly Katie said."

"Just that I needed to get back to 100% on my cardio and my blood pressure is still a little high, so I still have to take my pills for the time being. Otherwise, I'm almost there."

"Harry and Karl must be thrilled."

"Yeah," Orlando replied slowly. He could feel the tension starting to creep back between his shoulder blades. "Yeah, they're happy I'm getting better."

"I'm sensing a 'but' in there, or is this one of those things you don't want to talk about yet?" Dave asked, sparing Orlando a quick glance.

"No, it's...that..." Orlando groaned softly and let his head fall back against the seat. How to tell Dave without sounding like a whiny brat? He blew hair out of his face in a loud exhalation. "It's just that Harry's been...withdrawn. Stand-offish, just in the last few weeks or so."

A small frown creased Dave's forehead as he looked over. "That doesn't sound like Harry."

"I know. And that's why..." Orlando paused, searching for the right words. "I think he's rethinking giving me the Gift. I asked the other night, thinking we could discuss it, maybe come to a decision as to when, and he just, well..."

"He just?"

"He blew me off. Said we'd talk about it later."

Dave frowned as he took the roundabout that led to his street. "And that makes you think that he's reconsidering giving you the Gift? Did he say he was reconsidering it?"

"Well, no, it's just a feeling I can't shake."

"And it never occurred to you that this feeling is possibly just a result of you feeling anxious and unsettled because of all of the changes that've happened in the last year?"

"What?" Orlando stared at Dave's profile, feeling more than a little lost.

Dave parked and shut off the engine before he spoke again. The look he gave Orlando was one that he hadn't seen in quite awhile. "You and Karl and Harry have gone through a lot of changes in the last year is all I'm saying. You especially. It's completely understandable that you'd be feeling anxious and unsettled, like I said, like you don't know your place in the world. It makes sense that you'd want to go back, at least as much as you can, to the way things used to be as soon as possible. And that Harry would want to retreat some and take his time before going down another life changing path." you don't know your place in the world... "You don't know the half of it," Orlando muttered, staring out the windshield. Then he looked at Dave. "You're taking his side?"

"I'm not taking anyone's side," Dave said, sliding from the car before Orlando could reply. Orlando crawled out after him and stopped when Dave pulled his bags from the car and gestured towards the door. "I'm just saying that this is Harry we're talking about, and he's going to take his time with this."

"I wasn't asking for it immediately," Orlando said, trying to keep the whine to a minimum as he followed Dave up the steps. "I simply wanted to discuss it, and I thought he'd be okay with that, but no. So we ended up having a bit of a fight, and then I, um...oh, hullo, Lawrence."

"Hello, Orlando." And before Orlando could get out another word, Lawrence had swooped him up (there was really no other way to put it) into a bone-crushing hug. Orlando thought he might've cracked a rib when Lawrence finally set him on his feet. "How was the flight?"

"Long," Orlando wheezed, then stumbled inside and fell onto the first chair he could find. "You do realize I'm still recovering, yeah?"

"Eh, a little nuzzle never hurt anyone," Lawrence replied, ruffling his hair.

Nuzzle? Jesus. Orlando would love to know what an actual hug from Lawrence felt like, then. He watched as Lawrence bent his head to give Dave a kiss, then took Orlando's bags from him. "I'll just go put these up, then I'll be back down to say my goodbyes. Got some things I need to see to in my Geneva office for a few days."

Orlando was willing to bet that none of these things were urgent, but he appreciated - well, he sort of appreciated it until he thought about the fact that Dave wasn't taking his side on the Gift issue - the thoughtfulness of Lawrence wanting to give him and Dave some time alone.

"You want something to drink?" Dave asked, going for the bar.

"Honestly, I don't think there's enough alcohol in the world for what's wrong." Orlando slumped in his seat. "But I'll have whatever you're having, thanks."

Dave arched an eyebrow, but he didn't say a word as he poured their drinks. And the drinks were not, Orlando noted, scotch. Thank God for small favors. He took his and downed half of it before Dave sank onto the sofa. "I'm pretty sure getting completely pissed isn't on Katie's list of approved things."

"Katie isn't here."

"And you think I'll let you get away with things she wouldn't?"

"No, you wouldn't," Orlando said, giving his half-empty glass a mournful look. He stared at the liquid inside for a moment, then looked up as Lawrence rejoined them. "I wasn't trying to run you out of your home, y'know."

"I know," Lawrence smiled. "But I do have a few things to take care of, and it'll give you and Dave a few days of privacy to catch up. I'll be back by the end of the week, then I've got a couple new games for you to try."


"I told you that would snap him out of his funk," Dave laughed.

"Oi, I am not in a funk, thank you very much."

"Whatever you want to call it." Dave lifted his face for Lawrence's kiss, then gave his hand a quick squeeze. "Text when you get to Geneva, alright?"

"I will." Lawrence jerked a thumb in Orlando's direction. "And take care of that one."

"Always a fulltime job."

"I am here, you know."

Dave continued like Orlando hadn't spoken. "I love you."

"Love you, too," Lawrence smiled, then transferred it to Orlando. "Have fun, get your shit straight, and I'll see you end of the week, bra."

"Have a good trip," Orlando replied, and they both watched as Lawrence headed out of the room.

The second they heard the front door close, Dave fixed Orlando with one of his serious, don't fuck with me, looks. "Alright, love. Just you and me. Talk to me."

Orlando carefully set his glass down on the side table. He pulled his legs up in the chair, wrapped his arms around them, and stared at the floor. Talk. It sounded so much easier than it was going to be, and he didn't know where to start.

"Well, I told you about Harry," he finally said, not looking up, knowing he'd freeze and not be able to say another word if he looked at Dave. "Karl kinda got involved last night - night before last, sorry, it's been a long flight - and before you say anything, he offered to talk to Harry - and Harry and I, well, we had a bit of a fight."

"You mentioned that part," Dave said, gently.

Orlando sighed. "I went out with Dom to see Josh play. Get out of the house, y'know. And Sean showed up, and so did Lij and his girlfriend - he's got a girlfriend now, did I tell you that? And she's way out of his league, and -"


It was like Pavlov's dog or something. When Dave used that tone of voice (much like when Harry did), Orlando's shoulders hunched up to his ears and he tried to make himself smaller. "Well, I went home with Sean and Dom," he said, quietly, gripping his legs tight and trying to stay calm. "And Josh's bassist. It was the four of us. Just, y'know, a bit of fun. And anyway, I slept with Dom. And, um, Josh's bassist."

He paused, risked a glance up, and silently willed Dave to say something. Dave just sat there, watching Orlando and Orlando tried to remember if Dave knew anything at all about Josh's band. He swallowed hard, sighed, and dropped his forehead to his knees. The next words were barely a whisper. "Her name is Aubrey."

Soft fingers ran through his hair, and he leaned into the contact, pathetically grateful for the touch. "I remember," Dave said quietly from somewhere above him. "Karl and Harry and I went to see them play one night - you were still bedridden, but Katie made us take a night off and Karl suggested going to see Josh's band. They were quite good. And I remember Aubrey well. She's a very pretty girl."

"She's beautiful," Orlando whispered, then lifted his head, searching Dave's eyes for something, he wasn't entirely sure what. "I don't...I don't know what happened. I thought I was..."

"Shhh, it's okay." Dave crouched in front of him, gently cupped his cheek. "Take a deep breath. It's alright."

Hiccuping, Orlando tried to comply. His heart was racing so fast that he thought he might be having a heart attack. "I had sex with her three times, Dave," he said, fighting the rising hysteria with everything in him. He was with Dave now. He was safe. "She was so nice and soft and...patient and pretty and...I-I just..."

"You just did what felt good?" Dave's eyes searched his, softening when Orlando nodded. "Love, it's okay, I promise you, it's all fine..."

"Don't," Orlando said, forcing the words through numb lips. It was hard to breathe, hard to think, and he had to clench his fists tight to keep them from shaking. "Don't..."

"It's alright." The concern and love and understanding in Dave's eyes tipped Orlando over the edge. White noise roared in his ears. He was barely aware of Dave pulling him from the chair and carrying him up the stairs.

"Don't, I'm not -" His clothes were coming off and there was a bed in the room, and Orlando didn't want to have sex just then. He struggled, the movements ineffectual, and he couldn't breathe, damn it, and all he could hear was Aubrey whispering in his ear, encouraging him to explore, her breathy moans mixing with his until he couldn't focus on anything else.

//Orli, relax, I've got you. C'mon, love.//

Slowly, Dave's mental voice cut through the noise and the fog, easing the panic back until Orlando could breathe. His heart still thudded against his chest, but he could feel strong arms around him, holding him, protecting him. "Dave." Orlando repeated the name silently, tasting it, and then he wrapped himself tight around Dave and felt tears start to slide down his cheeks. "Not...who I thought...I was..."

"Few of us ever are," Dave answered, stroking Orlando's hair in a soothing motion. "Why don't you relax for a few minutes, then start at the beginning and tell me what happened."

Relax. As if he could. Still, this was Dave, and Dave hadn't laughed at him or dismissed his feelings, and Dave was still here, holding him, loving him. So Orlando gulped in air, then tried to slow the rabbit-racing of his heart until he thought maybe he could focus. All the while, he was aware of Dave's arms, Dave's heartbeat thumping slow and steady under his ear, matching his breathing to Dave's until he regained some semblance of himself.

"There, that's better," Dave soothed. "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere, and nothing you tell me leaves this room, alright?"

Orlando swallowed, licked dry lips. "Okay. Okay, it's fine, I can..."

"Start with the club. Did anything happen there or was it all back at Sean and Dom's?"

"Um, no, it...Dom was being his usual flirty self, y'know, and he was ogling Aubrey while she was setting up on stage and talking about taking her home with him and she was flirting back..." Once he started talking, started focusing on the details, it was a little easier. "And after the set, she was sitting on his lap and they were both flirting with Sean and she was...nice, y'know? Pretty and funny and smart enough to keep up with Dom and it's not like I'd never met her or anything, so I don't understand why..."

"It's alright if you didn't. Sometimes it takes awhile for us to see an attraction," Dave said, and tilted Orlando's chin up so he could smile down at him. "Take me and you, for instance. It took us months to see it."

"I don't...I don't..."

"Shh, relax." Dave started petting Orlando's hair again. "Just breathe, okay? Don't think about it, just tell me."

"She, um...she started flirting. With me. And I kinda flirted back because, y'know, it's harmless. And then...and then she was right there, in front of me, and it just...I just...I kissed her. And it was...fuck, Dave, it was amazing."

"As all first kisses should be. If they don't rock your world, what's the point?"

"Yeah, I suppose," Orlando said, with a short, startled bark of laughter. Yeah, he thought, remembering Dave talking about his first kiss with Harry, Dave probably would know something about a first kiss that rocked one's world.

"She rode with Dom back to the house, and Sean went with me, and we were hanging out, y'know, getting a little high off some weed Josh had given me, and then they got there, and I...I'm not sure what happened, really, but I was all over Dom soon as he walked in, and then I was...I was fucking him into the sofa, and we just...just...then we looked over, and Sean was fucking Aubrey, and we could see..."

Orlando could recall crystal clear images -- the way Aubrey had looked, pale skin gleaming in the low light, the way her body gripped Sean's cock as they moved, the look in her eyes when she realized Orlando was beside them on the sofa. Dave's hand moved along Orlando's back, anchoring him, fingertips lingering for just a moment over recent scratches.


"She was on his lap, facing us, and we could see everything. I was beautiful, Dave. She was beautiful. And I..." Orlando paused, and his voice dropped to a whisper. "I wanted to be where Sean was."

"Understandable. I want to be where Sean was and I wasn't even there."

"Wait, but..." Orlando frowned up at him. "You're not...are you?"

"Attracted to women?" Dave laughed when Orlando nodded. "Absolutely. But that's a story for another time. Keep going, tell me what happened after you noticed Sean and Aubrey together."

"Um, well..." Orlando cleared his throat, tried to piece together exactly how and when everything had occurred. "Sean sort of patted the space next to them and I went over and next thing I know, Aubrey's grabbed my hand and put it, um, on her. Um, on..."

"On her clitoris?" Dave supplied, and there was no way Orlando was going to survive this conversation without dying of embarrassment.

"Um, yeah," he whispered, certain his face had to be flaming red. "And she wet and the way she looked and was moaning and then Dom sort of, um, came over and put his, uh, face down there and...God, watching her..."

"It got you going."

"Yeah, I just...I didn't know what to do, and I...I was scared," Orlando mumbled. His face felt like it was on fire. "Terrified. Then she, um...and Sean kinda nudged her out of his lap, and she, uh, crawled right into mine, and, um, she...she was so soft and warm, and she smelled so good. She was, um, rubbing against me, and we were, uh, kissing, and...and, um, she reached between us, and uh..."

Once again, Dave came to the rescue. "She wrapped her hand around your cock?"

Orlando nodded. It should not be this hard to talk about this with Dave, ferfucksake. It was just sex. Except it wasn't, and Orlando knew it.

"What happened then?"

"She, um, well, she sort of leaned in and whispered in my ear that she could tell how hard I was and that, um, Dom had kinda told her that I"

"A virgin with women?"

"Yeah, that." It was cool, he could do this. He felt a surge of love and gratitude for Dave being so patient with him. "And that if I was curious as to what it was like, she'd, um, be willing. To guide me. And that it would be just between us." He could still remember her voice in his ear, how soothing - yet hot - it was, and how hard he'd gotten at the thought.

"Alright, so I'm taking it that you said yes?"

Orlando pressed in tighter against Dave. "Yeah. So, she, um, we went upstairs and found a bedroom, y'know. For a little while we just laid there and, uh, made out, because she's a really good kisser and I still didn't know if I, um, could. Do it. With her."

"Makes sense." Dave's fingers trailed up Orlando's spine. "It was a big step."

"A huge one. I was touching her, and she'd, um, take my hand and kinda guide it to where it felt good. And she, uh, told me when she really liked something. Then she started touching me." The longer he talked, the easier it was. But he knew there was no way he could have had this conversation with Harry or Karl first.

"I'd ask if you liked that," Dave said, with a soft laugh, "but I know you."

"And she kept talking, telling me what she liked, telling me how I was making her feel, saying all the things she wanted me to do to her...and then she, uh...then I was inside her."

"And how did that feel?"

"Different," Orlando finally said. ", I guess you could say, than a guy. And fuck, she was so wet...I didn't last too long."

"That's nothing to be ashamed of. Most men don't their first time, with either sex," Dave reminded him.

"Yeah, I guess, I just..." Orlando shrugged. "It was different my first time with a guy. I knew how to get them off, y'know? With Aubrey..."

"Did she give any indication that she wasn't enjoying herself?" Dave gently asked.

"No." Orlando shook his head. "Not that I have much experience, but she...she acted like she was having a good time. Especially the second time. I, uh," he knew he was blushing again, but he couldn't help it, "lasted longer. When we did it again, I mean."

"No marathon session, though?" Dave teased.

"Bastard," Orlando muttered, rolling to bury his face in a pillow. He smiled when Dave spooned up behind him, one arm sliding around his waist.

"You'll get to the marathon stage soon enough," Dave said, as if it were a done deal that Orlando would be sleeping with Aubrey (or any woman) again. "So I take it the second time was better?"

"Loads. We talked in between, y'know, about her music and my work and what we both like to do in our free time," Orlando said. He laced his fingers with Dave, content to lay there like that for the rest of the night. "It was...I was more confident the second time. Like, I knew a lot more about what she liked, and I'm pretty sure she, uh, came. That time."

"I'd say that's an improvement." Dave's lips touched Orlando's shoulder, and he could feel them curve into a smile. "And the third time?"

"Oh, she definitely came that time, that's when I got those scratches," Orlando said, then felt his face go crimson again when he realized what Dave had meant. "Fuck, um..."

"No, no, don't stop there," Dave laughed, and Orlando elbowed him.

"I don't like you right now."

"Yes you do." Dave playfully nuzzled Orlando's neck. "And you still love me, so don't even go there. Now finish."

"Um, well, it was the next morning." Orlando forced himself to relax. Almost done... "You know how I get...when I first wake up, I mean."

"If by that, do I know that you're extremely horny first thing in the morning and will molest anyone in the bed with you, then yes," Dave chuckled.

"You're a right dickhead, anyone ever tell you that," he said, then continued before Dave could make a smartass comeback, "but, yeah, she was all curled up in my arms like we are now and I dunno, I just started kissing on her neck and rubbing against her, and, um, the next thing I knew, I was inside her and she was rocking against me and...yeah."

"You woke up, a girl was there, and your first reaction was to have sex with her? Just making sure I had it right. You did keep having sex with her, yes, and didn't just freak out and stop as soon as you were fully awake?"

"Yes," Orlando bit out, then frowned. "You're laughing at me."

"Love, I'm always laughing at you," Dave pointed out. "So let me make sure I have the timeline went home with Dom and Sean and Aubrey, who is a girl. You then had great sex with Dom, watched Sean have sex with Aubrey, had sex with Aubrey yourself twice...and then again in the morning? is this any different than what you've done with me or Karl or Harry in the past?"

"It's's different," Orlando said, aware of how lame the answer was, but he didn't have a better one.


Bloody bastard was worse than a dog with a bone. "It just is, alright."

"Because she's a girl?"

"Um, duh."

"That doesn't make it different," Dave pointed out in a reasonable tone of voice. "It doesn't make you different. You're still the same person you've always been, except now you're aware of something the rest of us have known for years."

Orlando frowned and twisted until he was facing Dave. "What's that?"

"You're bisexual," Dave answered, and smiled. "You've always been fascinated with girls, as long as I've known you. I'm just proud of you for finally acting on it. And I possibly want to buy Aubrey a drink or two for taking such good care of you."

"Fascinated doesn't mean I want to fuck them," Orlando grumbled.

"In Aubrey's case, it does. And I bet she's not the only one."

"What -?" Just then, Orlando's phone went off. He looked around, saw it on the bedside table. Bless Dave. Grabbing the phone, Orlando flipped it open and stared at the text message. Then he turned it so Dave could read it.

Dave arched an eyebrow. "You slept with the girl and didn't get her phone number?"

"I was going to," Orlando protested, fingers flying as he quickly replied to Aubrey's text and then snapped the phone shut. "Josh practically shoved me out of the house before I could."

"He did?"

"Yeah, he and Dom were conspiring or something," Orlando shrugged. "Which was weird. I've never seen either of them act like that."

"Do you think it maybe has something to do with your tendency to fall in love with everyone you sleep with and they wanted you to have a little bit of distance from Aubrey before you decided you were in love with her, too?"

"Oi, I do not fall in love with everyone I sleep with," Orlando protested. But even as he said it, he knew it was hollow.

"Oh?" Dave raised an eyebrow. "So, you're trying to tell me that you didn't fall half in love with Sean after you slept together, or that you didn't ask Harry if what you were feeling for Jake was what a vampire felt for a pet after you slept with him, or that you weren't all over Aubrey at breakfast and acting like you'd just invented sex?"

"You're a right bastard and I don't even know why I...and wait a minute, how the hell do you know what happened at breakfast?"

"You honestly think that Dom wasn't going to let me know what happened so I would have some warning?" Dave cupped Orlando's cheek. "He was worried about you. So was Josh."

"Bloody wankers! Dom swore he wouldn't tell anyone," Orlando said, fuming. "And I'll have you know, the all overness was a mutual thing, it wasn't just me. Besides that, I'm pretty sure I was half in love with Sean before I slept with him. Have you met him?"

"I have," Dave grinned, tipping Orlando's chin up so he could brush a soft kiss across Orlando's pout. "And they really were worried. About you and Aubrey both. Orli...if you want something longer term than one night with her, that's for you and her to decide. You know that. Just...don't rush into it, alright? Take your time, figure out how you feel, get your head straight about all this...and maybe sleep with another girl or two."

"What?!" Orlando shot straight up in the bed. Sleep with another girl or two?

"Calm down, it's not like I'm asking you to sleep with your sister," Dave grinned. "Or that you run out and shag the first woman you see. But," and Dave snagged Orlando's hands to hold him still, "you are attracted to other woman that aren't Aubrey, and it would do you some good to explore that."

"Until 48 hours ago, I had no idea I was attracted to women like that at all, and now you expect me to go on the prowl like some...some..." Orlando sputtered, trailed off.

"Correction," Dave countered. "Up until 48 hours ago, you'd never allowed yourself to act on your attraction to women. There's a difference."

He really hated it when Dave had a point, but he couldn't lie to himself, not about this. "Y'know...maybe we could, um, go to a club one night. Just to, uh..."

"See if maybe there's a girl there you'd fancy for some fun?" Dave pressed a soft kiss to Orlando's forehead. "We could do that. We could even do it before Lawrence gets back if you're up to it that soon. Be like old times."

"I'm not saying anything's going to happen," Orlando said, words tumbling over themselves in his rush to get them out. "But Sean says I have a type, so I thought, y'know..."

"You'd see if Aubrey is the type? From what I remember about her, I'd say it's a very good possibility. You do like your extremes."

"Huh?" Extremes? What the hell was that supposed to mean?

"Look at the men in your life. All virile and strapping and the very pictures of alpha masculinity, myself being the very flexible exception that proves the rule," Dave grinned. "And then there's Monica, who you told me yourself you're more than a little in love with, and Katie, who I know you have a crush on, and Aubrey...curves for days, completely feminine, yet also very alpha and take charge. You definitely have a type."

"Just because I've got a crush on Monica doesn't mean I want to...y' that. With her, I mean." Just thinking about Monica naked and under him was wreaking havoc in his brain. Although, there was that kiss... He pointedly ignored the part about Katie, because no way he was going down that path.

"Of course you do," Dave cheerfully argued. "You just haven't let yourself think about it, mostly because you're afraid to step on Harry's toes, which, by the way, is ridiculous. Harry may be possessive when it comes to his loved ones, but he's never had a problem with any one of us having other relationships."

"Which makes no sense, by the way. How can anyone be both possessive and fine with the other person banging someone else?"

"Vampires," Dave replied, with a kiss. "Now, enough changing the subject. How're you feeling right now?"

"Like I've been flattened," Orlando said, honestly. "And, y'know...good."


"A lot. Still, I dunno, a little freaked, but..."

"That's to be expected," Dave said, drawing circles on Orlando's shoulder with his fingers. "And how about what happened with Aubrey?"

"I..." Orlando stopped and considered everything that had happened. It was still weird, after spending his whole life believing he was gay, but... It wasn't sending him into a panic. He smiled. "Good."

Dave chuckled. "Ready to do it again?"

"Maybe? And maybe it was just her and the situation, y'know?"

"Always possible. That's easy enough to test, though," Dave reminded him. "But I want you to promise me that you'll keep yourself open to that very possibility when we go out, and that you won't spend the evening comparing every woman to Aubrey."

"I wouldn't!"

"Just like you don't compare all other men to Harry and Karl?"

"That's different," Orlando proclaimed, with an air of superiority he absolutely didn't feel. "I'm their pet, other men aren't supposed to compare. But...I promise, I'll keep an open mind. With other women, I mean."

"Good. Because you're going to be around for a very, very long time," Dave said. "It wouldn't be good for you to put a mortal on that much of a pedestal."

"I'm mortal right now, remember." And at this rate, he was never getting his fangs back, he thought mournfully. He really missed them. And the accelerated healing process. And the stamina. He missed a lot of things.

"Yes, but you're a pet, which means you don't age like a mortal. And besides, you'll get the Gift back soon enough. Just be patient. It's something I should have done a better job of teaching you when you were my fledgling."

"If I'd done a better job of asking, you wouldn't be stuck in London for God knows how long."

"Which is why the punishment included you," Dave pointed out, and Orlando was pleased to see he was smiling.

"Viggo's actually not bad as a boss," Orlando said, twisting around until he was comfortable. "When I told him I needed to come to London for an indefinite amount of time, he got quiet and then told me I could do all my work over the phone and the computer."

"I did warn you. Indefinite, huh?" Although Dave didn't look at all surprised. "Do Karl and Harry know this?"

Orlando shrugged. He'd meant it when he said he was going to give Harry time. He hadn't outright lied about how long he'd been planning to be gone, he just...hadn't divulged the entire truth. "I told Harry that when he sorts out whatever is going on in his head, I'd come home."

"Could be he'll start to see it as you running away if you don't keep in touch," Dave shrugged. "It's not like you've never done something like this before."

"Keeping in touch would defeat the purpose of giving him space," Orlando argued, although he was starting to feel like he was already on the losing side. "He wants his time, he can have it. And he can't say I'm pushing."

"Careful, love, you almost sound like you're pouting."

Orlando narrowed his eyes and poked Dave in the side. "Hush, you. I'm absolutely not pouting."

"I think you are." Before Orlando could poke him again, Dave grabbed his hands. "I'm not saying you don't have a right, mind. I know how much you want the Gift again."

"Well, it's not likely to happen anytime soon, so I may as well get used to waiting." Orlando slumped against Dave, feeling defeated. "I mean, I know he said he wanted to take his time, but what if he means years." He turned wide eyes to Dave as a horrifying thought came to him. "Or decades."

"I don't know," Dave replied, quietly. "Just remember, he wouldn't have agreed to let you go through with the unmaking or all of the recovery if he wasn't planning on giving you the Gift. Alright?"

"He could change his mind," Orlando said, just as quietly.

"He could, yes, but he won't. That would go against everything he believes in."

"It could still take years, though. He wants to 'explore the pet bond,' whatever that means," Orlando said. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back on the pillow. "I could die in that time, you know."

"Now you're just being melodramatic," Dave laughed. "You're a pet. Even if it takes him decades, you won't age."

"I could die in a traffic accident," Orlando pointed out, all seriousness now. "Or I could get mugged and shot. Or a building could fall on me in an earthquake."

"Well, if a building collapses on you, being a vampire won't save you, let's put it that way. Vampires die, too," Dave said, just as seriously. "Just because we heal fast and don't age doesn't mean we're invulnerable. Something else I should have taught you."

"I could still die," Orlando reiterated, aware that he was repeating himself, but still. This was a bloody big deal.

"So could Harry."

Orlando clapped his hand over Dave's mouth, eyes wide with fear. "Don't say that." He couldn't imagine a world without Harry in it. He just couldn't. And not just because he knew losing Harry would also mean losing Karl.

Dave gently pried Orlando's fingers away from him, and squeezed them. "Then stop being such a drama queen. Life doesn't come with guarantees. Not even for vampires. You have certain protections as a pet, and those protections will have to be enough for you for right now." He smoothed Orlando's hair from his forehead, then placed a kiss there. "Besides, you never let fear of dying stop you before you got the Gift, so why should it stop you now? Live your life. Give Harry time. Give yourself time with him to deal with the changes you two have in your bond. The Gift will be there when you're both ready."

Orlando snorted. "So far, the only change I've noticed in the bond is that he's become a surly bastard."

"Love, he's always been a surly bastard. You're just more aware of it now with the full bond. Is that really all you've noticed, though?"

"No," Orlando admitted. "He...he's more protective now. Like, a lot more. I mean, sure, he's always been, to a degree, but now...they came looking for me after everything happened with Aubrey. I was okay, y'know, but Harry...the look in his eyes..."

"I'd say that's a pretty big change," Dave said, gently. "Harry's lived a very long time knowing he'd put himself between Karl and death. The pet bond is going to make it the same for you, in a way that would be almost physically impossible for him to refuse, even if he wanted to. He's going to have to get used to that. And to having you fully in his head now."

"I just don't see how it's different now," Orlando muttered, aware that he was, in fact, pouting. "We lived like we had the full bond for ten years, and he never felt the need to 'explore' it."

"Just because you both thought you had one doesn't mean you did," Dave explained. "Weren't you the one that told me the bond's a lot more intense now?"

"Yeah, but hasn't been as intense. I mean, as it was right after we first completed the ceremony."

"I think that's because he's been shielding himself."

"WHAT?!" Honestly, forget a building fall on top of him, Orlando was going to die of a bloody heart attack if he got one more shock today.

"I'm not positive, mind you, but Harry's alluded to it when I've talked to him," Dave said, squeezing Orlando's fingers again. "That he didn't want to overwhelm you while you were actively trying to recover from the unmaking. And you needed to be focusing on yourself."

"That bastard! Well, that's going to bloody well stop now," Orlando snarled, reaching for his phone again. He wasn't even aware that Dave had moved, but suddenly his phone was in Dave's hand, and Orlando knew he wouldn't be getting it back any time soon. "Dave --"

"No," Dave said, in a firm tone. "You're not going to go off half-cocked and call him and bitch him out. He was doing it so you'd get better as fast as you could. Imagine having that bond at full force when all that could be done was him watching you sleep. It would have driven you both mental inside a month."

"He never even mentioned it to me," Orlando said, glaring. If there was any justice in the world, the glare would have flattened him. It didn't. "And I'm better now, and he's still doing it! How is that fair to me or to him?"

"You still haven't been given the all clear yet from Katie, either. I would imagine he's been waiting for that." Dave held up a hand. "As to why he kept it from you, I can't speak for him. But I'm sure if that is what he did, he did it to protect you and didn't tell you about it for the same reason."

"He's got a bloody God complex is what he's got."

"It's almost like you know him."

"Piss off, I'm not happy about this."

"I never said you had to be. But that's for you and Harry to talk about. Whenever you've decided to start talking to him again, that is."

"Sometimes I think you enjoy my suffering a little too much for someone who's supposed to be in love with me." Honestly, Orlando had no idea how the hell he kept managing to saddle himself with men who laughed at him more often than not. Weren't they supposed to take his side every once in awhile?

"It builds character."

"My character is just fine, thank you," Orlando said, making a rude noise when Dave burst out laughing. "You can stop any time, y'know."

"I will," Dave managed, "as soon as you stop making it so easy."

"I'm going to ignore the fact that you're a prat," Orlando said, giving Dave his haughtiest look. Dave just grinned. "And you might want to know that Katie says if you don't make sure I keep up with my therapy, she's going to come across the pond and give you a righteous arse kicking."

Dave waggled his eyebrows. "If this is about your cardio activity, I'm sure I can think of something," he said, "although one would think you'd be worn out after the last two days."

"Great, now I feel like a harlot." If Orlando had any sense at all, he'd get on the next flight out and go somewhere he was properly appreciated. Of course, he always could head across town to stay with his mum...

"You really are far too adorable when you pout," Dave said, and brushed a quick kiss to Orlando's lips. "And, in all seriousness, Katie emailed me a few routines for you. We can use the gym here."

"Good, because I'm going to beat that two month estimate she gave me."

Dave arched an eyebrow. "Are you now?"

"It's one step closer to getting my fangs back, and it takes away every reason Harry thinks he has to treat me like I'm made of spun glass."

"You really think that's going to stop him?"

"It better," Orlando said, giving Dave a dark look (even though it wasn't his fault, still...not like he could give Harry dirty looks at the moment). "Or I...I...I'll hit him. Or something."

"Go with the 'or something,'" Dave laughed. "Otherwise, you'll just end up beaten and bloody and crying like a girl."

"He wouldn't hit me back," Orlando stated, as definitively as he could.

"Maybe not while you're still mortal, but he's got a long memory. I've witnessed him blindsiding too many people decades after the fact not to think he'd get revenge in some way."

"He wouldn't hit me."

"Why wouldn't he? God knows he and Karl beat the shit out of each other often enough. And Karl had no problems hitting you. Besides, either you want him to treat you like an equal or you don't."

"I don't see where getting treated like an equal means I need to get the stuffing beat out of me," Orlando replied. Vampires and their strange notions, man.

Dave covered his eyes and let his head fall back. Orlando wondered if he was counting. Someone should tell him that it didn't work. Then Orlando remembered that he had. Several times. "I would give anything," Dave said in a strangled voice, "to be there when you tell him that."

"Are you daft?" Reaching out, Orlando pulled Dave's fingers down and stared at him. "That's the quickest way to get the stuffing beat out of me!"

"Do you even realize how you're contradicting yourself?"

"Am not."

"Just remind yourself of that when you're flat on your back feeling like you've been hit by a tank," Dave said, patting him on the back.

"I bet you'd love to see that, too, bloodthirsty git."

"Maybe I'll ask Karl to record it for posterity," Dave said, then ducked out of the way when Orlando swung a pillow at his head.

"Remind me why I'm here again."

"Because you love me and you've missed me terribly and we've got a lot of catching up to do?"

"No," Orlando said, softly, "because you're the only one who could've talked me off the ledge."

Dave's smile softened, and he traced the curve of Orlando's cheek. "There is that."

"The rest of it?" Orlando returned the smile, turning his head to brush a kiss across Dave's palm. "That's just icing on the cake."

"Speaking of cake, when's the last time you've eaten?"

"Um..." Just like that, Orlando was starving. He hadn't eaten on the flight, too stressed out to even think about putting food in his stomach.

"What I thought," Dave muttered, shaking his head. "Not even here one night, and you're already going to have Katie after my head. C'mon, outta bed with you. There's leftovers in the fridge."

Orlando waited until Dave had straightened up, then he bounced out of bed and launched himself. Predictably, Dave caught him, and Orlando grinned as he tried to cover Dave's face with kisses. "You're far too good to me, y'know that?"

"I do," Dave smiled, and tightened his arms around Orlando. "And just for the record, I love you, too."

"I know," Orlando replied, and met Dave's lips for a soft, slow kiss. They were both still smiling when they parted. "Now, I believe you promised me dinner. Or would it be breakfast by this point?"

"I think you can call it whatever you want as long as you eat, love." Then, after another kiss, Dave nudged Orlando out of the room and down the stairs. "And while we're eating, you can fill me in on how everyone else is doing."

"Did I tell you that Lij has a girlfriend?" Orlando bounded down the stairs, looking over his shoulder every few steps. "Her name's Christina, and she's way too hot for him."

"Oh?" Dave was smiling every time Orlando looked back, and he thought he could stare at that smile for the next few years and be happy.

"Oh, yeah," Orlando said, grinning at the memory of Josh and Dom's reactions at the Hotel Café. "She's a ginger and built like a Botticelli. Or is it Reuben? Which one is it with the boobs and the hips and the curves that keep going?"

"I think you're looking for Titian. He was known for his statuesque redheads."

"Then that dude would have had a field day painting Christina. Seriously, she's got a body that could stop traffic, even in L.A. Oh, and she's super nice, too..." Orlando kept up a running commentary on Christina's relative hotness and how lucky Elijah was in scoring her all the way into the kitchen. Dave just listened and let him prattle on, which really just proved that Orlando had absolutely made the right choice in flying out. There was absolutely no place else he'd rather be.


karl urban, dave wenham, claimed 'verse, harry sinclair, co-written by brenda and jo, josh hartnett, post-catalyst, orlando bloom

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