Baby/OB stuff

Apr 08, 2011 12:30

Yesterday morning I woke up a little late and texted my supervisor to let her know I'd be about 45 minutes late to work. I actually got ready faster than I planned and probably would've only been about 30 minutes late except that when I got into my car to leave, it wouldn't start. The lights and stereo all worked but turning the key in the ignition ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

i_come_undone April 8 2011, 17:49:34 UTC
Mary was on the verge of being induced as well. She walked - a LOT - and used Evening Primrose oil. And 2 days before they said they would have HAD to induce her, poof! Labor!

I'll keep my fingers crossed that things start naturally for you!


circe811 April 8 2011, 18:10:06 UTC
I've been walking--heard good things about EPO but that's primarily to ripen your cervix and I'm already 80% effaced so, I don't know that it would do me any good. If I could get this LO to drop, i think I'd start on my own from the pressure on my already dilated cervix. I just can't seem to convince him to drop! LoL


anonymous April 8 2011, 18:10:05 UTC
I went into labor the day I took Baz to the vet. Contractions during a vet appointment were lovely. So my advice on a natural way to induce labor? Book yourself like crazy. Make car appointments, make vet appointments, make appointments to get family pictures done, make an appointment with a realtor even though you don't need one, make a weekend get away trip plan and then make a dinner/movie date because if you pretend like you don't have time to have a baby he will get all mad and be like "I'm comin' out bitches!"


circe811 April 8 2011, 18:13:25 UTC
LoL. Love this.

We do have plans with friends this evening and Saturday evening and an appointment on Sunday to go do a second look at a venue we're renting for our fall event. We also have Savannah tonight and she goes back to her Mom's Saturday morning so that would also be a really inconvenient time to go into labor since we'd have to find a way to get her back to her Mom on time and I doubt she'd be too happy if we returned her late due to me being in labor. Just a guess since she doesn't like me...

Think any of that will suffice? Let's hope so!


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