Title: Time And Again
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Rating: 15+
Characters: Adama/Roslin
Warnings: Non-graphic sex, Swearing, Dub-Con
Please Don't Feed The Fictional CharactersSummary: World's change, but they remain.
Author's Note: Because it's technically Wednesday and that's when it was due. And just a note, I've decided to forego 'frak'
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Comments 40
Woah. Am glad this is actually being well received. You gals are so rock-on.
Of all that shifts and shuffles, what they are, what they become, remains constant.
Very intriguing idea (and I love the alliteration of "shifts and shuffles")--that their specific roles may change (and change and change), but their essential selves do not. It sounds like none of these million and one existences is happy, exactly, and that's a bit rough on those of us who would wish that for them once in a while! But it's the tragic stories that really stay with us, so I know I'll remember this one for a long time.
Thanks so much for taking the plunge. I knew you could do it! And btw, with a little practice, you'll look back on this and see how you could easily have told the tale in 300 words. It gets easier to pare the words down, really and truly! :-D
Damn straight.
I imagine that there may have been one happy existence. I just can't picture it. Bill and Laura always make me get my angst on, and that's a big part of why I love them.
... Practice? As in ... do it again?! Even if I do - I can practically hear aussie's thoughts right now - I imagine I'll always use as many words as I'm allowed. I'm just not concise-savvy.
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