Great grandchild of ficlet roundup...

Jan 03, 2010 23:47

First of three, maybe four, new collections of ficlets written for a donation drive. Various pairings, various ratings, all written with love and affection. :D (If you're linked to this post directly and want to see it with the cut tags intact, click here.)

Disclaimer: No disrespect intended to any of the persons depicted herein, who I hope are all living happy and fulfilled lives with their partner(s) of choice. This is purely fictional, and not in any way intended as an accurate representation of reality.

Adam/Kris. 883 words. PG-13. For: hockeychic62.
Roads in front of me

Prompt: Kradam first kiss fic.

It takes Kris a while to figure out that things just aren't right with him because he hardly even has enough time to think anymore, he doesn't get the time to hole up on his own and play his guitar or read a book or do anything that gives him both time alone and time to sort things through. It's only by cutting into his already meager sleeping time that he finds some.

They arrive at the hotel in the wee hours of the morning, and logic dictates that they shuffle to their rooms, climb into bed and go back to sleep, but Kris puts his pajama pants on and opens the sliding glass door onto the balcony and steps outside, barefoot and looking up at the city lights reflected in the clouds.

It's all been a lot to take in. Not the music necessarily - music's been his life for so long he can't really remember when it wasn't, even if no one else knew it - but the way his world's just opened up. There are a lot of things in Kris's head and his heart that he never even really realized were there, and hasn't had time to explore now that he does.

"Nice night."

Kris turns his head sharply, sees Adam out on his own balcony right next to his, leaning against the concrete and looking down at the city, then, a moment later, over at Kris.

"Am I interrupting?"

"No," says Kris, shaking his head. "I was just trying to...I was just looking for some time alone to think. But it's still like I'm alone with you anyway. I mean." He shakes his head again, this time apologetic and a bit embarrassed. "That didn't even make any sense."

"No, I get it," says Adam. "You can still think when I’m here."

"Yeah," says Kris, and exhales slowly and really, that's it. He's got that level of comfort with Adam that he can get lost in his head and not worry about what Adam's thinking or doing. Even when.... "I was thinking about you."

"Oh," says Adam, and Kris isn't sure what that means, can't tell what Adam's thinking. It's not like it's a surprise. He spends a lot of time thinking about Adam. He spends a lot of time with Adam. "Should I leave you to it?"

"I don't know," says Kris, scratching the cracked concrete with his fingernail. "I'm not sure I'm getting anywhere."

"You have to figure out where you're trying to get, first," says Adam.

"Yeah," says Kris, nodding again and looking back at the sky. There've been answers for him there before, in a metaphorical sort of a way. "Do you want to...?" He looks at the gap between their balconies, and it's a little too wide for either of them to consider hopping across. "We could have a drink."

"Or I could put you to bed, which is where you should be," says Adam, making no mention of the fact that that's where he should be too. "Yeah. Just let me...I'll be right there."

He disappears back inside his room, the glass door sliding audibly closed behind him, and Kris spends a few more moments out in the night air while he waits. Because a lot of the things that his head and his heart have discovered over the past months have to do with Adam.

When he finally goes back inside it feels a little stifling, but only until Adam knocks.

"What's it going to take to get you to sleep?" he asks, in a way that Kris knows doesn't mean hot milk or tea or a bedtime story.

"I don't know," he admits. "I've got a lot of...stuff I haven't let myself deal with. I guess you can't ignore it forever."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," says Adam, and he does, he knows exactly what Kris is talking about because he's been there before. "I promise that you won't have insomnia till you figure it out though. It can take a long time."

"Yeah, no," says Kris, and smiles at him, just a little. "I'm just not sure what I...and you...and it's all tangled up, you know? It's not just about me."

"I don't want to do anything that'll make this harder," says Adam, "but I also don't want to not do something that'll make this easier. You know?"

Kris knows. And he isn't going to let this go anywhere, not without a lot more consideration, a lot of conversations with Adam and Katy and God, but it would be easier to know. He wants to know.

"Okay," he says, and looks up at Adam and blinks a couple of times, and knows that Adam knows what he's saying.

It takes a moment for either of them to move, then Adam's hand curls around the back of Kris's neck and he leans down and then they're kissing, soft and slow. Kris's arms come up and he just rests his hands at Adam's waist, holding him there, holding himself steady. Kris's heart pounds and his lips tingle and the kiss never gets deeper and never gets rougher, it just lingers on and on and on.

There's still a lot Kris needs to sort out, but just for a moment, everything's perfect.

Adam/Cassidy. 1450 words. NC-17. For: dont_panic4242
That Kind of Friends

Prompt: Adam/Cassidy

Cassidy doesn't hear from Adam all that often anymore, which all things considered isn't that surprising. It doesn't make him feel forgotten or less important. Adam calls when he can, texts more often, and if things are never going to be the way they used to be, that's just life. They'll have something new instead.

So it's a bit of a surprise when out of the blue there's a knock at the door to the loft one afternoon and there's Adam standing there like it's two years ago and he does this all the time.

"Hey," he says, and Cassidy just smiles at him and opens the door wider so he can come inside. "Been a while."

"Not used to seeing you anymore without an entourage," Cassidy teases him, looking up and down the hall in case they're lurking out there. And he is teasing, but it's more true than not these days, at least when he's out in public.

Cassidy's loft is anything but public. Well, most of the time.

"Yeah, I managed to lose them two streets back when I ducked behind a dumpster," says Adam, and Cassidy almost believes him till he cracks a grin. "Okay, I actually am hiding a little. But I wanted to grab a chance to see you and I figured...two birds, one stone."

"As long as I don’t find paparazzi on my doorstep when I go out for more wine later," says Cassidy.

"I make no promises," says Adam, wandering through the loft, touching things like he's seeing them for the first time all over again. Finally he pushes open the door to Cassidy's room and flops down on his unmade bed, completely unconcerned about the state of it.

"I could probably use the exposure, but I'm not sure you want it."

Adam just shrugs with one shoulder while stretching the other arm above his head, like he's trying to grasp for something that's just not there, because it's hard to believe there's anything beyond his reach anymore.

"I can't think of anything they could say about this visit that would be bad for either of us," says Adam. "Or maybe I'm just so used to it now, I don't know. It's hard to imagine anything worse than the things they've already said, and I'm still just fine."

"I'm pretty sure fine is a little bit of an understatement," says Cassidy, pulling the piano bench closer so he can straddle it next to the bed.

"It's everything I ever wanted," says Adam.

"I know."

"And I'm so tired."

"Yeah," says Cassidy. "I know that too."

"I'm not complaining--"

"It's okay if you are. It's just me. Maybe I haven't been there, but I get it. Even the greatest jobs have their downsides."

"No, I’m really not," says Adam. "It's great, and I love it, and I've always known it would be this much work. I'm just tired. I want someone to go home to who'll give me a hug and a blowjob and curl up with me in front of some stupid movie and not make fun of me for eating carrot sticks while still telling me I'm perfect the way I am."

"How domestic," says Cassidy, even as he gets what he's saying.

"I know," says Adam, and laughs a little. "What the hell, right? But I just...yeah. It's almost impossible to do this while still having a relationship, and it's hard to do this without someone, too."

"Well I can't help you with the carrot sticks," says Cassidy, "but I can at least give you a hug."

"And a blowjob?"

Cassidy laughs and stands up from the piano bench. "We'll see about that," he says. "I'm going to get a drink, you want something?" Adam just nods from where he's lounging on the bed, and Cassidy gives his ankle a fond squeeze as he goes. He comes back a few moments later with two glasses of wine to find Adam standing again, arms partially wrapped around himself and looking a little lost.

"I know it's not the same but it's something, right?" he says as he hands the glass of wine over. "To dear friends."

"To dear friends," agrees Adam, clinking glasses and then taking a long sip before setting it aside. When his hands are free again, he reaches for Cassidy's belt, snagging it without trying to undo it. "I wasn't kidding."

"I figured," he says, taking a swallow of his own wine before setting it on the piano bench and taking Adam into his arms for the promised hug first. "What are friends for, right? Like it's such a hardship to give you a pity blowjob."

"Pity blowjob my ass," repeats Adam, giving him a smack on the shoulder, but backing away far enough to give him a kiss too, soft and brief and square on his lips. Friends. "What's that you were telling me about a dry spell?"

"Shut up and take off your pants before I change my mind, Lambert," says Cassidy, pulling his own shirt off over his head and dropping it by the bed. "How long do you have?"

"I'm in no hurry," says Adam. "My phone's on. If anyone needs me that badly on what they know is a genuine and much needed day off, I'm reachable. But I don't have anywhere else to be."

Cassidy's more careful with his pants, hanging them over the back of a chair when he gets them off, and when he turns back Adam's already sprawled on the bed again, looking more tired than turned on but definitely up for this. If nothing else, it'll help him relax and he looks like he could use about fourteen hours of sleep. In Cassidy's bed if necessary.

"Hey," he says, stretching out next to him and running a hand down the center of his chest. "You're still with me, right?"

"You know I am," says Adam, and he's starting to get that look in his eyes, that kind of intense, hungry look Cassidy's seen him get with his boyfriends, or at least his pick-up of the night, when he really switches it on. "Come on."

Cassidy doesn't take it slow but he's gentle; he knows Adam's not fragile, but much as he wasn't kidding about the blowjob, he wasn't kidding about the hug and the snuggling either. There's a part of him that needs both, and if he's not getting it from somewhere else right now, Cassidy's going to make sure he's getting it from somewhere, at least for tonight.

"Just lie back," he says, and Adam laughs a little because it totally sounds like a line, but that doesn't mean he doesn't do it.

Cassidy kisses him first, and Adam kisses him back hard, hungry for it, grabbing hold of Cassidy's bicep and holding him there till he's done. Then Cassidy moves down his throat, open-mouthed kisses that leave patches of saliva in their wake, kissing his breastbone, biting lightly at his nipple the way he knows Adam likes it (more from hearsay than experience, that one), then sliding down the bed to lick down his stomach and finally lick down his cock.

Adam grabs hold of his hair and Cassidy lets him for a little while, but he still controls how fast and how deep and exactly how he's doing it. Adam may be used to being in control, but right now he just needs someone to take care of him.

He works a hand between Adam's legs, caresses his balls and slides a finger between his cheeks to just rub lightly at his hole, even as he hollows his cheeks and sucks harder.

Adam fucks into his throat and over the sound of his own heartbeat and the blood rushing in his ears Cassidy can hear, barely, the little pants and gasps and hitches of breath that Adam makes as he bucks up into his mouth. Cassidy presses down on his hip, just enough to stop him for a moment, then breathes deep through his nose and swallows him all the way down. Adam moans unabashedly when he does, and it's just a few more thrusts before he's coming, his cock pulsing in Cassidy's mouth and down his throat.

Cassidy blinks a few times, tearing up involuntarily, then carefully slides Adam out of his mouth again and swallows everything that remains.

It's a good thing Cassidy isn't actually expecting reciprocation, since moments after he comes Adam relaxes into the blankets and closes his eyes and he's down for the count. That's all right, though; he obviously needs it, and Cassidy knows he's good for the blowjob later.

That's just the kind of friends they are.

Adam/Kris/Katy. 2133 words. PG-13. For pandorablu and sprat. Follow-up to White Rabbit.
If I Only Knew How to Begin

Prompt: Anything set in the White Rabbit verse would be awesome sauce. [A/N: This is actually a scene that's referred to in passing in the still-in-progress sequel to White Rabbit. The prompt inspired me to write it. :)]

Adam doesn't actually have an album release party as such, not on the date of his album release or even within a week of it. He's way too busy doing the rounds of all the media outlets and talk shows, far from home and not in one place long enough to host anything like a party. But as they get into December, on a date when they're all in LA and Kris isn't halfway across the country at one Christmas event or another, Adam's team rents out an entire club and they finally make an event of it.

"I have no idea what I'm supposed to wear," says Kris, practically lost in the closet as he tries to dig up something miraculously perfect from its depths.

"This is why you need a full-time stylist," says Katy. "It's their job to know what you should wear to every type of event."

"I'm not sure 'What do my wife and I wear to our boyfriend's album release?' is on any stylist's regular slate of events."

"It would be on ours," says Katy, and pulls him out of the closet. "I'm wearing red. Just try not to clash with me and we'll be all right."

"You look good in red," he says, and as he kisses her he wonders if he should wear a tie, if it's going to be that sort of night.

"Just whatever you do, don't be too formal," she says, because she's Katy and Kris wouldn't be surprised if, after all this time, she can read his mind. "Something tight. I'm sure Adam and I would both appreciate that."

"Thanks to the two of you, I don't think I own anything that's not anymore," says Kris. He's still not sure where everything even is in this new apartment, most of the organization left in Katy's capable hands while Kris was on the other side of the country, but he thinks he can at least figure out where his jeans are kept. "I have that black shirt. The one you guys always start unbuttoning every time I put it on."

Katy laughs and seems to know exactly where it is. "As long as you can keep Adam from unbuttoning it," she says, hanging it off the back of a doorknob. "I know he'd love to tell everyone about us, but that's probably not how he wants to do it."

"No, probably not," says Kris. "He'll just ask you to unbutton it for him."

"And I," says Katy, "will be happy to oblige. Which is exactly why you should wear it. You haven't been shirtless in public often enough lately."

"Aw, come on," says Kris, trying and failing to stifle a laugh. "You know I don't do that. Well, okay, I do that, but not at events like this."

"Okay," she concedes, "we'll save the shirtlessness for afterwards. But you have to promise to give us the pleasure of taking it off of you. That shirt is just too tempting."

"It's a deal," says Kris, and zips Katy up after she steps into her dress. Kris isn't the only one who's wearing more form-fitting clothes lately.

It's not a red carpet event, Adam's album release party, but there is a guest list and a pack of paparazzi watching the arrivals, so it might as well have been. Kris can't get away with using the back door like some people can, even though he knows exactly where it is, but he's not even tempted this time. Sure he could do without the attention and the flashes more often than not, but he wants people to know he's here for Adam. He wants people to know both he and Katy are here.

It may not mean the same thing to the press and public as it means to them, but it's something. It's a start.

Kris and Katy have never really been into public displays of affection, at least not the way some people are, their own private gestures of affection not always decipherable to everyone else. But that doesn't mean he doesn't sneak a few kisses in, in a dark corner, just long enough after they arrive that no one's still demanding all of his attention.

"That," he says afterwards, lips to her ear and cherishing their moment of privacy, "is to make up for the fact that I plan to kiss the hell out of Adam if I manage to get him alone."

"That's not something you ever need to make up for," she says, "that's not how this works." And Kris knows that it's not a tit for tat arrangement, that sometimes the moment is for all three of them and sometimes for just for any given two, and that there's no set of balances or a checklist to make sure it's all equal. But it's all still pretty new, just a couple of months old, and frankly they're still figuring out just how it works.

Kris just knows that it does.

"Okay," he says, "then that was just because you look amazing in red."

Then their moment is over, their privacy gone, and Kris smiles and squeezes Katy's hand and answers a few more questions.

Most of the night Kris definitely isn't overlooked. His publicist isn't here, but he was well prepped for this event and with his own album selling respectably and his single still climbing the charts, he gives a lot of sound bites to a lot of people. It's mostly softballs anyway, 'What are your plans for Christmas?' and 'What do you think of Adam's album?' and 'When are you going to tour?' which he can pretty much answer in his sleep.

Or answer while distracted, which is definitely what he is when he spots Katy happily dancing with some of Adam's old friends, hair bouncing and hips moving and smile flashing. Kris can't keep his eyes off her, even when mumbling something about February to a reporter who notes it and smiles and drifts away again.

"That girl of yours is really something," says Adam as he comes up behind him, both of them finally in a momentary lull when everyone is interested in someone else.

"Ours," says Kris, and it's still a little strange to say after all this time, but he means it. "Girl of ours."

"Girl of ours," agrees Adam, "that you are thinking about taking home and undressing. Which is only fair because I can't stop thinking about getting you out of that shirt."

Kris grins and keeps watching Katy as he feels Adam's hand come up just out of everyone's view to rest on his hip for a few moments. He can feel his body reacting to the proximity of both his partners and he's not going to be able to will it away any time soon, which is the downside to clothes that are still a lot more fitted than he's used to. They don't hide anything.

"So I guess jerking each other off in a bathroom stall is out of the question," he says, and Adam just laughs and uses that as an excuse to bow his head and press it to Kris's shoulder for a moment.

"I wish," says Adam. "It's already your fault I'm walking around this thing half-hard. That shirt."

"I know," says Kris, and gives him a sly smile over his shoulder. "I didn't just throw it on because it was on top of the pile."

"That would never be at the top of the pile," says Adam. "It would be buried under a mountain of plaid. Tell Katy thanks."

"Tell her yourself," says Kris, and nods to where Katy has taken a break from the dance floor and is grabbing herself an hors d'oeuvre. As Adam comes around he leans in like he's going to kiss him, but stops himself at the last moment and sighs and settles for giving Kris a very thorough once-over before drifting over to Katy's side, putting an arm around her waist and laughing as she feeds him with her fingers.

Kris lets them have their moment, adjusting his clothes and taking Katy's place with Adam's friends, letting Cassidy undo another button of his shirt - he didn't make any promises that Katy and Adam would be the only people to undress him - and enjoying himself for a little while. He probably looks a little ridiculous next to them, but it's fun, and when Katy comes to claim him, the way her fingers move against his arm and the way her hips move against his, he thinks maybe he didn't look so ridiculous after all.

"You can keep dancing if you want," she murmurs, "I just wanted you for a moment."

"I always want you for a moment," he says, and runs his fingers through her hair and gives her a quick, unshowy kiss. "We should probably circulate anyway. Let them get some pictures of us together. Talk to some people."

"I'll try not to be inappropriate," she says, and Kris laughs because if there's one thing Katy always is, it's appropriate for the occasion. It's a skill of hers that Kris has relied on many times in the past, because get a drink or two into him and Kris isn't always appropriate. Though sometimes inappropriate is the new appropriate and Kris is starting to enjoy those times.

And so they nurse a couple of drinks and talk to people who'd be slighted if they didn't (Kris has always been the kind of person who tries to get to everyone and make sure they know they're important and valued, but he's never been so conscious of it before) and hold hands by the utterly decadent dessert bar which Katy declares she could not possibly eat anything from. Kris insists on sharing a chocolately something anyway.

All in all it's a good time, and if they don't get as much time with Adam as they'd like, they know exactly who he's going home with later so Kris can't really feel too bad about it. They do both get to sit down with him for a little while and enjoy at least part of a drink, which is more than a lot of people get. Even if they couldn't lean across the table and take his hands into theirs and say the things that they'd like to say to him.

Adam is in high demand, and they're both okay with that. After all, when it was Kris's turn, Kris was in pretty high demand too. Right here and right now Kris is just happy to be hand-in-hand with his wife, to be with her for a little while considering all the times he's had to be away from her lately. He just wishes he could do something for Adam too, to remind him, even more than their little private moments, that it's not always going to be KrisandKaty with Adam alone on the side.

His moment comes out of the blue. He doesn't wait until there are cameras around, it's not a conscious thing, but there are cameras around when Kris hears Adam laugh and say, "Okay, it's not exactly the way I imagined it. In my whole dream version there was someone on my arm who I dipped and kissed and paraded around to show off to everyone. But it's pretty close."

"Well, I don't know about the dipping and parading around," says Kris before he can stop and think about it, fingers still firmly laced with Katy's and carrying her along for the ride, "but I think I can help with the rest."

And his free hand comes around the back of Adam's neck and he tilts his head down and they're kissing. It's hard and fast and only a little wet, but it's definitely an unmistakable kiss. On the lips. With intent. While flashes go off around them.

With Katy there they're probably going to think it's playful, to think it's nothing, but the three of them know better.

Adam is flustered only for a moment, then he says, "You're finally getting the hang of these kinds of parties, Kris," and finds a bit of skin to rub with his thumb while no one's looking at anything but their faces, then lets Kris melt back again with Katy as his publicist leads someone else over to ask him some more questions.

"Well played," says Katy, kissing him behind the ear. "He's always going to remember you did that for him."

"Wish it could be more," says Kris, pulling her closer and wishing for the night to end, for it to be time for Adam to come home with them.

"One of these days," says Katy. "One of these days we'll make that happen. We just have to figure out how."

Matt/Anoop. 1453 words. NC-17. For: lovealwaysliana. Contains: cock rings, facial
Aren't We Naughty

Prompt: Matt/Anoop- The boys go to a sex store together and during their giggly exploration they find a few items they take home and use on each other.

Matt knows the only reason they're even here in the first place is because there's a whole group of them - a couple guys from Matt's band and a couple of girls that Anoop knows, and a friend of Adam's who told them all about Aren't We Naughty in the first place. So seven of them makes it a social outing and not a shopping trip, and Matt can pretend he's not there with intent.

"Come on," he says, tugging on Anoop's shirt as casually as he can. "Over here."

"Should I be worried you know your way around?" says Anoop. "I thought we were just going to stick with the novelty condoms."

"These places are all the same," says Matt. "Tourists stick with the front. The interesting stuff is at the back."

It's clear Anoop thought they were tourists here, was ready to pull things off the shelves and make comments on them with wry detachment, but Matt has other ideas. Not that he doesn't think there's not going to be a fair amount of commentary, too.

"Trying to tell me something?" says Anoop when Matt stops in front of a giant wall of dildos, vibrators and anal plugs. If you can stick it in a hole, it's on that wall somewhere. "Wow, I feel inadequate."

"You," says Matt lowly, "are more than adequate."

"Yeah, ditto," mutters Anoop, though they really aren't doing that yet, and size hasn't been all that relevant. "Okay, that one has a handle. Do I want to know?"

"Use your imagination," says Matt, and if it hadn't been in a box he totally would've tried out the grip on it to see how it felt in his hand. Okay, maybe it was a little aggressive, but aggressive could be fun too.

"I'm too afraid to use my imagination right now," says Anoop.

"They don't call them swords for nothing," says Matt, moving on from the wall of peen and resisting the urge to grab his own sword for emphasis. People have gotten thrown out of places for less.

And okay, maybe he's pushing Anoop's buttons a little, maybe he's pushing him a little, but if they're doing this thing it doesn't have to mean letting everyone know but it does mean actually being sexual together. And sometimes that means trying out new things.

Though maybe he doesn't have to do quite so much nudging as he thought he would, since Anoop is browsing the new set of shelves without any prompting whatsoever.

"I'm not sure I trust something that's called a 'Cosmic Cockring'," said Anoop, snorting and shying away from the box.

"I'm surprised you actually said cock ring," said Matt, pulling it off the rack and checking it out for only a moment before putting it back. "What about a frisky finger?"

"I think you've already got enough of those," said Anoop, but he looks at that one with a little more interest, so Matt puts it on the little mental list he's started, 'Things that Won't Completely Freak Anoop Out'. His interest in the penis pump is less personal and more amused. "I knew a guy in school who had one of these."

"You know about your college friends' sex toys and I'm the queer one?" says Matt.

"Obviously not the only one," mutters Anoop. "We're not actually getting any of these, are we?"

Matt just shrugs. "Would it be so terrible?" he says. "It's only as weird as you make it."

"Well, not the cosmic cock ring," says Anoop after a moment. "I think that's for the advanced class."

"It doesn't look very cosmic anyway," says Matt. He wants to ask Anoop what he does want, but he's not sure he's going to get a straight answer out of him, not right here and now anyway, so he's going to have to guess based on some very subtle clues. "Do you want to help me pick out...?"

Anoop's eyes immediately go to the people they came with, and yeah, none of them exactly know about this thing that Matt and Anoop are doing, but it wouldn't be that much of a stretch for them to guess. It doesn't have to be that big of a deal.

"Surprise me," he says, and Matt plans to do just that.

Matt doesn't actually care what the clerk thinks of what he's just bought; he worries about what people think in restaurants and clubs and on the street, but there's a kind of a code of silence in places like this. Nobody's going to talk about what he bought, not publicly anyway.

And it's worth it to go back to Anoop's tiny apartment with him, push him onto the bed and peel his clothes off and have an impressively large and unmarked bag of goodies to try out. Even if he plans to start small.

"You've got that look on your face," says Anoop. "You're not going to try to tie me up again, are you? I know we said we'd try again one of these days, but--"

"Why do something we've already tried," says Matt, "when there's so much else out there?"

Now that they're alone Anoop's easier again, lacing his fingers behind his head and smiling. He's half hard already and they haven't done anything other than get naked yet. Half hard and reaching down to lazily stroke his cock.

Matt smiles back and hangs a strap of leather in front of his face.

"What the hell's that?"

"Cock ring," says Matt, and snaps it closed to demonstrate. "Not the cosmic kind."

Anoop laughs and rolls his eyes and lets his legs fall open. "Beginner's class," he says. "Yeah, all right. All right."

Matt takes his time, runs his hands up the insides of Anoop's thighs, palms his balls and strokes his cock to full hardness, which doesn't take long. Then when Anoop is distracted, clutching at the bedspread with his head thrown back, Matt snaps it on right around his cock and balls.

Anoop pushes himself up onto his elbows and looks down, his lower lip a little swollen from where he's obviously been biting on it. "Oh," he says quietly, not really surprise just...interest. "That's..."

"Too tight?"

"No, it's good," he says, leaning back again. "It's good."

It is good, and Matt kind of wants to take a picture because it looks pretty amazing too, but that's definitely a picture he wouldn't want making the rounds of the internet. He admires it for a few more moments, then leans in and licks it all the way up. There's the faint taste of new leather in his mouth from where his tongue caught the ring.

"Come on," says Anoop, "You can't...I wanna last."

"You will," says Matt, then presses his hands to Anoop's hips and licks him again. And again. Sucks at the crown and then swallows him, lips pressing hard against the solid flesh. Matt really is into giving head, and Anoop is into getting it, but usually he doesn't manage to last long.

This time is different.

This time Matt licks and sucks at him for ages, strokes him with a tight fist when he needs a moment to rest his jaw, palms his balls and strokes the leather of the cock ring and slips two fingers in just behind to press into the sensitive strip of skin there.

Anoop's breath is coming in short, hard pants now, and when Matt lets Anoop's cock slip from his mouth for a moment he can see the raw, desperate look on his face. He rolls Anoop's balls in his hand and they're tight, pressing against the cock ring, and it's amazing to see how ready he is to come.

"All right," says Matt, blowing cool air over Anoop's cock. "It's coming off now."

He unsnaps the leather and tosses it aside and before he can even get his mouth back on Anoop's cock his balls tighten the rest of the way and his cock throbs and he's coming, all over Matt's mouth and cheek and hair.

Anoop makes noises like he wants to apologize but can't, quite, and Matt is kind of glad he can't. He mouths Anoop's sticky, wilting cock for a moment before kissing his hip and moving away to clean up. He wipes most of it off with his t-shirt, but when he climbs up the bed again, a still-shaky Anoop licks his cheekbone clean.

"Okay," says Anoop when he catches his breath. "I could learn to be into that. I guess maybe I should've paid a little more attention while we were in the store."

"Don't worry," says Matt, "I made sure we have plenty more things to try out."

Adam/Brad, Brad-Kris friendship. 1459 words. PG. For emylina. Gen.

Prompt: Adam and Brad have gotten back together and since Kris is Adam's best friend he feels like he needs to get to know Brad now (and maybe also warn him to not break Adam's heart again). So a Kris/Brad friendship fic with an Adam/Brad relationship in the background.

Kris is one of the only people who knows, which doesn't make him feel special so much as it makes him feel nervous and protective. Adam just doesn't seem to have a great track record with guys, but maybe Kris's perspective is skewed because he found the woman he would later marry when he was sixteen years old and he's never known anything else.

Which is why, when Adam suggests a private dinner, just the four of them, Kris is quick to accept even when it means rescheduling a rehearsal for the second time. He's heard a lot about Brad over the past year or so, but he doesn't really know him, and all things considered he thinks maybe he should.

After all, this is a road that Adam's traveled down before, and last time he found a cliff or a rockslide at the end of it. This time Kris wants to...well, he's not sure where that metaphor's going, but he wants to have Adam's back. That's all he wants.

But then Katy actually gets an audition and can't make it, and Adam ends up being scheduled for a televised interview when someone else cancels, and it looks like the whole thing's a bust until Kris says, "No, no, I'll still go. If Brad wants to."

Adam is already declining when Kris hears another voice in the background, and maybe Brad knows just what's what because a moment later Adam's back on the line saying sure, Brad'll have dinner with just Kris.

And so it goes.

"So the meal's still on Adam," Brad says after he orders the wine. "He says to tell you not to argue, he gave me his credit card and I know how to use it. And I'm faster and smoother than you."

"Hm, we'll see," says Kris. "I'm sneakier than he thinks."

"Coming to dinner with just me is not subtle," says Brad. "Unless you were that hard up for company tonight."

"It was a little late to make other plans," says Kris, though Brad is the type of person who could probably come up with alternate plans in a heartbeat, "but no. I wasn't that hard up."

"Do you want to know what happened?" says Brad. "Is that what the endgame is here?"

Kris shakes his head, and is glad for the wine in his hand that allows him a moment to stall. "It's none of my business," he says. "I know as much as Adam's told me, and I'm not going to ask you to fill in the blanks."

"And if I want to tell you?" says Brad. "It's my story too."

"If you want to tell me," concedes Kris, but Brad doesn't, and a part of Kris is glad he doesn't feel obligated. He wants to know, for his own peace of mind, but at the same time it feels like it would be too antagonistic to ask and the last thing he wants is to set himself up as the antagonist with Brad. Who if nothing else will likely be in the same general social circles as Kris for a long time to come.

It seems a little callous to think of it that way, that Brad might become just a friend again instead of a long-term partner, but Kris doesn't want to get ahead of things here. Adam and Brad have only been dating on the sly again for a couple of months now. He doesn't want to assume he knows where this is going.

Except he's seen Adam with other people and it's clear from day one that Brad is different, and probably always has been.

"The duck is good here," Brad says instead. "Or do you already know that?"

"If you're asking if I've been here before," says Kris, "I haven't. If you're trying to tell me that you have, well, I'd kind of already guessed that. Is it a date spot for you guys?"

"It was," says Brad. "Not this time around, though. Not yet, anyway; I guess tonight it would've been, if all had gone according to plan."

"Not really the sort of place I imagined the two of you going," says Kris, "but I guess I didn't really have much to go on."

"No, I guess you didn't," says Brad, and it could've been catty but it doesn't feel like it is.

Kris doesn't order the duck, and neither does Brad. They both have more wine.

"Katy would probably like this place," says Kris, and not just as an attempt to make conversation. She would, it's the kind of nice place that she liked to go with him, though they wouldn't be seated in the private dining area like this. Then again, it wouldn't be as necessary if it was just him and Katy.

"Is she liking being out in LA?" says Brad. "Long way from home."

"It's not that we don't both love Arkansas," says Kris unapologetically, "but LA's where we both need to be."

"Oh, I know all about that," says Brad. "I never even considered staying in Texas, though. Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Again."

Most people expect Kris to be grateful for a chance to get out of Arkansas, like the only point of its existence is for people to escape from it. It's kind of nice that Brad of all people doesn't.

"I guess people come to LA from all over," says Kris, "and for all kinds of reasons."

"Nah," says Brad. "It's all for the same reason. People come here to make their dreams come true. It's just the dreams that are different."

"So what was yours?" says Kris, and only when it's out of his mouth does he think it might be a little too personal for this early in the evening, but then what is this dinner if not an excuse to get inappropriately personal.

"That's easy," says Brad, giving him a grin that's just a little bit wolfish. "It was my most beloved dream to live somewhere I could be myself. And in LA, my dreams came true."

Kris smiles and raises a glass to that and maybe he never had to leave Arkansas to be himself, but he can appreciate the sentiment. Maybe now more than ever before he understands how that isn't always such an easy option.

"Of course, now I'm working on the dream of fabulous superstardom," says Brad. "That one's taking a little longer."

"It always does," says Kris, and they drink to that one too. He might be joking, but Kris thinks he means it too, in his own way. "Even for Adam."

"Oh, Adam," says Brad. "Adam worked that gorgeous ass off to get where he is. Makes me want to claw the eyes out of anyone who says he's an overnight success because of some show that he didn't even win. No offense."

"None taken," says Kris.

Brad orders them another bottle of wine. And then some tiramisu, which he insists he's only ordering for Kris's benefit and would never order for himself. Kris insists he would never drink so much wine if it weren't for Brad.

"We both made mistakes," says Brad over dessert. "If you want the truth of what happened between us, that's it. We both made mistakes, and we learned from them, and somehow here we are again, older and wiser and hopefully ready to do it right this time."

"I believe you," says Kris.

"And you know," adds Brad, "I really should be the one vetting you as his friend. I'm the one who's been around longer, after all."

"This is true," says Kris. "But I'm an open book."

"You're really not," says Brad, "you just like people to think you are."

"I don't know," says Kris a little cagily. "It's not that the book's not open, it's just got a lot of pages and most people don't know which ones are the more interesting ones."

"Now that, that I can buy," says Brad. "So. Do I get a passing grade?"

"It's not like that," insists Kris. "It's just...look, I know I haven't known him that long, but we've been through a lot together. We've been through a lot of crap together, stuff that we can't even really explain to anyone else because you had to be there. And I just want to see him happy."

"That's all I want too," says Brad. "Sometimes I think I want him to be happy more than I want me to be happy."

Kris is a big fan of love. Kris thinks love is just about the most awesome thing ever. And that right there? That's love.

"Then I think," says Kris, "that we're going to get along just fine."

Adam/Kris. 825 words. PG. For ambroya.

Prompt: Kradam, Adam catches Kris messing with his stuff in their shared bathroom

"You don't want to do that."

Kris freezes right where he is, spray bottle in his hand and looking up to meet Adam's eyes in the bathroom mirror. He wasn't even going to do anything with it, he was just reading the label, but suddenly he feels as guilty as if he'd broken the bottle open and smeared it all over himself. Naked.

"It'll get all over you."

"I was just..." Kris begins, but the only honest way to finish that sentence is 'snooping' and at this point that kind of doesn't need to be said anymore. "Bored."

"Bored enough you'd rather read the back of a bottle of glitter gel than the book you left on your bed?" says Adam, reaching over his shoulder to take the bottle from him and spraying a little on his fingertip, rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger before smearing it on a loose lock of hair, right in front of his eye.

"Bored and curious," amends Kris. "I wasn't going to mess with anything."

He squints at the mirror to see Adam's hair a little more clearly, but he doesn't seem to have put enough on for it to be really visible, not unless the light catches it just right. But then, maybe that's the point.

"I don't care if you mess with my stuff when I'm not around," says Adam, "but glitter's a real bitch to get out of, well, anything. Which you probably have no reason to know, but it's the God's honest truth. That thing explodes on you and you'd better have a glitter-ridden performance lined up this week."

"Probably better in your hands, then," says Kris wryly. "I could probably do with a little glitter, but glitter-ridden, well, that would obviously just be too much."

"Oh, you could probably do with a little glitter, could you?" says Adam, meeting his eyes in the mirror again and looking both delighted and amused. "How quickly they're converted."

Kris looks down at the counter and smiles to himself and thinks about how Adam really has no idea.

"All right then, just a little," says Adam, putting the bottle back on the bathroom counter and reaching past Kris for something else. "Well, that can definitely be arranged."

Kris can't quite see his face now but he can imagine the mischievous look in Adam's eyes as he slides things around on the counter, pressed up close against Kris's back, and finally finds a little pot of something.

"Turn around," he says as he backs away just enough for Kris to do that. "I'll make you beautiful."

Kris turns around slowly, carefully, finally leaning back against the bathroom counter and looking up at Adam with complete trust. "Remember," he says, smiling just a little, "it needs to come off after. Your rules."

"Oh, my rules," says Adam, laughing quietly, and Kris realizes it's some kind of lip gloss he's got in his hand, which considering the breadth of products on the bathroom counter is probably one of the more innocuous of the bunch.

It all happens kind of fast. Adam is laughing and Kris is grinning at him and then Adam's finger is on his lips, tracing them, spreading gloss flecked with silver glitter over them. Kris holds still, lips parted and eyes wide as he does.

Once he's finished, once Kris's lips are glossy and glittery, Adam's finger hovers just above Kris's lower lip and he looks oddly stricken.

"Okay, that was inappropriate," he says finally, though he can't seem to pull his hand away. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," says Kris, pressing his lips together to smear it evenly and making no other move. "I didn't stop you."

"I didn't really let yo--"

"Adam," says Kris. "I didn't stop you." And if he stretches his tongue out as far as it can go, he's pretty sure he can flick the tip of Adam's finger with it.

He does.

Adam's mouth forms an "oh," but he doesn't say it, just pauses for a single moment longer then his hand drops and he swoops in and they're kissing, and Kris wasn't even aiming for that but oh, he wants it, he wants it so much he pants into Adam's mouth, and if Adam dares to say anything about being inappropriate again Kris knows just what to tell him.

I didn't stop you.

"Kris, I...." Adam says, his own lips smeared crookedly with glittery gloss now.

"I know what I’m doing," says Kris. There are a lot of things he doesn't know about when it comes to this but here, now, this kiss...he knows what he's doing. And he knows what he wants. "As long as you do."

"I have no idea what I'm doing," says Adam with a breathy laugh, "but I'm not sorry we're doing it. If you're sure."

"I know people think I'm a pushover," says Kris, "but I don't do anything I don't want to do."

american idol fic, fic, ficlets, rating: adult

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