FIC: "Brand New Day" 1/1 (Dominic Monaghan, Josh Hartnett, Orlando Bloom)

Jul 17, 2012 12:32

Title: "Brand New Day" 1/1
Authors: Brenda & Jo (azewewish & idiosyncratic)
Featuring: Dominic Monaghan, Josh Hartnett, Orlando Bloom (Aubrey)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Vampires still don't exist. And we sincerely doubt Orlando and Dom ever had a morning after quite like this.
Summary: Josh comes by Dom and Sean's for breakfast. Takes place the morning after Game Changer.

Dom buried his face deeper in his pillow, but the banging coming from downstairs would not freakin' stop. Sean tightened an arm around him and mumbled something, but slept on. It was far too early for anyone to be awake, vampire or mortal, and really, whose bright idea had it been to give the housekeeper the weekend off?

The banging stopped and Dom had just enough time to breathe a sigh of relief before it started again. "Fuck," he swore, and untangled himself from Sean to climb out of bed. He paused only long enough to swipe a pair of pajama pants and put them on before stomping down the stairs and wrenching open the front door. Bright sunlight assaulted his eyes, but not before he saw Josh's even brighter grin.

"Mornin', sunshine." Josh leaned against the doorjamb and gave Dom's tousled appearance an amused once over. "You look like you had a good night."

"I sincerely hate you right now," Dom stated, and, leaving the door open, turned to make his way to the kitchen. If he had to be up, he was going to need coffee.

"So where's the rest of the party?" Josh followed him into the kitchen, and Dom hoped like hell the cheerful bastard had struck out last night. Although, given Josh's jovial demeanor, highly unlikely.

"Sleeping," Dom growled. He focused on his hands and what they were doing, silently willing the coffee to brew fast. "Like I was."

"I hope Aubrey treated you well?" Leaning against the counter, Josh managed to loom even though there was several feet between them. Clearly, he'd been around Karl too long already.

Dom watched Josh from the corner of his eye, debating just how much to tell him. Then he decided it wasn't his story to tell. "Everyone treated everyone well," he said, with a small shrug. "No complaints."

"And Orlando?" Dom didn't miss the way Josh's voice gentled. "Did he stay or go home?"

Dom shrugged. "Last I saw him, he was still here."

"What, did you and Aubrey disappear or something?"

"Something," Dom replied, and pulled out two mugs. "You want a cup?"

"God yes," Josh exclaimed and sank into one of the stools at the breakfast bar. "I didn't get any sleep last night. In a good way, mind."

Dom took his first sip of coffee before replying. Immediately, he felt better at the first jolt of caffeine. "Did you wake me up to brag about your exploits?"

Josh took the other mug with a muttered thanks. "Uh, I came over so we could compare notes. Like we always do after one of us has scored with the ladies," he added, like Dom was a little thick.

"You don't normally wake me this early to compare." Although, looking at the microwave clock, it actually wasn't that early.

"Eh, you were on my way home," Josh said, and gave Dom a level look when he snorted. "And I thought I'd pick up Orlando."

Uh huh. Dom arched an eyebrow, trying to wake up enough to figure out what Josh was up to this time. "He drove himself last night, remember? Or did you miss the Viper in the drive?"

Josh blinked, then grinned. "I knew I was forgetting something."

Dom didn't buy it for a second. He knew Josh and his protective nature better than that. "Dude, if you're worried about Orlando, just say so. He didn't overexert himself and no one made him do anything he didn't want."

"I wasn't -" Josh stopped abruptly as Aubrey came in, rubbing her eyes and hiding a yawn behind one hand.

"Thought I smelled coffee," she said, giving Dom a lingering kiss before stealing his mug.

She'd put on Orlando's shirt before coming into the kitchen (which was probably a good thing), and Dom was willing to bet it was all she had on. It clung to her body in all the right places and exposed her legs above mid-thigh. And, Dom realized as he leaned in to nuzzle her neck, she smelled like sex.

Holy fuck.

"I see someone had a good morning," he murmured in her ear, not wanting Josh to overhear him.

She just patted his cheek and smiled before giving him another kiss. "Jealous?"

"Maybe a little," he admitted. "Wouldn't have minded waking you up like that myself."

"Next time," she promised with a wink, then turned to face Josh. "Look who's up before noon."

"Right back atcha, kiddo," Josh replied, then narrowed his gaze. "Are you wearing Orlando's shirt?"

She glanced down, then back up, and shrugged. "It was the closest piece of clothing. I didn't think he'd mind, since he's still passed out."

Josh gave Dom a 'what-the-fuck' look, then shook his head. "Okay, clearly I am either hallucinating or something happened last night that no one wants to talk about. Which, cool, but don't treat me like I'm stupid."

Dom held up his hands. "Hey, mate, don't look here. I honestly don't know what's going on anymore than you do."

Aubrey smiled into her mug. "Anyone ever tell you two that you're both awfully interested in everyone else's sex life?"

Josh reached over to snag the coffee pot to refill his cup. "Don't even. I've seen you and Cooper in action, all gossiping and shit."

"That's different," she said, and even though Dom didn't see how it was different, he knew better than to say a word. She perched on the stool beside Josh and patted his arm. "Really, if you want to know, just ask." Then she shook her head. "Actually, I'll just tell you. Everyone got laid, everyone came multiple times, and then everyone passed out. And now here we are."

"Here we are," Dom agreed. He wanted to head off Josh's next question, because he knew what was going to be asked. And he didn't have all the answers. And it still wasn't his story. "Who's up for breakfast?"

"Depends on if you're cooking or I am," Josh said, conceding defeat with a nod. Dom knew this wouldn't be the end of it (and hell, he had to admit he was curious as fuck himself), but he knew Josh would let it lie for now.

Aubrey perked up. "If you're volunteering your waffles, then I totally vote you."

"You think you deserve my waffles after you told me off for doing something you would have done in my place?"

"I'm sorry, babe, you're right," Aubrey sighed, and brushed a kiss across Josh's lips. "I totally would have asked the same questions. But you would have told me the same thing I just told you if our positions were reversed."

"I hate it when you're right," Josh grumbled, but looked mollified. "Alright, waffles it is."

Dom took the stool next to Aubrey and ran a light hand up her leg. "I knew there was a reason I liked you."

She just smirked. "I didn't give you enough last night?"

"I might need a refresher course. Last night was a long time ago."

"We could arrange that," she said, and leaned in for a kiss. When she pulled back, Dom saw her smile soften and knew, without turning, who had just come in the room. "Hey, sexy. I'm surprised to see you up so early."

"Someone shoved all the covers on the floor," Orlando grumbled, heading directly for the coffee pot. "I got cold. Did I hear that Josh is making waffles?"

"You did." Aubrey patted the stool on her other side. "You're not a morning person, are you?"

"Not at all," Orlando admitted, not even having the grace to look ashamed. Dom studied him for a moment, taking in the heavy-lidded eyes and tousled hair, thinking that Orlando appeared to be much calmer than Dom had been expecting. Then Orlando caught him looking and smiled. "What?"

"Nothing, man, just thinking that you're awfully chipper for such a late night."

"That's because I'm getting waffles." Then he stepped close to give Dom a lingering kiss. "Morning."

"Good morning to you," Dom grinned, and watched as Orlando then turned to Aubrey to give her the same kiss. "Bed was a little cold," he heard Orlando say.

"I was planning on coming back," Aubrey replied, swiping a thumb across Orlando's chin. This was seriously the most surreal thing Dom had seen in a very long time. And judging by the way Josh had stopped stirring the waffle batter to stare at Aubrey and Orlando, he wasn't the only one feeling this way.

"Alright, seriously, what the hell happened last night, man?"

Orlando's hand paused on Aubrey's back. "What do you want to hear, mate?"

"An explanation for this wouldn't hurt," Josh said, waving a finger between the two of them, and Dom had to agree. However, he was pretty sure Josh was going to be left begging for an answer.

Orlando shrugged, but Dom noted a slight tightening around his eyes. He propped his chin on his hands and waited for the fireworks to start. "I suppose I could tell you that I fucked Dom through the sofa, then fucked Aubrey twice," Orlando said, and Aubrey tapped Dom's thigh and held up three fingers. "Or, y'know, I could tell you that I went a couple rounds with Dom while Aubrey watched. Or I could just tell you that we all had a good time last night and leave it at that."

"All three very viable options," Dom said, quickly, seeing Josh's eyes narrow even further.

"I vote for all three myself," Aubrey laughed. "Because that sounds like a lot of fun."

"Fine, fuck it, it's none of my business," Josh shrugged, but Dom could tell he was seriously annoyed. "If you and Aubrey did do the deed last night, then congrats, you couldn't have picked a better girl for your first time. If you're just yanking me around for the hell of it, you can go fuck yourself, because that's not how friends act with each other. Which I thought we were."

Orlando winced. "Josh..."

Josh cut him off. "No, it's cool. I'm not in the mood for more cryptic bullshit, so save it. But I hope that you're not going to treat Karl and Harry like that when they ask what happened."

Orlando went pale. "You wouldn't tell them."

"Nope, but they're gonna know just the same. Or have you forgotten how the bonds work?"

Dom (and Aubrey, he noted) watched in interest as Orlando's fists clenched tight in his lap. "I'm not..." He looked at Josh with panic in his eyes. "Josh, you can't say anything."

Josh put his elbows on the counter, leaned in. "You should know by now that you can trust me. But you're gonna have to think of something to tell them."

"Why can't you just tell them the truth?" Aubrey turned to Orlando and touched his arm, sliding her fingers down until she could curl them over one fist. "I can't believe they'd be mad at you for enjoying yourself."

"Orli..." Dom paused, glanced at Josh for a second, saw him nod, then refocused on Orlando. "You know how the bonds work. They'll know you had sex, so just tell 'em the truth. That you came home with me and Sean and I didn't even get in the door before you were all over me."

"And where does Aubrey fit into that story?"

"No one said Orlando had sex with Aubrey," Dom said, ignoring the fact that Orlando had actually said just that.

Josh turned back to the waffles. "Well, if that's his story, then he might want to take a good, long shower before he goes home, because I gotta say...he reeks of sex. And not sex with a guy."

Without saying a word, Orlando got up and walked out of the room. Aubrey stared after him in surprise and Dom covered his eyes.


"I don't understand," Aubrey said again, looking troubled. "Is he...he's not ashamed of what happened, is he?"

"I don't think he's ashamed," Dom said, silently cursing Orlando for bailing.

"Orlando doesn't do dick he doesn't want to," Josh said, giving Aubrey a reassuring smile. "I think the problem is with Karl and Harry, not you, kiddo."

"Lemme go talk to him," Dom offered and stood.

"Okay." Aubrey touched his arm. "Tell him he can trust me, okay. No one outside this house will ever know from me."

"C'mon." Josh held out a hand. "You can help me mix batter while Dom gets things sorted."

"Thanks," Dom said, with a grateful smile for Josh as Aubrey stood and let Josh wrap her in a hug. He left them in the kitchen and went to go find Orlando. Surprisingly, Orlando hadn't gone far. Dom found him at the bottom of the stairs, just sitting there with his eyes on his bare feet.

Dropping beside him, Dom nudged his shoulder and waited. He could smell the waffles cooking in the kitchen, hear Josh and Aubrey talking in low tones, and it was all rather peaceful. Or it would have been if he hadn't been sitting beside a big bundle of nerves. "You want to talk about it?"

Orlando shrugged, then nodded. "I don't know who I am anymore, Dom."

"Sure you do. You're still Orli," Dom said and tipped his head so he could see Orlando's face. "Sex with Aubrey doesn't change that. It just...expands on it, I guess."

"Josh is pissed at me."

"He'll get over it." Dom grinned, knowing the fight wouldn't last longer than breakfast. Those two were like brothers. "But Aubrey's a little upset, too."

Orlando lifted his head and stared at Dom, a horrified expression crossing his face. "Oh, God, I didn't --"

"She's not mad," Dom reassured him. "Just confused, I think. She thinks you don't want to tell Harry and Karl because you're ashamed of what happened."

"What? No," Orlando said, shaking his head almost frantically. "I'm not ashamed, I just..."

"You're confused. I'd be shocked if you weren't," Dom admitted. "You're gonna have to talk to her, though, you know that, right?"

Orlando nodded, and Dom rested his chin on his knees. Then he rolled his head to look at Orlando. "Did you really fuck her three times? No, don't answer that. You'll tell me when you're ready. But if you did, mate...I'm impressed."

"Don't take the piss."

"I'm dead serious," Dom protested, shoving himself off the stairs and pulling Orlando with him. "Now, c'mon, back in the kitchen. Pretend that Josh isn't an arse, and talk to Aubrey, okay?"

"Josh isn't an arse," Orlando sighed. "I know where he's coming from. Karl and Harry leave me out of the loop all the time and I hate it, so I get where he's coming from."

"Okay, now I have officially heard everything if you're taking his side," Dom grinned, and was rewarded when Orlando returned it. A little shaky, but it was genuine.

"You can't tell him I said that."

"Cross my heart," Dom replied, and then did just that. "Now, come on, no stalling."

"I'm not stalling."

"Yes you are," Dom argued and pushed at Orlando's back until he started walking again.

When they got back into the kitchen, Dom could see a stack of waffles on a serving plate, and Josh was saying something to Aubrey that made her laugh. She really did look good enough to eat. No wonder Orlando hadn't been able to resist. Then, Josh caught his eye and Dom jerked his head in the direction of the patio out back by the pool. Josh nodded.

"Hey," he said brightly, and grabbed the plate of waffles, "it's a gorgeous morning, let's eat outside. Dom, grab some plates and I'll meet you out there."

"Good idea," Dom said, pleased that Josh got the silent message, and followed Josh out the sliding glass door with plates and silverware.

"How's he doing?" Josh asked. Dom could see Orlando through the glass door as he reached out to pull Aubrey into his arms, and smiled in relief. They were gonna be alright.

"Freaked out, confused, about what you'd expect," Dom said, and sat in one of the chairs, eyeing the waffles on the table with interest. He wished he'd thought to bring his coffee out with him. "How's Aubrey?"

"Confused, a little hurt, but she'll be fine," Josh said, watching Orlando and Aubrey curiously. "Three times, really?"

"I promise, I'm just as shocked as you," Dom laughed, and decided fuck it, he was hungry, and snagged two waffles.

"Guess his stamina really is back up to speed," Josh mused, then glanced at Dom. "I wasn't kidding about Karl and Harry, though. Something went down last night with the three of them, something Karl didn't want to talk about."

"Yeah, I know, he was pretty pissed off when he came to pick me up last night. But at Harry, not Karl."

Josh blinked, then frowned, fork pausing halfway to his mouth. "You think we're gonna have to separate them?"

Dom turned to see what Josh meant and shook his head. Orlando had Aubrey pinned between his body and the counter, and they were still wrapped around each other. "Either that or tell Orlando that it's easier if she's sitting on the counter."

Josh choked, flipping Dom off when he laughed. "Not cool, man. Wait until after I swallow my damn food, first."


"No, you're not."

"True," Dom conceded, "and maybe we won't have to give him any advice after all."

"Hmm?" Josh looked up just as the sliding glass door opened and Orlando and Aubrey stepped outside. Holding hands, Dom noted, as he gave Orlando a pointed look.

"All good?"

Orlando nodded, and slid into his seat. Aubrey took the one next to him, and smiled at Dom and Josh. "Smells great, thanks."

"There's plenty, so help yourself," Josh said, then looked at Orlando. "You sure you're cool?"

"Yeah." Orlando swallowed, but nodded again. "Thanks. But I, um, I think it's time maybe I went to see how Dave's doing. Now that I can travel and all."

"It's not like you to tuck your tail and run," Dom said, casually.

"I'm not. I just think that maybe Harry needs some time without me underfoot. And I miss Dave."

Now Dom was curious as hell as to what had happened between Harry and Orlando. "Well, maybe the time away will be good for you. It's been a while since you went anywhere without one of the Eternal Idiots," Dom said. "And Dave can give you some pointers."

Orlando looked confused, and Aubrey's cheeks turned pink. Interesting. Dom just glanced at Aubrey, then raised his eyebrow at Orlando. It was all he could do to swallow his laughter when Orlando realized what he meant. "Um, yeah, maybe."

"He doesn't need any pointers," Aubrey said.

"Good for you," Josh grinned.

"Fuck off."

"Hey, I'm serious." Dom, at least, could tell Josh meant it. "I guess all of those dinners with Monica paid off."

"Who's Monica?" Aubrey wanted to know.

Dom watched in fascination as Orlando full-on blushed. "She's, um. Uh..."

Josh seemed to take pity on him. "I think the best way to describe her is she's Harry's other wife," he grinned.

Dom chortled and clapped his hands. "Dude, you did not just refer to Karl as Harry's wife."

"Hey, he's my vampire, I can get away with it."
Aubrey chewed a bite of waffle, swallowed, then looked at Orlando with a smile that was far too innocent. "So what does that make you, sexy?"

"The third wife, I guess. Harry should've been a Mormon."

"So, wait," Aubrey said, waving her fork in Orlando's direction. "So the wives sleep together, too?"

"Just me and Karl."

"So you and Monica haven't?"

"No," Orlando said, then paused and looked up. "God, no! She's, know."

"She's the hottest woman I've ever seen, mortal or vampire, is what she is," Josh said, saluting Orlando with his coffee cup. "No offense, Aubrey."

"None taken, babe," Aubrey grinned. "I've met your Aunt Kate and Christina, man. I'm not even the hottest redhead on the block."

"Maybe not, but I wouldn't trade you," Dom winked, and felt a warm glow inside when she blew a kiss at him.

"Well, I think you are," Orlando said, then winced and glared at Josh. "What the hell, mate?"

"Nothing," Josh cheerfully replied. "But I do think it's time we headed out."

"You do?"

"You've got a trip to arrange, remember?"

"Right, uh, right." Orlando finally put both hands back on the table. "I'll just, uh..."

"Why don't you shower at mine?" Josh suggested, and Dom wondered what the hell was going on.

"You sure it's okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine. I'll drive you home, then come back later and get the Viper or have Sean or Dom bring it by the house after you're gone or something."

"And how am I getting home?" Aubrey asked.

"You're welcome to stay here," Dom offered, shaking off his confusion to give her a smile. "It's a beautiful day. We could hang by the pool."

"I like the way you think."

"You'll drive the Viper?" Orlando asked, and Dom had to hide his face behind his napkin. Leave it to him to focus on that.

"Just from here to the house," Josh said, holding up his hands. "And I'll baby it the whole way."

"Damn right you will." He looked around. "I need my shoes."

"And a shirt," Josh pointed out.

"Right, um..." Orlando darted a glance at Aubrey, opened his mouth, then closed it again.

"I can go change," she offered, reaching for the top button with a wicked smile curving her lips.

"No, no, um..." Orlando stared at her hands for a moment, then gave himself a shake. "I'll just borrow one of Dom's, and, um, get that one back later."

Dom had no idea what was going on, but figured he'd go along with it. "C'mon, Orli, let's go find you something to wear."

"Yeah, uh, okay." Orlando gave him a confused look, but stood and followed Dom into the house. Dom glanced back to the patio in time to see Josh scoot his chair close to Aubrey's and was telling her something, a serious look on his face.

Seriously, what the hell was happening?

"Is something going on?" Orlando asked, as they climbed the stairs.

"No clue," Dom replied, then held up a finger to his lips and crept into his and Sean's bedroom. Sean was sprawled on his stomach, fast asleep and gorgeous, but Dom only spared him a glance before heading to his dresser and grabbing the first t-shirt he could find.

Orlando was still standing where Dom had left him when Dom came back out into the hallway. "Here." He tossed the shirt at Orlando, who caught it, then pulled it over his head.

"You think I'm doing the right thing?"

"By going to see Dave?" When Orlando nodded, Dom threw an arm around Orlando's shoulders and guided him back down the stairs. "Yeah, I think you crazy kids need a few days to think things through. And I think maybe Dave can offer you some advice on, um, everything."

Orlando stopped at the bottom of the stairs and Dom had no choice but to stop with him. " think Josh doesn't want me seeing Aubrey again?"

"Why do you say that?"

"He's rushing me out of here," Orlando said, taking on that stubborn look that Dom was all too familiar with. "I haven't even had a chance to ask for Aubrey's number yet."

"I think he's worried about something," Dom admitted, wishing he had more to offer. "I don't know what, though. Tell you what, I'll give her your number after you go, and she can text you hers."

"Thanks -"

"But," Dom said, and held up a hand, "text her that you got it, but don't call her until you're back in L.A., okay? Last night was a big deal for you, and I want you to be able to think it through without any pressure from anyone. Which is another reason I think it's good for you to get away from Karl and Harry for a few days."

"Okay," Orlando nodded, then they stepped back out onto the patio. The second Josh saw them, he stepped out of Aubrey's embrace.

"You ready to head out?"

"Yeah, I just, uh..." Whatever Orlando was trying to say was lost when Aubrey also stood and stepped into his arms to give him a tight hug. For a moment, Orlando looked completely lost, like he didn't know what to do with his hands, then he returned it, burying his face in her neck.

Dom used their distraction as an excuse to sidle up next to Josh. "What the fuck is going on here?" he muttered, keeping one eye on Orlando and Aubrey, who showed no signs of moving away from each other.

Josh was also watching them with a careful eye. "Did you see the way he was acting around her?" he asked, in a low voice. "Another fifteen minutes in her company, and he'd have convinced himself that he's in love with her. Come on, you know him."

"Yeah, yeah, I do," Dom agreed, nodding his head thoughtfully. And it made total sense that Josh would try to protect both Aubrey - who had no idea how easily Orlando gave his heart away, and Orlando - who was stepping into total unknown territory and didn't know how to react, from themselves and each other. "But you do realize you were totally obvious about it, right?"

"Yeah, I know," Josh shrugged. "I didn't have time for subtle. Besides, aren't you always telling me it's overrated?"

Dom laughed, but it didn't escape his notice that Aubrey seemed as reluctant to let go as Orlando. Separating the two of them for a little while was sounding more and more like a good idea. Plus it would give Dom the chance to sound Aubrey out on everything that had happened. "So you're out, then?"

"Yeah, guess so," Orlando said, throwing Josh a curious look before stepping over to hug Dom tight.

"Call me when you get to London," Dom whispered, cupping Orlando's face in his hands and planting a hard kiss on his mouth. "And tell Dave I said to take care of you, or I'm coming across the pond and kicking his arse."

"I'll be sure to give him the message." Then Orlando put his hand over Dom's, holding it in place, and gave him another kiss, this one softer. "No regrets about last night, right?"

"None from my end," Dom assured him, quietly. "I always knew you'd be good in the sack."

Orlando grinned, and Dom was pleased to see it was the same easy one he always had. "Same here. Always knew you'd be a great lay." He rested his forehead against Dom's for a moment, then stepped back. "I'll text you when I land at Heathrow. And tell Sean...tell him thanks."

"Will do," Dom promised, and held a hand in farewell as Orlando and Josh made their exit. Weirdest 24 hours he could remember, no lie. "So," he said, nudging Aubrey with his shoulder, "you holding up alright? If you want to go home, just let me know."

For a long moment, Aubrey just looked at the door. Then she slid a glance at Dom and smiled. "No, I'm good," she said, and linked her arm with his. "Just thinking that Josh and I are going to sit down and have us a nice long chat."

Dom was damn glad he wasn't Josh, because he was sure he knew what that conversation was going to be about, and it wasn't going to be pretty. And he was also sure that she wasn't completely alright, regardless of what she said. But he patted her arm and led her back to the patio. "I'm a pretty good listener if you want to talk about anything," he said, grabbing a fresh mug of coffee on the way. "Or if you had any questions."

"A million, actually, but I think I need a drink first."

"It's never too early for mimosas," he told her, and waggled his eyebrows.

"You're alright, Dominic Monaghan," she replied, and relaxed into her chair. When she crossed one leg over the other, Dom took a moment to admire the view. "I think I'll take you up on that."

"Coming right up." He left her on the patio and went back into the house for a bottle, two glasses, and some orange juice. By the time he made it back outside, she's loosened another button of her shirt, and had her head tilted back and eyes closed. "You really are lovely," he said, setting everything on the table. "I can certainly see why he's so taken with you. Hell, I am already and I haven't even really had you yet."

"Are you saying he's head over heels for my body?"

"Sure, that's part of it," he replied, handing her a glass. "See, from what I've seen, Orlando tends to fall a little in love with everyone he sleeps with, and, well..."

"You sound like Josh," she said, making a face at him. "The two of you act like I've never been in a relationship before."

"Is that what this is? The start of one?" Dom asked, settling into a chair and closing his eyes. God help them all if she said yes.

"It was a good time, that's all. He's a nice guy."

He made a small noise and opened one eye to peer at her. "You trying to convince me or yourself, gorgeous, because you're forgetting, I was with you two last night, and this morning. He looked at you like you were a cross between a goddess and a decadent dessert and like he couldn't believe you were real. It'd take a pretty strong person not to have their head all turned around by that."

She was silent for so long that he started to worry. Then she frowned at him and downed her glass. "Anyone ever tell you you're a pain in the ass?"

"Sean, frequently," he grinned, "but he normally only calls me one when he knows I'm right and he's too stubborn to admit it."

"Fine, I'll admit I liked the attention," she said and held out her empty glass for him to refill. "What woman wouldn't want a gorgeous man to look at her like he's seeing a miracle? To touch her like she's made of spun glass? To..." She swallowed. "To make love to her like her pleasure is the only thing that matters? I don't know anyone that could resist that."

Christ, Orlando, what did you do to this girl? he thought, and took a slow breath. "You do realize who he is, yes? What he is? You were his first girl after a lifetime of thinking himself completely gay and that's going to screw with his head and his heart." He closed his hand over hers. "And you're gorgeous and funny and smart, and I agree with Josh, he was damn lucky to have you as his first. But, at the end of the day, he'll never be yours."

"I'm not asking for forever," she said, holding up a hand when he opened his mouth. "I know who and what he is, yes. Pet to the two senior-most Council members, assistant to the Head of the Council, soon to be vampire. I've been Karl's companion for the better part of a year and Josh's best friend for almost a decade. I know about the vampire culture."

Dom looked down at her hand curled beneath his. He should have known. She was smiling when he lifted his head. "What?"

He wondered how Orlando managed to get himself into these situations and realized it shouldn't really surprise him after so long. "I suppose my next question is what do you want?"

"Long term?" She shrugged, flipping her hair over her shoulder in a move that drew Dom's gaze to the line of her neck. "I would like to be friends with him. If he wants more after he's back from London and his soul-searching, then we'll see maybe. Right now? I just want to enjoy myself. And maybe jump in that pool right there."

For a moment, all he could think about was her naked and wet in his pool, and it took him a minute to get back on the train of thought. "Just...go easy on him, okay? Like we told you, he's...he falls in love easily. And gets his heart bruised easily. But, I think if you promised not to hurt him, no one would have a problem with anything that happens with the two of you." Not even Karl or Harry, he added silently, but knew she wasn't ready to deal with them or how protective they could get where Orlando was concerned. If she thought Josh was bad...

"I can't promise that. I can't control what he feels," she added, when Dom narrowed his eyes. She tightened her fingers over his. "But I can promise not to do anything to hurt him on purpose."

"Fair enough," Dom replied, toasting her with his glass.

She eyed the pool again, then him. "So, you up for a dip?"

"Thought you'd never ask," he said, standing and stretching. Then he looked down at her with a smile. "You're over-dressed, though."

To his credit, all he did was look and admire as she stood and slowly unbuttoned the shirt. When she started towards the pool, smiling over her shoulder, Dom followed. A better man would have ignored the invitation in that smile given their just finished conversation and everything that had happened, but Dom wasn't in the mood to be the better man.

He quickly rid himself of his pajama pants and walked naked to the pool steps, shivering slightly as cool water caressed his legs, then hips. Aubrey just stood in the middle and watched him, gloriously naked and wet, way too much temptation for any man to resist.

"So, it occurs to me that I've been sadly neglecting you," she said conversationally, as he drew closer.

"I do feel horribly neglected, yes," he answered, matching her smile with his own.

When he got within touching distance, she ran a light finger along his chest. "And here I am a guest in your home." Her smile turned feminine, sly, seductive. "How can I make it up to you?"

He wrapped his arms around her, drew her flush against him. "I'm sure you can think of a few things," he told her just before their lips touched. No, he definitely wasn't the better man. But he didn't think anyone would blame him. Not with enticement like this in his arms.


recovery, dominic monaghan, josh hartnett, co-written by brenda and jo, claimed 'verse, orlando bloom

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